Originally Posted by Inde
I guess, doing this for as long as I have, please tell me WHY having an official forum is better.
I did not imply an official community site would mean "better". But if you want to discuss advantages:
- it's official and people will know so
- it's easily *discoverable* and people will go there, it could be even linked from ingame
- it helps with segmentation of the community
- it *provides* a default place to go for *official* information instead of searching like crazy around the web for bits and pieces here and there
- it provides a default place for players to give insight about the game and throw ideas about improvements (why should i post my idea on guru vs any other side? will I get more chances to be heard on unofficial site x or y? - most of the people would give up their idea before they get to answer these questions, as it's not really worth trying to find the right answer)
- again it's official so at least it gives players the impression they would be read/heard
- also importantly even developers might keep an eye on it. Why would developers ever need to acknowledge there is a community out there since they themselves don't know of the existence of any official forum that they might go read if they get bored in the lunch break. Will they read guru? Maybe, but chances are much smaller.
- and it will send a clear sign that ANet acknowledges there is a community out there and *wants* to provide tools to help that community keep going and grow. Right now they don't even have an official builds repository which is the core of their game (!?).
- did I say it already: it's official. And official has both ways implications: it's official for ANet they have a community and they have to take care of it they can't just ignore it or put it on mute as easily as they can pretend Guild Wars Guru doesn't exist, and it's official from our perspective as players too. Did they ever gather any stats about how active their players are on the web, did they ever measured the buzz they generate with one thing or announcement? This can prove to be vital information for any online business that of course they can ignore.
Right now... unless I knew where to search for (which is asking quite a lot) I would have no clue there is any sort of community for GW and ANet shows no interest to help or even acknowledge one exists.