Originally Posted by MagmaRed
I'm amazed that people aren't seeing what they are doing. You can submit a build based on current Meta, but if the Meta changes the build may not do any good. This means they want builds not based on Meta, but on GENERAL effectiveness. They are henchmen, so no skill micro, and no individual flags. They will be far less useful than a hero even with an identical build to a hero. Make the builds very general to fit into large variety of teams, and you will have a better chance at winning (in my opinion).
Which is why henchmen would still be useless in pvp. If their skill bar is too good people would bitch about it again, so their skill bars have to be bad enough that people dont bitch. If they are bad, then they are useless.
I dont see the point of using henchmen after getting rid of heroes. It is just busy work, creating something that nobody would use, unless he is a noob in the first place. If I cant get enough human players to form a full team, I would rather not GvG than to have my ass handed back to me, guaranteed, because of the lousy henchmen.
Good luck getting named after something that is going to be bad and useless.