Guild Wars 2 Website
The Air Revenger
facebbokpage has more concept art!!!
^ To above old news
And to Chrisworld no 20 August still is 2 hours and 37 minutes And than i mean German time im Dutch i know because i have the same time as Germany.
And to Chrisworld no 20 August still is 2 hours and 37 minutes And than i mean German time im Dutch i know because i have the same time as Germany.
Yep there is another one too, but its unknown what it really is
Konig Des Todes
Hi. I did a GW3 logo (22min work in Corel). Enjoy! 

They're playing with us, when we get the place right, we get the whole pic. i thought it was stange that it took 2hours for them to post the whole pic of or, and just half an hour for ebonhawk. checkt the coments, and aparently the first right answer on the orr one was 2 hours after they posted the first, and some min after they posyted the whole thing. so... i think we need to sugest some more places if we whant the whole screen shot

Shayne Hawke
With all the concept art floating around, when are the wallpapers coming out?
Konig Des Todes
boris the blade
This all nonsense about GW2 is typically Anet stuff, trying to keep ppl still interested on the subject. Considering NCSOFT is launching its game (Aion) in september i dont see GW2 coming out sooner than 2010's summer or autum. I wonder at that date how many people will still be interested to buy it. Rip GW!
Aion is play to pay, some people can't afford it, there for GW and Gw2 will still have people intrested in it no matter what.
Bob Slydell
This all nonsense about GW2 is typically Anet stuff, trying to keep ppl still interested on the subject. Considering NCSOFT is launching its game (Aion) in september i dont see GW2 coming out sooner than 2010's summer or autum. I wonder at that date how many people will still be interested to buy it. Rip GW!
English Warrior
This all nonsense about GW2 is typically Anet stuff, trying to keep ppl still interested on the subject. Considering NCSOFT is launching its game (Aion) in september i dont see GW2 coming out sooner than 2010's summer or autum. I wonder at that date how many people will still be interested to buy it. Rip GW!
Uhm Arenanet and Ncsoft are two different companies working under one lable don't be idiotic read the parts about TRAILER RELEASED TOMORROW and stuff you will smack your head for saying it and saying RIP Guildwars it's not even far from dead as we see from the community a game is dead when no one plays anymore.
This all nonsense about GW2 is typically Anet stuff, trying to keep ppl still interested on the subject. Considering NCSOFT is launching its game (Aion) in september i dont see GW2 coming out sooner than 2010's summer or autum. I wonder at that date how many people will still be interested to buy it. Rip GW!

boris the blade
Uhm Arenanet and Ncsoft are two different companies working under one lable don't be idiotic read the parts about TRAILER RELEASED TOMORROW and stuff you will smack your head for saying it and saying RIP Guildwars it's not even far from dead as we see from the community a game is dead when no one plays anymore.
Ghost Omel
Finally.. i was waiting for one of the haters to come -_-.... i was right he would find some imaginary factor to plug in so the stick up his bottucs will get even tighter -_-..
I gues no ammount of evidence can convinve imbaciles of their mistakes and Trollathroning posts =)
I gues no ammount of evidence can convinve imbaciles of their mistakes and Trollathroning posts =)
Boris you will be suprised how many Germans and American's are still playing i've saw alot of them go to Temple Of Balthazar or Temple of ages or Kamadan base you're opninions on facts not nonsence.
This all nonsense about GW2 is typically Anet stuff, trying to keep ppl still interested on the subject. Considering NCSOFT is launching its game (Aion) in september i dont see GW2 coming out sooner than 2010's summer or autum. I wonder at that date how many people will still be interested to buy it. Rip GW!
Even in being negative, your predicted release date is sooner than a lot of people.
Comunity still alive????....Take a tour in all outposts of Tyria, Cantha and Elona except LA and Kamadan..see how many ppl you'll meet.

See how many things you had to name though? The difference between now and then is this... Pre Factions, and NF, there were a limited number of areas... Now look how many there are... People are spread out between them...
boris the blade
I have the feeling you just talk about this game without actually playing it. I hope i am wrong and Anet will make such a good game i will be forced to buy it.
This all nonsense about GW2 is typically Anet stuff, trying to keep ppl still interested on the subject. Considering NCSOFT is launching its game (Aion) in september i dont see GW2 coming out sooner than 2010's summer or autum. I wonder at that date how many people will still be interested to buy it. Rip GW!
Ghost Omel
Just because your experience is crap whiel you play doesnt mean every one has the same experience as you, on top of that your over-exageration is amusing... Gues your guildless and have no friends on the list to hook up with... -_- .. So far even Shing Jea Monestary is full.
Boris I played this game already alot and go to American or German outposts and kamadan has atleast 4 full districts temple of ages full of American and German people, And Roy is right And there are also people in Shing Jea Monostary And than all those other parts Dude i think you never even played the game.
Nash Vegas
This thread has 55,000 views and counting. Since the people who actually visit this site are probably a small fraction of who actually play the game.... yeah, people are still interested. And no-one is going to force you to play a game. Don't want to? Leave those of us who do alone.
Konig Des Todes
Now that has been demonstrated GW2 is not vaporware, they say no one will buy it... I'm sorry for you...
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Actually, there are still a very high amount of players. Even if you ignore all three of Kamadan, LA, and GToB, you can still get over several hundred players. Far from dead.
Well I play every single day, and I can tell you, while there are some changes I didn't like, the GW experience is still great overall. If GW2 is even on par with GW1 I will be there. Can't wait for the beta!!!
Ban the haters!
Has a nice ring to it...
Edit: post 1k FTW
Has a nice ring to it...
Edit: post 1k FTW
boris the blade
Actually, there are still a very high amount of players. Even if you ignore all three of Kamadan, LA, and GToB, you can still get over several hundred players. Far from dead.[/QUOTE]
Lol from 6 mil last year?
Lol from 6 mil last year?
Heh, he's just lonely and trying to get some attention.
Poor guy.
Poor guy.

Paul Mahdi
Arenanet was started by three guys from Blizzard for the sole purpose of creating Guild Wars. They eventually realized that they need a larger company to help them publish and promote the game. that's where Ncsoft comes in. Anet is mostly disconnected from Ncsoft.
Arenanet works for Ncsoft they're both practicly independend company's only working under the same label they don't make games together so independend company's.