Originally Posted by Michael805
A strawman argument would be that sins can't use daggers while holding an item, so they're balanced. We're both talking about rit's holding items and their effects on energy.
Having the ability to hold an item and gain energy from them because of an attribute (or just because someone was feeling generous), rather than the skill, should not happen. Items are treated as weapon sets in themselves. At the moment they are in line with other weapon sets. What you're wanting to do is basically combine multiple weapon sets into one. While holding PwK, you would have the equivalent to a shield set (minus the health, but more armor) and a caster set in one, along with a party heal. Obviously a lot of the item spells can't be interpreted like this, but they don't see use now anyway.
Lore is retarded. Anything that takes lore into serious consideration is also.
Your strawman was in suggesting people wanted to get "like 40 energy" for summoning a pot, which no-one has. 40 is clearly ridiculous, while a figure that is potentially less then the energy you forfeit by summoning the pot is not so ridiculous.
Even ignoring the fact that PwK is one of the few item spells that does get used and even then it's more for the party heal than the armour bonus, let's consider it. Instead of using PwK, the Ritualist could be using an offhand with the Ignorance is Bliss inscription and a spear with the Defense inscription. That gives said Ritualist the SAME oh-so-valuable armour bonus that PwK provides. This armour bonus is also combined with a net +7 energy from the offhand, whatever benefit the focus core grants, whatever benefit the spear inscription grants (which could be I Have The Power to bring net energy back to +12 - and on a caster, probably WILL be), and whatever benefit the spearhead grants. Oh, and the ritualist can also
attack with the spear. Won't do much damage without investment of points, but it's there - and the suggestion here requires investment of attribute points in Spawning Power.
Now, take PwK with, say, 12 Spawning Power under the suggestion. What does that give you? 10 armour and 12 energy. The spear/offhand set can match that easily, while still giving the benefit from the spearhead, the focus core, and whatever token damage throwing the spear gives. On the other hand, PwK
costs you the energy it cost to summon it and a skill slot. On an analysis of the benefits of carrying PwK versus a regular weapon/offhand set with appropriate mods, the weapon/offhand set wins every time.
Of course, this argument ignores the fact that most pots, including PwK,
aren't intended to act as a substitute for a weapon/offhand set. Instead, many of them act as a kind of 'stored spell' - they may provide some small benefit while carried to compensate for the loss of the weapon/offhand set, but the main payoff comes when the bundle is dropped and the spell effect goes off.
This is where the real argument against the idea comes from - that the loss of energy is the cost of being able to 'hold' the spell, not that the benefits of holding the pot come anything
near the benefits of a well-chosen weapon/offhand set.
Your argument might apply better to some of those pots that
are designed to be held rather than stored and dropped - but apart from VwK farming, who uses them? Maybe to trigger effects conditional on carrying an item, but believe me, in those cases, the pot is a price you pay to get the conditional effect, not a benefit in and of itself (and even then, builds doing this tend to be sub-par in my experience). Possibly because few if any of them are worth the cost of losing the benefits from your weapon and offhand to use, let alone the energy and skill slot it takes to use them?
A fairly simple analysis can show that even
with this proposed bonus, many pots still actually come up deficient compared to a good staff or weapon/offhand set that doesn't cost energy or a skill slot to bring. The fact that, on the whole, pots AREN'T used should, furthermore, be an indication that perhaps they could use a boost.
As for the lore thing: You started it, by asking how a pot could "magically" give energy. I simply answered your question, but if you want it summarised: Maaaaa-giiiiic. *wiggles fingers*