Originally Posted by DreamWind
My short explaination? P > E and S > P, so S > E.
Transitivity is axiomatic in mathematics and preference relationships in economics. Doesn't mean that transitivity holds in all settings. For instance, rock-paper-scissors is intransitive by design. Cycling problems in group preference selection are another example. It's possible for as few as three people choosing from three options to find it impossible to reach a stable consensus about which alternative to choose.
Any interesting strategy game is inherently intransitive, by the way. If it weren't, there's a global optimum and strategy drops out. Both you and your opponent know what the other should do, and it becomes simply about who executes the plan most efficiently.
Most FPS games are an example of the latter type of game. The disconnect on whether or not strategy should be part of the game also creates friction in GW; some people love Build Wars and some people hate it.
Originally Posted by jray14
PvP has a completely different gameplay dynamic than PvE.
Which is critical to keep in mind. The maximization functions in PvE and PvP are very different. You're maximizing the same function anywhere you go in PvE: minimize time invested to accomplish task. If you're money motivated, there's a second maximization function drawn from the solutions to all of those functions - maximize in-game cash per unit of time invested.
PvP works differently. You're always maximizing one of two functions there - maximize damage output for fast wins or maximize survivability retaining JUST enough damage to kill things every so often. The former tends to be the modern HA function (with the additional constraint of certain utility skills for different maps), and [rawr] proved the latter to be the efficient GvG function until people figured out how to game Izzy's vaunted tiebreaker change.
In short, even if the skills were identical it would not hold that a broken skill in PvE is broken in PvP and vice versa. Protective Bond was never used in PvP. Spirit Spam's NR owned it. (Back then NR was a universal, continuous Rend until it was killed, and you could have (many) more than one.)
Originally Posted by Zahr Dalsk
But, you're a person who thinks that other people playing with heroes somehow hurts your PvE experience, so I can't say I'm surprised.
If we assume that he prefers to play with skilled people, it is obvious that the existence of heroes negatively impacts him.