Good People DO Exist in GW - And They CAN Make A Difference!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2009


If you were one of the people who read my previous post: "Accidental Trade - How to Report Someone?" then you already know what I'm talking about. If not, here's a quick synopsis: I accidentally gave a player 75 platinum (instead of 75 gold) in exchange for 1 vial of green dye. I tried to ask for it back, but he put me on ignore. I asked some people to PM him, and they did, but then he put them on ignore also. I posted the above thread to this site and then just came to terms with my loss. This is how it ended:

One of the readers of the post went out of her way, met me in game and gave me 20 ectos for free.
Example 1 - A perfect stranger gave me goods worth even more than I lost. She's a good person and she made a difference. I'd like to ID her here so she can get the respect she deserves, but I'm afraid others would be tempted to harass her for hand outs... She can claim herself if she wants!
Other players were PMing the player for me and asking him to reverse the trade.
Example 2 - Strangers were taking time out of their day to try to help someone they didn't know recoup gold she lost because she was too stupid to pay attention. They don't know me, they don't owe me anything. They had no reason to think that talking this guy would result in anything, but they did anyways. Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one else is watching. These people have it.
Then the strangest thing of all happened - Today, out of nowhere, the guy contacts me, meets me, and gives me all of the money back.
Example 3 - Regardless of why he did it, this guy didn't have to give me the money back. No one was going to force him into giving it back to me. No matter how many screenshots I took, people I told, or PM's he got, nothing could force him to give it back. But he did it anyways. Even if he did it because he was tired of getting messages from people, he still did it. And I think that shows that there's more good in this guy than I originally thought. So it might have taken some active encouragement from others, or maybe some time for him to think it over... whatever it was, all ended well. And as I told him today, so long as everything is back to the way it should be, the incident might as well not have happened at all.
Say what you want about me, but I added the guy to my friends list and vice versa. What's that saying? Something like it's better to choose the evil you know instead of the evil you don't? Basically, I already know what his shortcomings are. I mean, in my opinion, you don't really know a person until they finally open up enough to let you see their weaknesses. So hell, we're already past that point now! Heh - this guy could turn out to be a reliable GW partner. In the end, I haven't lost anything and I gained a pal.

Good people DO exist in online gaming and they CAN make a difference. Many people forget who they are and who they should be the minute that they sit down in front of the computer. After all - no one knows who you are so what do you have to lose? I'll tell you! A fun, sociable, friendly playing environment! If you're a jerk, you're killing it for everyone including you! Moods and attitudes are contagious, even online, and maybe even especially online. (I for one have been inspired by the kindness of the people mentioned above and have already passed it on!) For those folks who just want to solo their way through the game, that's cool. But keep in mind, there are portions of the game you can't experience without interacting with other players... (Trading tomes for instance.) And one day you might be the one who accidentally trades someone way too much money... who would you rather be dealing with? A jerk, or a player with a little integrity? They DO exist. (If you want proof, just be one.)

Click here for the screenshots of the conversation...



Major-General Awesome

Join Date: Aug 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew HQ - Event Organiser and IRC Tiger

Ex Talionis [Law], Trinity of the Ascended [ToA] ????????????????&#


The question is, did you give the 20 ecto back

Mad Lord of Milk

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2009

Dishonorable Hall of Fame


Sorry, but the number of assfaces outnumbers the good people. Good people have no influential power here in GW because TEENAGERS ARE PLAYING THE GAME. They'll just shoot down anyone who's nice for giggles.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2009


Originally Posted by fenix View Post
The question is, did you give the 20 ecto back
LOL... not yet, but yes, I've already sent her a message asking her to meet up with me to get them back.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Ah, I was one of the people that tried pm'ing for you! , glad to see some ppl rose to the occassion and that the guy changed his mind and did the right thing. And to the above poster, i AM a teenager.

That has happened to me, and instead I've been arse F*ck'd. Its why I'm always careful when trading and dropping things.

And Im glad it worked out for you, but I don't think people should be rewarded for a mistake (the guy who gave you the ecto). Gifts shouldn't have conditions, otherwise alot of ppl would be qq'ing over "accidental" trades. Errr, they already do though... lol



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2009

California, USA!


Originally Posted by Mad Lord of Milk View Post
Sorry, but the number of assfaces outnumbers the good people. Good people have no influential power here in GW because TEENAGERS ARE PLAYING THE GAME. They'll just shoot down anyone who's nice for giggles.
And what if people like me are part of that nice group of people? Even though I'm 15, I'm hoping I'm no exclusion.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2009


Originally Posted by shoyon456 View Post
And Im glad it worked out for you, but I don't think people should be rewarded for a mistake (the guy who gave you the ecto). Gifts shouldn't have conditions, otherwise alot of ppl would be qq'ing over "accidental" trades. Errr, they already do though... lol
I don't know her exact reasons for doing it. She said she felt sorry for me because of the mix up. I'm pretty sure that it wasn't meant as a reward. She told me that she had oodles of ectos and gold and she was on her way out to another high value farming run and it wasn't a big deal to her. (Because yes, I originally didn't accept the offer.)

The way I see it, I would do the same thing if I was in her situation. She was helping someone out who didn't have as many resources as she did and it wasn't going to hurt her any. I told her that I felt horrible accepting such a huge gift and I couldn't give her anything in return. So she made me agree to help others out when I saw a chance to do so in the future. Later that evening when trying to sell the ectos some fella PM'd me and asked if I'd give him one just because he was a good guy. I laughed and said okay, but he'd have to tell me what made him a good guy. Convinced by his reply, I dropped him one for free and then took him for a few runs in Nahpui Quarter so he could pick up some Celestial weapons.

I don't think it was a reward for my stupidity so much as it was just a simple, but meaningful helping hand.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Kryta Province

Angel Sharks [As]

Hey. Where are my ectos? I've done stupid things in the past; I've probably earned thousands of them!

j/k glad it worked out for ya in the end.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2008


Society of Souls [Argh]


i had been cheated before usually its only like a few K thankfully. and lots of times people payed me to much and i was able to give back the rest before they left the dis. so next time do like i do and say you have lag to give you time to triple check your item/money.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Inde is Smoking [Hawt] *ToA*


You actually took the 20 ectos? thats awful.

What Now

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2007

Originally Posted by Mad Lord of Milk View Post
Sorry, but the number of assfaces outnumbers the good people. Good people have no influential power here in GW because TEENAGERS ARE PLAYING THE GAME. They'll just shoot down anyone who's nice for giggles.
Age is no excuse for poor manners and is neither an indicator. Sad part is lots of people really are corrupt and when faced with an anonymous front act in a way truely becoming but there will always be good even if it's ill received.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007

aBove Empress Amarox xP



Shhhh don't say i'm good.. >.<
you'll ruin my reputation >.>




Join Date: Jun 2005

Follow the rainbow, make a left and voila



I'm glad it all came to a good end

@ shoyon456: Don't assume the reason why this person gave her ectos was to reward a mistake, that really doesn't make a lot of sense. Personally, I'd rather believe that it was done in good faith to help a fellow player.

In the end, this is not about ectos, it's about somebody realizing that just because you hide behind an avatar it doesn't mean you can't have some sort of integrity. I think that guy coming to that realization is priceless.

I have to say, the way this all ended put a smile on my face.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2008

Australia, what you want my home address?



Originally Posted by Mad Lord of Milk View Post
Sorry, but the number of assfaces outnumbers the good people. Good people have no influential power here in GW because TEENAGERS ARE PLAYING THE GAME. They'll just shoot down anyone who's nice for giggles.
Defining a 'good player' is somewhat difficult, when the OP related her story of the 'bad trade incident' she also stated that she had asked on the local channel for other people to contact the trader who got lucky due to her mistake, and ask for her money back, I can't remember, but Blackstarling might have even asked others to report the so called scammer...

This is not the behavior of a good player, indeed is contrary to the Rules of conduct that she quoted in defense of her actions...

"While playing Guild Wars, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. You will not report players maliciously, or cause them to be investigated without reason."

Good players, that is people who are nice, not necessarily 'good' at the game do exist, probably quite a few of them, but they tend to get drowned out by the excessively noisy bad players, who are often the point of contention, the subject of forum threads, or the aggravating ass hats making a public nuisance of themselves.

Divine Ashes

Divine Ashes

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006




Yeah, I can't believe you actually took the 20 ectos in the first place lol. But, congrats on witnessing an actual positive aspect of the human race. They're rare, so cherish it!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2008




Yes, good ppl do exist but alongside some that aren't good also... It's like in real life. Sadly but true...

He took those 20ectos so what? The person that gave him those has enough for her own use (she knows why she gave them). I think the thing that counts, is that he appreciates the gift he got!

Just yesterday my friend got sceamed for believing in goodnes of ppl inside guild (we come from a guild that was just friendly based and we were like a family, most unfortunatley stopped playing till gw2. We could really trust each other with everything). He never thought someone would steal from him. It was a stupid thing to do but well... we learn from our mistakes. He feels especially bad because it's something i gave him to use. But I don't care...
I'm happy as long as ppl appreciate my kind nature and don't abuse it. Things can be allways farmed in one way or another. It just takes time...

Tho I wish there were more kind ppl arround. But I'm happy to see that ppl still intend to help each other.

Cheers to them all kind souls out there!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2009


This story makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2008



Of course they exist.......when you can get a touching-enough story going which touches their hearts.

Zera Fang

Zera Fang

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

New Mexico


-Blink- Wait... You were buying green dye from another player? Unless green dye has suddenly sky rocketed in price and rarity, you could get it from a dye trader for just a few gold more. If you had 75 platinum on you... Some pitiless amount like 25 gold lost is nothing. And who doesn't keep all the dyes they find? I'm sorry, but you're a dick for coming onto a forum and whining about how you lost so much due to your own recklessness AND THEN getting people to bug the guy until he returned your funds. Snaps for you in harassing someone or, at least, telling people to harass someone until they returned your money instead of facepalming and telling yourself, "Man, I'm a tard. I better triple check before I trade in the future."



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006

New Zealand


Originally Posted by Mad Lord of Milk View Post
Sorry, but the number of assfaces outnumbers the good people. Good people have no influential power here in GW because TEENAGERS ARE PLAYING THE GAME. They'll just shoot down anyone who's nice for giggles.
By posting a comment like that you are almost showing youself to be part of that steriotypical immature teenaged GW player thing. Im sure you will find many adults in game who are rude and will "shoot down anyone who's nice". Please dont become ageist, its starting to become as bad a rascisim and sexism.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Missouri (Central Time Zone)


I wouldn't have gave the 75k back... but that's just me.




Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by PowerRAV View Post
I wouldn't have gave the 75k back... but that's just me.
do you enjoy public flagellation?

Shadow of Light

Shadow of Light

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006



Originally Posted by Nerel View Post
This is not the behavior of a good player, indeed is contrary to the Rules of conduct that she quoted in defense of her actions...

"While playing Guild Wars, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. You will not report players maliciously, or cause them to be investigated without reason."
So wait... you believe that asking people to request your money back on your behalf due to a guy deliberately putting you on IGNORE so you can't do it yourself constitutes malicious harassment?


At least it ended well for all

laksa and curry

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2009

All this fuzz just for 75k ^^... Should people who got scammed for more make a police report or take legal action ? lol just kidding.

Please try not to be scammed in the 1st place. Thumbs up to anet for redoing our trade screen. It has been improved over the years and is more "scam-proof". Wiki has also got a section on common IG scam methods. How do people still get scammed ^^?

Well gz for getting 20 ectos in addition to your 75k. Yes nice people do exist ^^


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2007

Originally Posted by YunSooJin View Post
do you enjoy public flagellation?
Umm .. Look at the avatar they chose?



Site Contributor

Join Date: Jul 2008

Dallas, TX. USA

Not in any guild at the moment


I'm happy that it worked out for you and that you gained friends. Unfortunately it's hard to find good friends in GW.

Also, thank you for your service in Iraq (your husband's too).



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


I read the screenshot, and wow, just wow.

I was willing to pm him for you the other day, and yes it does boil down to morals. But he kind of went off the deep end, and made a mountain out of a molehill. I've lost up to 50 ectos on scams/accidental trades/bad PC's/etc..., and made many times more from people who just didn't know the value of their stuff.

While there are "good" people and "bad" people everywhere, you have no right to judge someone. Just because they act in their own self-interest does not make them evil, they are simply fufilling their primal instincts that we all share. There are hurricanes in nature that destroy and cause pain, while there is sun that regrows the earth and plants. Nature isn't evil or good, it is capricious and the same is true for people. Some follow their lesser drives that were necessary for humanity to form, some are not as bound by these. Im sure there is some science out there to view the brain function between people who act these different ways and see what parts of the brain "light up." But my point is, people will do what is expedient for them because it is what has allowed us to come thus far.

But in the end, its just a game for gods sakes. 75K really is nothing, especially compared to the screwups I've had. Now if I "accidentally" handed someone a blank check, imagine the damage that would do.

Deimos Zargarda

Deimos Zargarda

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2008

Why would you buy green dye from someone? Its like 100g at the Dye Trader.

Unreal Havoc


Join Date: Dec 2007

Originally Posted by subarucar View Post
By posting a comment like that you are almost showing youself to be part of that steriotypical immature teenaged GW player thing. Im sure you will find many adults in game who are rude and will "shoot down anyone who's nice". Please dont become ageist, its starting to become as bad a rascisim and sexism.
I have to agree. I know 15 year olds who are much more mature and respectful than half the adults in this game.

Age is nothing but a number and is no true reflection of a persons maturity and personality.

Anoymity is what breeds idiocy.

Aussie Boy

Aussie Boy


Join Date: Mar 2007



Glad it all worked out in the end and you may have made a new friend.
GW is full of great people you just have to hope you run into them sometime.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2008




Just so that u know...
GMs are really doing a good job in keeping the game fair and better place.
If u get scammed u can always report and if there are traces in logs that person has scammed someone, accounts gets banned...



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006



Originally Posted by Soopa View Post
Just so that u know...
GMs are really doing a good job in keeping the game fair and better place.
If u get scammed u can always report and if there are traces in logs that person has scammed someone, accounts gets banned...
Ola stari!

Is that you Gaile?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008

Denbigh, Wales

Zero Zero


I'm happy that things have worked out for all.

It's refreshing to see someone consider their morality and to amend the mistake.

You have also learned a valuable lesson and gained a friend; as you said it's often the case that when a relationship starts on the wrong foot you become stronger friends.

I'm also glad that you want to give back the ectos, as imo you shouldn't be profiting from this incident and will likely mean as much to the person who gave you them if you give them back (I'm talking about the gesture rather than value of said ectos).

And good people do exist throughout the game; I've met several good friends and one very good friend through GWs.

Island Guardian

Island Guardian

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2009

Kam AD1 farming ^^

Do it for [FAME]


Originally Posted by blackstarling View Post
LOL... not yet, but yes, I've already sent her a message asking her to meet up with me to get them back.

post a screen shot



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Next thread: HELP, I've been scammed! I gave someone who claimed to be scammed 20 ectos, but she wasn't scammed in the end, and now she doesn't want to give back those ectos! (p.s. wtf does iraq have to do with anything?)


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006




Point of this thread? People aren't such assholes as you think they are. Owait they are.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2007

New Zealand



The convo that the guy gave you actually makes me want to give him something. Seriously, that is so rare to see someone actually care that much about scamming. 9/10 people in this game would reply with ROFL NOOB I AM BETTER THAN YOU.

Poor guy :(.

Edit: OT, Glad you got your money back. Would have helped you out if I had read the thread earlier, I remember when that amount of money was just insane and losing it would crush me.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Well, I wish those good people do exist in GW when they do not required vent/ts when it comes to HA and GvG. I'm quite good at pvp, but they keep kick me off the team when I can't use vent/ts due to deafness. I'm pretty honest with them to let them know that I'm a deaf and can't use vent/ts and they still kick me off no matter what.

From my understanding, vent/ts makes a successful team by communication for spiking coordinate team, calling tactic, flag block, etc. Believes me, I tried to fathom their goodness in HA and GvG world, and failed.

So, I believe good people do not exist in HA and GvG. Prove me wrong if you disagreed with me.

Edit: I haven't got bambi emote even though I played gw for mere 3 yrs. I know bambi emote is very easy to get, but it's very hard to get a group required to have vent/ts. Don't tell me about pug/randomway/etc, it doesn't work.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

Elite Dragon Bane


A player at Droknars wanted to buy 25 Elonian Leather and I told him I had them. I don't know what I was thinking but I gave him 75 and I didn't even notice. He PMed me and said "Do you realize you gave me 75 and not 25" I replied "No I did't" he immediately gave them back to me. In return I gave him a portion of his money back for the 25 he purchased for being so honest. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. it's very nice he didn't keep them and I appreciate it.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



I was once selling elem tome for 650g, and dude gave me 6.5k. I found that after 2min, PMed him back and gave him his money back. I don`t really like scamming people.