Least favourite class and why
Nefariuos Shadow
title says it all. personally I'd say my least favorite class is the Dervish beacause there is sooooo many of them.

Parson Brown
1. The only profession I don't have (deleted for a perma-pre).
2. I don't like melee very much.
3. Maintaining enchants in melee feels like a chore to me.
4. Dresses
1. The only profession I don't have (deleted for a perma-pre).
2. I don't like melee very much.
3. Maintaining enchants in melee feels like a chore to me.
4. Dresses
can't do it and so hard to find a good one :P
can't do it and so hard to find a good one :P
Ebony Shadowheart
Paragon (males) - hello man in a short skirt. They just seem so....gay. I honestly have nothing against gay guys, but damn, paragons just rank up there on my list of things that shouldn't be. Anet give them some pants! (and maybe remove the nipples from their armor).
Beyond that, I think I'm good. I've built 2 characters of every profession and there isn't really one that I 'hate', but I admit that there are a few that I'm not very good with (yet).
Beyond that, I think I'm good. I've built 2 characters of every profession and there isn't really one that I 'hate', but I admit that there are a few that I'm not very good with (yet).
I carnt say i have a Least favorite but there is two dont like playing on much
Derv and para i just cba with the grind on Sunspear needed to advance them on NF ill play Fact, EOTN and proph with then but not NF (will do possibly when if finish all the games with my other 9 chars)
Derv and para i just cba with the grind on Sunspear needed to advance them on NF ill play Fact, EOTN and proph with then but not NF (will do possibly when if finish all the games with my other 9 chars)
Paragons, they have 1 worthwhile build and it is an amazingly OP one. Also the men wear skirts and have nipples on their armor, where are the nipples on the female armor I ask?
English Warrior
Para's because they are boring too play.
Although they are obscenely gorgeous and have stunning outfits - I just can't be bothered to play one.
Although they are obscenely gorgeous and have stunning outfits - I just can't be bothered to play one.
Paragon (males) - hello man in a short skirt. They just seem so....gay. I honestly have nothing against gay guys, but damn, paragons just rank up there on my list of things that shouldn't be. Anet give them some pants! (and maybe remove the nipples from their armor).
been to scotland recently?

* Besides RoJ, smiting still sucks. So H/Hing with a smiting monk pretty much consists mostly of waiting for RoJ to recharge.
* Protbotting for H/H is about as mind-numbingly boring as a game gets without being an "educational" game for studying American History (Oregon Trail, how I miss thee!)
* Redbarring H/H is even worse.
* Doing either of the above for a human team sucks too, because no matter what goes wrong, it's your fault. Ranger C-spaces wrong and ends up barraging a second group, healers and all, that jumps the team from behind? Monk's fault. Sassy uses Viper's defense wrong and draws the titan boss? Monk's fault. Warrior decides to go caster-hunting leaving 8 meatballs^WMadness Titans to spank the team? Monk's fault.
* Besides RoJ, smiting still sucks. So H/Hing with a smiting monk pretty much consists mostly of waiting for RoJ to recharge.
* Protbotting for H/H is about as mind-numbingly boring as a game gets without being an "educational" game for studying American History (Oregon Trail, how I miss thee!)
* Redbarring H/H is even worse.
* Doing either of the above for a human team sucks too, because no matter what goes wrong, it's your fault. Ranger C-spaces wrong and ends up barraging a second group, healers and all, that jumps the team from behind? Monk's fault. Sassy uses Viper's defense wrong and draws the titan boss? Monk's fault. Warrior decides to go caster-hunting leaving 8 meatballs^WMadness Titans to spank the team? Monk's fault.
Voodoo Rage
Dervish - too conservative of an outfit. I want whorish armor, sorry.
Warriors, I only know like one or two who actually knows how to play the class well and can manage tank/damage dealer/cookie cutter/supporter without any problems whatsoever.
Its a hard class to learn Well, and most people only get to the stage where they make minimum damage and rely on the monk to keep them alive instead of thinking smart.
Its a hard class to learn Well, and most people only get to the stage where they make minimum damage and rely on the monk to keep them alive instead of thinking smart.
False Maria
Any melee. I have a Warrior, Dervish and Assassin but I almost never play them. Melee is just too much of a confusion to do anything (It's realistic, I know. Whatever).
I also don't like rangers at all. I've never even made one but the way their skills function, their so-so armor and the blandness of bows makes them very unattractive to play.
I also don't like rangers at all. I've never even made one but the way their skills function, their so-so armor and the blandness of bows makes them very unattractive to play.
Dervish,the true Wammo.
While you are casting your enchantments,the fight is over!
While you are casting your enchantments,the fight is over!

dervish for pve - casting enchants while doing melee is just...annoying.
mesmer for pvp - nothing against the class, i just suck at interrupting.
mesmer for pvp - nothing against the class, i just suck at interrupting.
I can't stand playing Warrior. The only reason I have one is because it's my perma-pre character and I can't be bothered to delete her and restart her as a different profession.
I'm also not a fan of Necromancers, though I'll admit that that's mostly because most Necros I see are rather...not good-looking. It's like the developers went "well, they run around with undead minions and stuff, so let's make them butt-ugly as well". I did just make one yesterday in Factions to prove to myself it's possible to make a cute one :P
And I'm not a fan of Monk because pure support bores me. I like to cause damage. Not heal it.
I'm also not a fan of Necromancers, though I'll admit that that's mostly because most Necros I see are rather...not good-looking. It's like the developers went "well, they run around with undead minions and stuff, so let's make them butt-ugly as well". I did just make one yesterday in Factions to prove to myself it's possible to make a cute one :P
And I'm not a fan of Monk because pure support bores me. I like to cause damage. Not heal it.
Ebony Shadowheart
There is a difference between a 'skirt' and a 'kilt.' Not much, but there is.
Kilts represent family colors, used to be decorated with furs, trinkets, etc. They are mainly worn only for formal occasions in modern society, although there are some popular informal options out there.
That being said, kilts are still longer than most of the male paragon leggings. Not to mention that paragons are obviously not Scottish and their leggings look nothing like kilts. Many of them are far too frilly to be masculine.
Kilts represent family colors, used to be decorated with furs, trinkets, etc. They are mainly worn only for formal occasions in modern society, although there are some popular informal options out there.
That being said, kilts are still longer than most of the male paragon leggings. Not to mention that paragons are obviously not Scottish and their leggings look nothing like kilts. Many of them are far too frilly to be masculine.
Seraphim Angel
Oher professions can use a scythe better then they can.
Oher professions can use a scythe better then they can.
Sarevok Thordin
Mesmer for me personally, I can't be bothered learning that style of gameplay.
Nothing against them, I just don't like to PLAY them.
Nothing against them, I just don't like to PLAY them.
Fallen SeraphiM
paragon.....as said above,just so freakin gay...i could look at male in skirt but ffs i cant get over short chest pieces,for why we need retarded characters in game also....
Rit (just made one on my 2nd account so i think it'll take ages to get through all chapters)
Dervish (if I want wtfpwn with a scythe I grab my A/D)
Dervish (if I want wtfpwn with a scythe I grab my A/D)
Ryssul Sylverhart
I'm going to have to go with Dervish.
I've experimented with every class, but just something about the Dervish bores me to tears every time I try to play as one. I can't put my finger on it. I feel as if there's no unff to the class to make them stand out or fun to play. It's a shame, because I love their armor.
My second least favorite class would be Elementalist. Like the Dervish, I just find them incredibly boring to play and I don't know why.
I've experimented with every class, but just something about the Dervish bores me to tears every time I try to play as one. I can't put my finger on it. I feel as if there's no unff to the class to make them stand out or fun to play. It's a shame, because I love their armor.
My second least favorite class would be Elementalist. Like the Dervish, I just find them incredibly boring to play and I don't know why.
At this particular moment?
I'm going to have to say Paragon.
Reason being is I just can't find a good build that suits me.
I'll admit I haven't made many attempts at it, but the outcome looks rather bleak.
That's why there's a lack of enthusiasm with it.
Everyone else plays dervish better than a real dervish.
I'm going to have to say Paragon.
Reason being is I just can't find a good build that suits me.
I'll admit I haven't made many attempts at it, but the outcome looks rather bleak.
I'm going to have to go with Dervish.
I've experimented with every class, but just something about the Dervish bores me to tears every time I try to play as one. I can't put my finger on it. I feel as if there's no unff to the class to make them stand out or fun to play. |
Everyone else plays dervish better than a real dervish.
Nereyda Shoaal
Assa. Most of them are DP collectors (in PvE that is)
As a matter of fact when in PUG I refuse to have those in the party
As a matter of fact when in PUG I refuse to have those in the party
Assassin armor, retarded weapon, and casting enchantments while in a fight is not fun.
Assassin armor, retarded weapon, and casting enchantments while in a fight is not fun.
I really haven't tried many professions since I'm new and don't like to relearn muscle memory and new skills, but..
Ranger. Every time I attempt to play one I fail miserably. I have this huge "?" over my head the whole time, they have 4/5 types of bows that I don't want to deal with, troll ugungent is asking to be interrupted, spirits affect you and others. And pets are annoying to micromanage and die way too easy, plus I have to waste Charm Animal AND a Pet Rez since it doesn't double as one.
Assassin... I have yet to play one that much, but the whole 12345678 thing wouldn't be fun.
Mesmer KINDA. I play it 24/7 and like to play them but they have a lot of useless skills IMO and I just suck at interrupting still. Maybe if it was stance speed and not ~1/6 to break though lag.
Ritualists. I love them so much but they are annoying to play. Spirits still suck horribly in PvP and their damage is low as hell and lightning typed to add insult to injury. I've played them as a healer but that is a one trick pony. So while I'd like to play them, until they can get a good primary attribute (something that smooths out their jack of all trades, master of none problem), I can't justify playing them.
I love ugly/deranged/weird looking characters lol. I'd do them more often but it's a one time thing which I hate.
I think it's funny how girls in games are supposed to be super sexy and such but then they try to do it to Paragon Males and everybody is offended lol.
Ranger. Every time I attempt to play one I fail miserably. I have this huge "?" over my head the whole time, they have 4/5 types of bows that I don't want to deal with, troll ugungent is asking to be interrupted, spirits affect you and others. And pets are annoying to micromanage and die way too easy, plus I have to waste Charm Animal AND a Pet Rez since it doesn't double as one.
Assassin... I have yet to play one that much, but the whole 12345678 thing wouldn't be fun.
Mesmer KINDA. I play it 24/7 and like to play them but they have a lot of useless skills IMO and I just suck at interrupting still. Maybe if it was stance speed and not ~1/6 to break though lag.
Ritualists. I love them so much but they are annoying to play. Spirits still suck horribly in PvP and their damage is low as hell and lightning typed to add insult to injury. I've played them as a healer but that is a one trick pony. So while I'd like to play them, until they can get a good primary attribute (something that smooths out their jack of all trades, master of none problem), I can't justify playing them.
It's like the developers went "well, they run around with undead minions and stuff, so let's make them butt-ugly as well". I did just make one yesterday in Factions to prove to myself it's possible to make a cute one :P
I think it's funny how girls in games are supposed to be super sexy and such but then they try to do it to Paragon Males and everybody is offended lol.
Dervish :\
I have a character of each profession, and i love playing them all except for my dervish. Both in PvE and PvP. He's a mule.
Because mysticism is poop, their energy management is poop, in pve a warrior is better with a scythe, and in pvp an assassin is better with a scythe.
I mean even their PvE armor sucks, in my book dervishes have nothing going for them atm.
I have a character of each profession, and i love playing them all except for my dervish. Both in PvE and PvP. He's a mule.
Because mysticism is poop, their energy management is poop, in pve a warrior is better with a scythe, and in pvp an assassin is better with a scythe.
I mean even their PvE armor sucks, in my book dervishes have nothing going for them atm.
I'll go with Dervish also. I got mine through Nightfall and half of Factions, but there she sits. Most boring class I have tried.
Not that it's a bad class, I just can't interrupt. At all.
Not that it's a bad class, I just can't interrupt. At all.
rit i hate placing lame ass spirits...
Warriors, theyre ugly and not even in the good manly ugly kind of way (and i dislike melee)
I hate having a class you have to have in your party. Maybe it's because nobody wanted to play a Cleric in my D&D group, so it was always me.
Whatever the reason, I hate the concept of Monks so much, the only one I ever made is stuck in pre-searing.
Which is bad for me, because I missed out on all the early farming builds, but whatever.
(Note, this is nothing against Monk players who have to be the most patient and generous of all Guild Wars players to put up with the crap some people give them. I don't hate Monks as players, I just hate the concept of a "healer" class).
I hate having a class you have to have in your party. Maybe it's because nobody wanted to play a Cleric in my D&D group, so it was always me.
Whatever the reason, I hate the concept of Monks so much, the only one I ever made is stuck in pre-searing.
Which is bad for me, because I missed out on all the early farming builds, but whatever.
(Note, this is nothing against Monk players who have to be the most patient and generous of all Guild Wars players to put up with the crap some people give them. I don't hate Monks as players, I just hate the concept of a "healer" class).
Pip Squeak
My first of least favs would be Paragon.
-I have a hard time playing characters with 2 pips of energy regen, even with adrenaline.
-Have a hard time finding groups and can usually be replaced with something else that does their job better.
-Not many good builds other than imbagon.
-Can't farm
-Just boring....
Unfortunately the same with Dervs. My derv used to be my main until i discovered monks and rits; then she just collected dust. After a while I decided to delete her
Couldn't agree with this more. I love paragon and derv armor, especially female paragon deldrimor armor
-I have a hard time playing characters with 2 pips of energy regen, even with adrenaline.
-Have a hard time finding groups and can usually be replaced with something else that does their job better.
-Not many good builds other than imbagon.
-Can't farm
-Just boring....
Unfortunately the same with Dervs. My derv used to be my main until i discovered monks and rits; then she just collected dust. After a while I decided to delete her

I'm going to have to go with Dervish. I've experimented with every class, but just something about the Dervish bores me to tears every time I try to play as one. I can't put my finger on it. I feel as if there's no unff to the class to make them stand out or fun to play. It's a shame, because I love their armor. |

Archress Shayleigh
I can NEVER get myself to start a monk because it's so goddamn boring to play one in PvE! If you aren't healing (which I find the most boring thing to do in GW) you wait for RoJ to recharge and it's really annoying. I despite monks. Although they are awesome farming machines.
I can NEVER get myself to start a monk because it's so goddamn boring to play one in PvE! If you aren't healing (which I find the most boring thing to do in GW) you wait for RoJ to recharge and it's really annoying. I despite monks. Although they are awesome farming machines.
i really HATE fighting mesmer with my ele, stupid interupts and stuff. And i like to do massive damage and nuke crap out of everybody (PvE). and thats kinda the opposit of a mesmer, a mesmer interrupts (which i can't :/) and does other lame things without seeying huge damage ^.^. They are great in Pvp btw which i almost never do.
i really HATE fighting mesmer with my ele, stupid interupts and stuff. And i like to do massive damage and nuke crap out of everybody (PvE). and thats kinda the opposit of a mesmer, a mesmer interrupts (which i can't :/) and does other lame things without seeying huge damage ^.^. They are great in Pvp btw which i almost never do.
Still Number One
Necros. Pretty much every time you see them in the GvG it is because of some gimmick or glitch.
The recent examples being:
-Blood Spike/Spam
-Cultist Fervor glitch
-SV Guild Lord zerg rush
That doesn't even include all the old spikes used 3 years ago and such.
Not to mention when they aren't using a gimmick build or taking advantage of a glitch, they pretty much are used because of a broken skill bar, LC and WK being the two recent examples.
Honestly they've been a huge problem in GvG and the push to get them used by the devs has resulted in way too many overpowered builds.
The recent examples being:
-Blood Spike/Spam
-Cultist Fervor glitch
-SV Guild Lord zerg rush
That doesn't even include all the old spikes used 3 years ago and such.
Not to mention when they aren't using a gimmick build or taking advantage of a glitch, they pretty much are used because of a broken skill bar, LC and WK being the two recent examples.
Honestly they've been a huge problem in GvG and the push to get them used by the devs has resulted in way too many overpowered builds.
Assassin, skinny little shits who use Shadowform
...just look at their name, they have "ass" in it TWICE.
...just look at their name, they have "ass" in it TWICE.
Assassins, but more specifically, shadowform, for reasons that should be fairly obvious.
the non core professions
i don't think they ever worked, and when your forced to come up with new professions when all the bases are coverd, the end result may not exactly be optimal
professions should have expanded vertically rather than horizontally, that is to say expand the core rather than add new professions. the game was designed and balanced around the core, everything after that felt glued on.
i don't think they ever worked, and when your forced to come up with new professions when all the bases are coverd, the end result may not exactly be optimal
professions should have expanded vertically rather than horizontally, that is to say expand the core rather than add new professions. the game was designed and balanced around the core, everything after that felt glued on.