Favourite profession and why.
Nefariuos Shadow
title say it all. personally my fav prof would be the sin cus they have shadow form

Rit, MM Necro, or Ranger.
I love anything that can create allies, or a small army, or just have a helpful pet.
I love anything that can create allies, or a small army, or just have a helpful pet.
Sarevok Thordin
I like melee classes, fight effectively with them, what more is there to say?
I like melee classes, fight effectively with them, what more is there to say?
Rit. Mystical and powerful, beautyfully designed style and awesomely animated.
Ritualists are by far my favorite. Not only do we get to get dressed up as a mummy, we get SPIRITS. I don't mean build wise though. I've always been a ritualist and always will be. Just the though of them is amazing. Spirits, support, and offensive magic. My other favorite professions include the Dervish and Mesmer. I have neither one, but I've always liked the concept of them.
I played all of the professions and I would have to see that my favorite one is Mesmer.
Interrupting foes is just so damn fun and the armor.
Also female Mesmers are yummy.
Interrupting foes is just so damn fun and the armor.
Also female Mesmers are yummy.
It would be between ranger, rit, neco, and monk I think. I do find all of them fun though, so it's tough to decide.

Mesmer, fast casting and nice armor

Ranger. They can do almost anything. Easily the most versatile class in the game.
Megas XLR
Aesthetically - Dervish
Mechanically - Warrior
Too lazy to do anything - Imbagon
On the interrupting note, I have to say that's the funnest thing to do in this game. It's like getting (you know what)BLOCKED.
Mechanically - Warrior
Too lazy to do anything - Imbagon
On the interrupting note, I have to say that's the funnest thing to do in this game. It's like getting (you know what)BLOCKED.
Ranger. Break it down to simple, and I just like to shoot things.
Day Trooper
Elementalist! (my first char) At first, just because I just loved to nuke the hell outta things. But eles also make great tanks, and also offer nice party-wide support with their wards.
Plus, female eles are the yummy hotness
Plus, female eles are the yummy hotness

English Warrior
We smash things gud.
We smash things gud.
Ebony Shadowheart
Hmmmm favorite....I guess I'm going to have to go with anything caster class
Ele, Monk, Necro, Mesmer, Rit
Depending on my mood, my 'favorite' varies. Right now I'm enjoying playing my mesmer in RA/JQ/FA.
I'm also enjoying playing on my rit in PvE.
My main character however, is my ele.
Ele, Monk, Necro, Mesmer, Rit
Depending on my mood, my 'favorite' varies. Right now I'm enjoying playing my mesmer in RA/JQ/FA.
I'm also enjoying playing on my rit in PvE.
My main character however, is my ele.
Dervish. I love mixing magic with melee to kill things. And female Dervishes are hot. Even the skimpiest Dervish armor covers more skin than most armors of other professions, and I just like the style of everything.
Mesmer and Ritualist are number two and three. Messing with the enemies as a Mesmer is just a lot of fun. And I love spirits. And both professions have some pretty sweet armor sets.
Mesmer and Ritualist are number two and three. Messing with the enemies as a Mesmer is just a lot of fun. And I love spirits. And both professions have some pretty sweet armor sets.
Monk for life. It's all i play.
I am probably the first one to say Paragon.
Why? I like spears, I enjoy supporting and so on.
Why? I like spears, I enjoy supporting and so on.
Ranger. Like the pets, like the versatility.
Kerwyn Nasilan
We are manly and brave.
We are manly and brave.
Ritualist or Ranger. I enjoy ranged, and support. I'm kind of claustrophobic so melee combat was never for me.
Archress Shayleigh
Ranger. I love the animation, the armor, and just the damn awesome skills. Also because ranger can pretty much do everything. Jack-of-all-trades!
Regulus X
Assassins (pre-nerf) - They'd get in, KILL and get right back out. Too many Qqers made them die by Anet's nerfbat (sadly).
Squishy ftw
Warrior, because frenzy and quarterknocking are oh so sexy
1. Necromancer - Love the armor and Spiteful Spirit is hawt. Never been a fan of MMing, leave it to the heroes tbh.
2. Mesmer - Males look ugly mainly, females look hawt. Love pissing people off with 'rupts and e-denial.
3. Ranger - Both genders look brilliant, love the utility and the interrupts. Can spike or help out the team.
I like to play profs that piss other off really.
2. Mesmer - Males look ugly mainly, females look hawt. Love pissing people off with 'rupts and e-denial.
3. Ranger - Both genders look brilliant, love the utility and the interrupts. Can spike or help out the team.
I like to play profs that piss other off really.

Megas XLR
Dervish. I love mixing magic with melee to kill things. And female Dervishes are hot. Even the skimpiest Dervish armor covers more skin than most armors of other professions, and I just like the style of everything.
Ele in PvE huge nuking damage ^^
Monk =D i just love monking and watching the warriors and eles flame each other for not doing their job right xP
second favourite would be ele(control elementz) or mesmer(fast cast, interrupt, degen..)
Aesthetically i'd say Dervish too.. but whatever =D
second favourite would be ele(control elementz) or mesmer(fast cast, interrupt, degen..)
Aesthetically i'd say Dervish too.. but whatever =D
Monk, for all of the little complexities that a skillful player can take advantage of.
real men play warrior
You dont even have an account LOL xD
own age myname
Warrior; I like to smash things :P
Monk; because no one else does it -.-. As the saying goes "To get it done right, you have to do it yourself".
For PvP, I love mesmer. I love it when the opposing team's monk screams in local chat "Get the fking mesmer!11!!".
Monk; because no one else does it -.-. As the saying goes "To get it done right, you have to do it yourself".
For PvP, I love mesmer. I love it when the opposing team's monk screams in local chat "Get the fking mesmer!11!!".
PvE: Ritualist hands down. I love the style, armor and concept, even if it doesn't feel fully developed. Lots of potential for interesting builds, given the jack-of-all-trades nature.
AB: CripShot Ranger and Water Ele are tied...I just love crowd control.
JQ: Critical Barrager Assassin. Very quick to capture quarries from a safe distance and since everyone and his thorn wolf uses RoJ, rarely do I have to deal with counters.
AB: CripShot Ranger and Water Ele are tied...I just love crowd control.
JQ: Critical Barrager Assassin. Very quick to capture quarries from a safe distance and since everyone and his thorn wolf uses RoJ, rarely do I have to deal with counters.
My first char is an ele. I really like the damage output & the supporting role they can play. I find them really versatile in most situations. Plus female ele armor = Win.
My first char is an ele. I really like the damage output & the supporting role they can play. I find them really versatile in most situations. Plus female ele armor = Win.
1. Dervish- The concept behind the Dervish was what attracted me to them even before NF came out. Scythe-wielding holy warrior gave me chills, and I even saved up all the mats for FoW armor for the day NF released, because I knew it would be my new main. Although I think the concept got a little screwed over in practice, I still enjoy the casting/melee hybrid, and this class opened me up to the casting/melee hybrid classes of other games. It is the only melee class that I enjoy playing, I love scythe classes and the Avatars are very entertaining to play.
2. Ele, I've really liked being a caster up until the Dervish. I was reminded how much I enjoy the DPS of eles after dusting mine back up recently, but now it seems very strange to do damage from a safe distance.
2. Ele, I've really liked being a caster up until the Dervish. I was reminded how much I enjoy the DPS of eles after dusting mine back up recently, but now it seems very strange to do damage from a safe distance.
Stranger The Ranger
For PvP:
1. Mesmer
2. Warrior
3. Ranger
For PvE:
(Ranger I guess >.>)
1. Mesmer
2. Warrior
3. Ranger
For PvE:
(Ranger I guess >.>)
Chieftain Heavyhand
Once it was Warrior, but now I really like the Assassin. I'm a brawler lover to smash things close up.
Well, most professions have armor that show off more than the underwear does :P And yeah, Vabbian's top is definitely skimptastic on a Derv. I have that armor (only elite set I own, for any character) and I adore it. But as a whole, even with that being their skimpiest armor, it still shows much less skin than most other professions do on most of their armor.