If you purchased additional accounts for the sole purpose of farming XTH, despite the fact that this is not what purchasing additional accounts officially guarantees you,
Therefore ANet DOES indeed reward new accounts, because they fully expected people to buy new accounts to join XTH. If they dont, then they would be slapping their foreheads and saying duh, never thought that people would buy new accounts for XTH. That would be silly and obviously that didn't happen.
Please dont try to distort ANet's intentions, when they have clearly supported the buying of new accounts for XTH ever since XTH first started!
then that purchase was a gamble. Get that through your thick head. G-A-M-B-L-E |
People see an advertisements on their website and paid real money for it to buy more chance to win additional tournament points/zkeys every month. It is that simple.
Unless you can find specific documentation that states that your purchase of the account guarantees free Zkey's ( which you can't, because it doesn't exist ) you are shit out of luck. |
You receive 5 Tournament Reward Points just for participating. That is already a zkey. You earn Prediction Points based on how accurately your predictions match the actual tournament results.
To claim your Tournament Reward Points, speak with Kun Shao [Xunlai Tournament Agent] in the Great Temple of Balthazar. Then exchange these points for prizes by speaking with Tolkano [Tournament], also in the Great Temple of Balthazar.
To find the Zaishen Chest, enter the Isle of the Nameless from the Great Temple of Balthazar, then head to the left.
Clearly, ANet can do alot more things to piss their customers off. Leaving XTH broken, when many have bought their accounts because of XTH, would be one of them. Regardless of any legal disclaimer, or excuses, if they cause their customers to feel cheated, they would remember when GW2 is released. I still have faith that ANet would do the right thing.