Originally Posted by Daesu
Zkeys however, are not legal tender.
Neither are ecto. In principle, gold is the "legal tender" in this game. The problem is that the cap on the amount of gold we can trade compelled players to come up with markers for value to get around that cap. Ecto, zkeys and armbraces are the most commonly used ones, in that order. Ecto and armbraces are more or less fiat currencies, whereas zkeys will always have at least the backing of their expected value at conversion to a drop.
(You're either an idiot or incredibly impatient if you actually exchange an armbrace for most items, because you're destroying a lot of value. This is an interesting problem - in the short term it's impossible for an armbrace to be more valuable than the most valuable Tormented item. If that happened, people would arbitrage the exchange until the supply increase made the prices equivalent. However, in the long term only the supply of the most valuable Tormented item should increase significantly, lowering its price and the price of armbraces. Cool problem.)
Originally Posted by Daesu
Says you, I still see many people farming ectos and using them for FoW armor or Chaos gloves. Also I see people selling zkeys instead of using them for the title. Have you done a study to justify your claim?
Let's just say that the UWSC crowd is by and large sticking them in the box rather than taking them to the Forgemaster. If they want FoW, they've already got it on the desired characters. Do I need to do a study? It's unnecessary. You can infer from the pricing data, the shifts in frequency of very high levels of the Zaishen title, and the number of keys XTH pumps out that there's a ton more ectos than there used to be, and that a lot of the zkeys are being used on the Zaishen chest.
Originally Posted by Daesu
Do you know what MMOs they play? Games like wow and everquest. Do you know why they dont want to try to play GW? According to them, it is because it would take them too much time to grind to a level where they can really enjoy the game.
Possible implications of this statement: they dislike the process of grinding, or they don't want to abandon their existing investment in the game they presently play.
In the first case, you haven't explained why they endured WoW grind. In the second case, you haven't explained why they selected WoW or Everquest in the first place, since they have to play a ton of hours to accomplish anything in those games.
Originally Posted by Daesu
You twisted my words again. They dont subscribe to WoW or Everquest because they have less grind, they subscribe to WoW or Everquest long ago, since most of their friends play in them.
OK, so you meant to say that they don't want to abandon their existing investment. Fine, but you need to come out and say that clearly the first time around, rather than accuse me of twisting your words. Your phrasing the first time didn't convey your meaning. You introduced the concept of their friends here, not in the first post. I cannot read your mind.
Regardless, you haven't bothered to explain why these players chose WoW or Everquest over GW in the first place. Especially since GW involved a lot less grind a few years ago, and you have posited that these people dislike grind.
OK, that's it, we're done. I've said what needs to be said about your misinformation regarding currency. Since that's now cleared up, all the loose ends are dealt with. Goodbye and good luck, Daesu.