Originally Posted by MrTickle
I do my job very well thank you very much
What doesn't help is all these do-gooder people who try to butt into your life telling you how to raise your kids! taking all the powers away from them so they can do jack.... And i'm not condoning violence either... but a smack on my bum was enough to deter me from displeasing my parents. I personally take away privileges for a while which works a treat
Although it is true that SOME parents don't give a shit and let their kids run riot & beat up defenseless old people in their own homes! don't lump me (or other good parents that frequent this forums) in with them... OK?
I didn't say you specifically, now did I?
I too am a parent and I think I do a fine job of raising my son. I don't let him run wild, I have no issues swatting his azz when he'd done wrong, and yet at the same time he's not a mindless, obedient puppy either.
I'm not saying
all parents are bad at being parents, but you have to admit that a lot of the issues we have today are because a good majority of them don't know how (or don't want) to be parents. I realize that there are still good parents out there, and those people know who they are. Many of them agree in the same line of thought (especially older parents) as me. I've noticed no one else has raised a ruckus about how I phrased that though....so, feeling guilty about something?
I agree, to a point, that people shouldn't butt in a tell you how to raise your children. In some cases if you just completely aren't doing your job, then yeah some authority should step in....but there is a large difference between disciplining you child vs neglecting or abusing your child.
Parents should not be afraid to discipline their children, which is what I essentially said in my previous post. If people did, we wouldn't be having the issues we're having today....with the school shootings, etc.
As I have previously stated, and will expound upon, violence has been around forever. Guns have been around for a looooooooong time, and they used to be
easier to get then they are today. However, there is much less discipline today, and we're honestly teaching our children less and less about respect. This is why we have as many issues in today's society as we do. Therefore the blame lies with the parents that aren't stepping up to the plate and doing their jobs.
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
video games have nevertheless been tied persuasively (not conclusively) to certain accounts of violence, notably the notorious school shootings.
GTA has influenced a few (depending on your views, a few may be too many) acts of violence, with impressionable adolescents reenacting in real life what they'd done thousands of times.
And it was argued persuasively that eggs were bad for you. High cholesterol and all....then we found out that hey, if you eat the whole damn egg it balances itself out.
It's argued that the sun causes cancer, but its how the human body naturally produces Vitamin D, which is healthier than ingesting it via other means.
The list goes on and on. We've been wrong before, we've blown things out of proportion before. People can spin facts any way they want to make their goal seem more appealing or plausible or to make their argument seem stronger.
Originally Posted by Snow Bunny
you cannot deny that many games out there transmit sentiments to their impressionable audiences that aren't quite healthy.
Chocolate is a poison, ingest to much of it an you'll kill yourself. However, in moderation it's healthy because of the antioxidants in it.
Alcohol is also a poison, again ingest too much of it and you'll kill yourself. Again, in moderation, it's healthy. Good for the heart and the circulatory system.
Smoking is terrible, yet it's legal, and the ads are extremely impressionable on adolescents, but they are allowed.
Have you seen the affect of magazines like Cosmo and Metropolitan on young girls? Yet this is allowed.
The key here is everything in moderation. Even things that are healthy for you can have an adverse affect if not taken in moderation. Parents have to step in a set limits for their children. They have to teach their children the difference between reality and fantasy and they need to impress upon them how terrible real life violence really is. They need to teach their children about the responsibilities of their actions, and about respect for themselves as well as others. However, many of them aren't and that's where the real issue lies.