Originally Posted by Grj
Just as the people roll into the nerf x threads defending it because they taking advantage of it themselfs 
I'm sure there's some of that here, but there's a lot more to it.
The OP is trying to project his own attitude towards risk onto the community, and people don't like that.
The OP has taken a
very ironic anti-free market stance, and people don't like that.
The OP is playing nanny trying to tell people what is good for them, and people don't like that either.
I'm willing to bet that most of the people posting in this thread defending Zaishen services are rank 3 Zaishen or less, and have no interest in maxing the title.
Originally Posted by Horace Slughorn
Everyone has been saying, "but people love to gamble" as if this were a response to the OPs argument. It is not. "People love to gamble" is descriptive, it describes the current state of things. "People should sell their keys" is prescriptive, it suggests a good course of action. Arguing about how things are and how they ought to be, doesn't really make sense as you guys have set it up here.
I don't use zkeys. I burned my 200 so I could add the title to HoM and got jack-all for doing it. Not even a decent weapon mod. The OP is correct that opening the Zaishen chest is still a bad long run gamble even if you use two keys and don't take the title track points. I wouldn't do it.
But some people like risk and like to gamble. I'm not going to sit here and say that the market rate is unfair when the exchange is CLEARLY Pareto-improving for a player that wants chest drops but not title track points, and a player that prefers the opposite. Both players get more of what they want. Who am I to say that the price is unfair?
Sure, I'd never take one side of that trade...but that doesn't mean that the trade is
wrong, which is what you and the OP would like to claim. If it were a certainty that the player were getting the worse end of the deal (eg: here, take my q9 insc Fellblade for your q9 insc Crystalline), you'd have a leg to stand on. But there's uncertainty involved.