Originally Posted by Shasgaliel
Expected value - check what it means. Drops from z-chest do have a merchant price as well you know.... Z-keys do have a market price as well - they can be bought and sold....
Their market price is being compared to the expected value of drops and then compared to what zservice offers. Same as with black dye but then you operate with fixed values instead of expected ones.
You don't get it. None of what you are saying matters.
The people paying for the keys and performing the service DONT WANT the drops, they want the rank.
The people getting payed and providing the keys DONT WANT the rank, they want the drops.
Neither party can be ripping either off, because neither party wants what the other is getting.
It doesn't matter if the drops are worth 1k or 100k or if the service pay is 1k or 100g. Both players are getting what they want at a reduced rate.
What you really mean to argue is that Zchest drops do not meet what the community have agreed the price for Zkeys is. While that may be true, it has no effect on Z services since neither player is being deprived of something they are trying to get, and by extension cannot possibly be getting ripped off. The fact that Z chest drops generally do not pay for themselves would be true regardless of whether or not Z service is used.
What I have just explained is a very basic concept of trading based on desired item/demand. This has been in effect for thousands of years. If you still don't get it after reading this, please redirect yourself to the nearest wall and commence the traditional self punishment of cranial smacking.