Originally Posted by JR
Given the incredibly stiff competition ArenaNet has coming from Blizzard and Bioware (to name just two of the studios making fantastic looking MMOs right now) I can completely understand why they are keeping a lid on things. The last thing they need right now is to start talking about innovations and new mechanics, only to find them turning up in competitors products.
I'm sorry JR, but there is a difference between protecting your own franchise, and simply creating an absolute void of information.
The first will never bother your customers, since it is understandable. The second will
NEVER please your customers.
As an example of what i mean: my company is a global leader in soil sanitations. We're using state-of-the-art machinery and techniques to take on jobs other companies can't. However, we don't ban all photos or information about that equipment, because we're scared it'll get stolen (and I'm pretty sure in a few years, other companies will finally copy it).
Thing is, basic, superficial information does not give away innovative secrets. If you can derive your so called "innovative mechanics" from a couple of screenshots or a dev update, chances are it's far from innovative to begin with.
Right now GW2 is just a logo. They've been cutting GW support steadily and although they claim it is "for the good of GW2", they have absolutely nothing to show for at this moment.
From a PR perspective, that is a very bad situation.
Just my 2 cents.
Then again, anet never realy managed their community properly. So I am not all that suprised.