All violent video games to be banned in Germany
All violent video games to be banned in Germany
alli can say is wow so germans cant play wow or guildwars soon anymore. does this mean we take there servers down too lol.
alli can say is wow so germans cant play wow or guildwars soon anymore. does this mean we take there servers down too lol.
Joe Hostile
Ouch. That's a huge market.
"Violent games lower the inhibition level for real violence and spree killers always played such games before they did the crime." |
They need to ban Chess as well, you know, the game where you kill the enemy pieces resembling humans soldiers? Oh, and also don't forget to ban Risk.
Hanging Man
That's ridiculous
I read this article in Gameamp [god bless] and they showed a few games that were banned in several countries.
Apparently Wolfestein was banned for using the Nazi Flag in Germany.
And Pokemon is banned in Jerusalem for Jewish references
I read this article in Gameamp [god bless] and they showed a few games that were banned in several countries.
Apparently Wolfestein was banned for using the Nazi Flag in Germany.
And Pokemon is banned in Jerusalem for Jewish references
What a load of poop. I dont kill people because I play video games, I kill them because this one time, I watched a film called Saw, and it looked like fun to try that on people in real life.
They need to ban Chess as well, you know, the game where you kill the enemy pieces resembling humans soldiers? Oh, and also don't forget to ban Risk. |
What about people who went on killing sprees before video games even existed? What do they want to blame that on?
Also, it's false that "spree killers always played such games before they did the crime." Same with the claim that it lowers the inhibitions towards real violence - there is not, to my knowledge, a single credible study done that points to any sort of conclusion along those lines. And even so, correlation != causation.
Violent games only push people towards violence if 1) they already had the idea in their head and 2) if they are unable to differentiate between fantasy and reality. Basically, it's only going to have an effect if they are too young to know better or to realize the consequences of their actions (in which case, they shouldn't be playing violent games anyway), or they already have some fairly serious mental issues.
But the vast majority of people are not going to go "Well, beating up hookers in GTA is fun. Let's go grab a bat and do it for real!", because they know that it is a bad idea and that games are not real.
The key word is "realistically." With WoW and GW, everything respawns, nobody and nothing is killed, certainly not "realistically." Not even in PvP.
If this becomes law at all in the first place, it will become a nightmare circus of lawyers arguing the fine points.
I myself wish that the focus of games could be on something other than just shooting something or chopping it up. Maybe this will at least stimulate some fresh thinking from game designers.
If this becomes law at all in the first place, it will become a nightmare circus of lawyers arguing the fine points.
I myself wish that the focus of games could be on something other than just shooting something or chopping it up. Maybe this will at least stimulate some fresh thinking from game designers.
Shemsu Anpw
Very Silly. Someone took an overdose of their stupid pills (German Goverment).
If memory serves me well they already 'banned' or rather 'tried to ban' violent games and not only in Germany but also in USA. Anyway, we need to stop this brainwashing political correctness - the sooner the better. Dead nazi is just as bad as dead briton or american ... history between 39 and 45 is not going to magically disappear even if you ban a mention about that period over school history books (sic!).
The key word is "realistically." With WoW and GW, everything respawns, nobody and nothing is killed, certainly not "realistically." Not even in PvP.
If this becomes law at all in the first place, it will become a nightmare circus of lawyers arguing the fine points. I myself wish that the focus of games could be on something other than just shooting something or chopping it up. Maybe this will at least stimulate some fresh thinking from game designers. |
Joe Hostile
Seems to just be politics and someone making a statement. *shrugs*
I wonder whatever happened to taking responsibility for what you do?
Instead of it was my mommy, my upbringing, my twinkies, my video games
So the door keeps opening on the book "1984" Soon in the interest of taking care of us poor sods they will tell you how to think,they try now, what to play, what to eat. OH
that's happening now 
Instead of it was my mommy, my upbringing, my twinkies, my video games

So the door keeps opening on the book "1984" Soon in the interest of taking care of us poor sods they will tell you how to think,they try now, what to play, what to eat. OH

Apparently Wolfestein was banned for using the Nazi Flag in Germany.
The arguments used by people supporting bans on videogames are often completely ludicrous. Of course, it's silly to outright say they have absolutely no effect because we honestly do not know.
Anyone know if Jack Thompson has moved to Germany?
This is amazing, I mean, I can't seem to think of any violent people in German history before Video Games were around.
wilebill, be careful what you ask for. The alternative is this: Designing a game about your "first time" This is considered innovative and fresh thinking.

This is such irony.
btw.What about Steam?
btw.What about Steam?
Joe Hostile
AHAAA i just spent half an hour writing a fake newspaper report on violence in video games for my college assignment. This is quite funny
I have a brilliant idea, let's rewrite history and remove the Hitler with a magic rubber along with second world war and communism! That way game developers won't be banned for using nazi symbols since they will be creating fiction!
Gamer stereotypes much? *facepalm.
This has already been brought up on the "Broken Toys" blog by Scott Jennings. And I wonder, it somehow became a very popular topic in the US.
"Killer Games" are a topic that always gets warmed up before elections and after massacres. It is usually frowned upon by people below 40, and not all above that age are that opposed to violence in computer games. Basically, it is something like nipples and sex on TV in America.
So far the proposal never made it, despite several attempts.
WoW and Guild Wars by the way do not belong to the category. The so called "killer games" are restricted to the FPS shooter genre. Wolfenstein was not banned because of being a shooter but for displaying the original Nazi flag, which is still prohibited in Germany.
"Killer Games" are a topic that always gets warmed up before elections and after massacres. It is usually frowned upon by people below 40, and not all above that age are that opposed to violence in computer games. Basically, it is something like nipples and sex on TV in America.
So far the proposal never made it, despite several attempts.
WoW and Guild Wars by the way do not belong to the category. The so called "killer games" are restricted to the FPS shooter genre. Wolfenstein was not banned because of being a shooter but for displaying the original Nazi flag, which is still prohibited in Germany.
I meant does Steam gonna obey that law,and what about using a proxy on Steam?
Closing your eyes and screaming "NAZI IS EVIL!!!!!" isnt gonna change a thing,so banning games because of that is retarded.
Closing your eyes and screaming "NAZI IS EVIL!!!!!" isnt gonna change a thing,so banning games because of that is retarded.
Steam can block and alter available content to certain regions. How else do you think they deal with regional restrictions and vaired release dates?
Btw, America had that stupid period of prohibition, maybe something similar happens in Germany now, too? If that's the case it's living history and it's up to the citizens to overthrow the stupid ban if it takes place. All in all, stupid ideas usually never lived too long in democratic societies.
Democracy doesnt exist.
It does as long as the ruling authorities are liberals. Usually most stupid ideas that passed it through congress table were a source of corruption, I fail to see how german government would make any money from this ban. Actually, quite the opposite. Rephrasing - idealistic ideas have no chance without a profit to pass the table and that's the case in here. Period.
PS. You will be probably the first one to protest anyway if such ban takes place
PS. You will be probably the first one to protest anyway if such ban takes place
Sounds like a good time to leave the country as things just keep going more and more to hell, something I'm sure Hitler wanted to begin with.
I've no clue how imports are handled over there, can you still order them or will they get confiscated?
I've no clue how imports are handled over there, can you still order them or will they get confiscated?
It does as long as the ruling authorities are liberals. Usually most stupid ideas that passed it through congress table were a source of corruption, I fail to see how german government would make any money from this ban. Actually, quite the opposite. Rephrasing - idealistic ideas have no chance without a profit to pass the table and that's the case in here. Period.
PS. You will be probably the first one to protest anyway if such ban takes place |
I am like Manowar.

I'll go back to playing postal 2, afk!
I blame on left wing party. As I heard that right wing party won majority vote in EU, I'm sure right wing party will overturns this absurd banned violent games.
The US Congress and Senators tried to ban Doom because Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris played Doom almost everyday and ended up tragedy shooting at Columbine High School.
Hillary Clinton tried to ban GTA because she believed that GTA crime went skyrocketed because of GTA game.
The research found that playing violent games help to reduce aggression to violent.
The US Congress and Senators tried to ban Doom because Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris played Doom almost everyday and ended up tragedy shooting at Columbine High School.
Hillary Clinton tried to ban GTA because she believed that GTA crime went skyrocketed because of GTA game.
The research found that playing violent games help to reduce aggression to violent.
Sweet, no more German hackers in my CoD4.
I have a brilliant idea, let's rewrite history and remove the Hitler with a magic rubber along with second world war and communism! That way game developers won't be banned for using nazi symbols since they will be creating fiction!
The whole thing is ridiculous, countries scapegoat films and video games because if you can explain a crime it's much less frightening when something can be justified, regardless of how it is justified.
Everyone, I do have to issue a warning that despite the connection and how you can't really have one without the other type of discussion, politics is not to be discussed. It derails the thread and will ultimately just lead to its closure as it's a heated topic.
I'm sorry but as a person living in israel, it's not true at all, first thing pokemon has no jewish references (I don't count myself as a jew but I have learned stuff about it) as well as you can't ban something stricly in jerusalem, jerusalem is a city, not a country of its own, its like banning something only in california, and not in the entire state, and a few years ago when there was the big worldwide pokemon buzz, it was huge here in israel as well, and on top of that, jerusalem usually is a pretty hated city around here, since it has a huge religious community which does nothing but harm. (most of the residents of israel aren't religious by the way, some of them count themselves as jews for cultural reasons, but most people aren't religious at all)
Nihilim Dhiamara
That's just redicoulous, the talk about every person who commits a murder plays video games, but do you hear something about al the people who play em and don't do anything?...
I would find it hard to believe this will be implemented. Maybe a strict age limitation. Anyway if it does happen I smell a major Road trip To Austria? Internet coffee houses on the borders will make a killing

[email protected] and how it reflects todays society. I don't go out and kill people with my crossbow because of guildwars, I do it for my insane love of sharpies which I'm sure everyone can relate to. That and toast...
Having said that, bring crossbows and massive sharpies to gw.
Having said that, bring crossbows and massive sharpies to gw.
So, can a German person still order a game online (eg. Guild Wars via Play NC store) and play it, or will that be prohibited too?
Oh wow, not another one of these 'threats'.
If at all remotely true and if indeed it will happen, people will just play on 'Black Market' servers.
Try and enforce something stupid (like this) and a work-around will always be found (and used).
If at all remotely true and if indeed it will happen, people will just play on 'Black Market' servers.
Try and enforce something stupid (like this) and a work-around will always be found (and used).
I suspect that ban means one cannot buy or sell the affected games. I do not think it will make owning or playing said games illegal.