Guild Wars 2 Website
Am I the only one that suddently feel overwhelmed by the things that, until now, I am deliberately being lazy to accomplish until Anet release more concrete news about GW2(HoM, etc)?
I know it won't be release this year, but still, suddently I feel like "omg, I still haven't do this, do that, and GW 2 is coming!"..
Anyway, great news guys, although I hope that maybe GW2 will be runnable on Mac too.. I'm to lazy to use that crappy wine based program, "Crossover".. (´・ω・`)
I know it won't be release this year, but still, suddently I feel like "omg, I still haven't do this, do that, and GW 2 is coming!"..
Anyway, great news guys, although I hope that maybe GW2 will be runnable on Mac too.. I'm to lazy to use that crappy wine based program, "Crossover".. (´・ω・`)
Am I the only one that suddently feel overwhelmed by the things that, until now, I am deliberately being lazy to accomplish until Anet release more concrete news about GW2(HoM, etc)?
I know it won't be release this year, but still, suddently I feel like "omg, I still haven't do this, do that, and GW 2 is coming!".. |
Am I the only one that suddently feel overwhelmed by the things that, until now, I am deliberately being lazy to accomplish until Anet release more concrete news about GW2(HoM, etc)?
I know it won't be release this year, but still, suddently I feel like "omg, I still haven't do this, do that, and GW 2 is coming!".. Anyway, great news guys, although I hope that maybe GW2 will be runnable on Mac too.. I'm to lazy to use that crappy wine based program, "Crossover".. (´・ω・`) どうも(=´∇`=) |
I'd prefer for the HoM rewards to be cosmetic only. For me, it's aesthetics, then functionality.
I'd prefer for the HoM rewards to be cosmetic only. For me, it's aesthetics, then functionality.
Fril Estelin
Especially since (if I remember correctly) everyone'll still be able to get these achievements in GW1 when GW2 starts, with knowledge of where it leads but probably at a higher "cost" (time, virtual money).
Budweiser guildwars 2 doesnt come out in atleast 1/2 years so don't get you're hopes up
And why do my posts getting deleted it's so freaking stupid.
And why do my posts getting deleted it's so freaking stupid.
I've been out of the loop a bit here - will we actually get any new information today?
Mazza probably not today they're (expected) to show a guildwars 2 trailer tomorrow or some sort and maybe info who knows ?
edit: instead of tomorrow i meant today
edit: instead of tomorrow i meant today
I've been out of the loop a bit here - will we actually get any new information today?
From the sounds of it, we're getting information tomorrow. We know they have a trailer of some sort, but that's all.
Arkantos couldn't you just lock this thread and send everyone to guildwars 2 forums ?
They're wearing GW2 shirts.. I'd happily buy one for an extortionate price on eBay.
Anyways, now might be a good time for me to save for a new PC. I think my ol' Radeon 9600 isn't cut out for newer games.
Anyways, now might be a good time for me to save for a new PC. I think my ol' Radeon 9600 isn't cut out for newer games.
Free Runner
"Hmmm Ariel Combat eh...back to HQ!"
The site was launched yesterday. We're going to wait for more people to register and more GW2 information before we try and get people to start serious discussions in GWG2. This thread is fine.
Alright arkantos i just thought that this thread shouldn't be 60 pages or up.
And btw i really really am itching to ask but is you're name based on the game age of mythology with the main character Arkantos ?
And btw i really really am itching to ask but is you're name based on the game age of mythology with the main character Arkantos ?
Jaythen Tyradel
Thanks for the heads up on the GW2Guru site Arkantos. Signed up and ready to follow!
On Topic:
Patiently waiting to see what info is released today.
On Topic:
Patiently waiting to see what info is released today.
The new forum looks great, btw.
22 Hours O_o omg But they're only showing a trailer probably with no gameplay don't want to ruin the mood a trailer is ALWAYS cool but it also gives us a little insight on the graphics
and the blizzard people with Aion goodie bags couldn't stop laughing haha, It's histerical how that guy is looking towards the camera and how he is holding his bag like he has something to hide haha

Meh I have high hopes that they show gameplay. Maybe the opening movie or something. But who knows what the rest of this week and the weeks to come hold.
22 Hours O_o omg But they're only showing a trailer probably with no gameplay don't want to ruin the mood a trailer is ALWAYS cool but it also gives us a little insight on the graphics
![]() |
Arkantos it's always hoping they show us more or you KNOW that they are showing more knowing is different than hoping
Gun Pierson
I honestly don't care that much about a CG trailer, all I want is solid, set in stone facts about the game, hopefully they come with the trailer

Everybody checks out everybody as today is an exclusive day for industry professionals and the press in Cologne. This can lead to surealistic and funny pictures for the outside world, but it's nothing special to be honest.
Just because you work for brand X doesn't mean you don't look (buy?) something from brand Y, if you know what I mean.
I don't really find it that weird to see them looking at Aion. Hell, I bet some of them are even going to play it.
Cologne, Germany August 19, 2009 — NCsoft, the world's top developer of online computer games is pleased to announce Guild Wars 2TM, the successor to the critically-acclaimed competitive online role playing game Guild Wars TM, produced by its Seattle-based ArenaNet studio will be releasing on January 7, 2010 with beta testing scheduled to begin in early September. More details are to follow. Guild Wars 2 will have its first major public showing at the Gamescom 2009, May 20-23 in Cologne. |
4chan? Well you can call that false.
Free Runner
I would expect April 2010 to be the earliest it could release if it ever was to release that soon in the year.
4chan? Sounds legit to me

I didn't know it was May now:S I don't think you can trust that info all too much, since it states that gamescon is in may and it's now august.
Morgoth the dark
own age myname
Meh, that 4chan news isn't real :P
wat live stream, link.
GW2 trailer tomorrow at 12 !!!!!!!