List includes weapon modifiers (prefix and suffix) as well as inscriptions
Each price or price range has a date. Ranges may be based on reports up to six months older than the listed date.
- This is a price guide, not a sale thread and not a discussion thread. Do not post attempts to buy or sell items here.
- Each item has a date when that line's price was last updated. Ranges cover reports from the date listed and up to six months earlier unless otherwise noted.
- If you disagree with a price quote, reply with your own trade data. Please be specific.
Ranges are based on replies to this thread. - Browse replies posted after this OP was updated for more recent data!
- All values listed are for max components only unless otherwise noted. You can check the links from Guild Wars Wiki's upgrade component article to see what is max. In general, non-max component values are not worth trying to buy or sell because the max version components are relatively inexpensive. Unless specifically mentioned here, a non-max component is not likely worth salvaging to sell to other players.
- Not Salvaged - Of the players who bother to save mods for resale at all, many do not seem to feel there is enough demand for this component to bother salvaging it from loot drops. There are very few reports of this being traded on this thread. As a result of this overall low demand, the components may prove difficult to find available for sale if you happen to want one.
- Slaying modifiers for all weapons and "oldschool" 10/10 sundering mods are kept in separate sections at the end of this post.
- "The listed range is huge! What's the PC for my mod?" - The ranges reflect reported prices. Like all player to player trading, prices vary. Some people are willing to spend time getting good prices, and others sell cheap or pay a premium to get done trading ASAP. You must decide which category you're in.
Melee Weapons
Axe Hafts & Grips
Barbed Axe Haft (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Cruel Axe Haft (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Crippling Axe Haft (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Heavy Axe Haft (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Poisonous Axe Haft (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Ebon Axe Haft (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Fiery Axe Haft (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Icy Axe Haft (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Shocking Axe Haft (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Furious Axe Haft (Jul. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Sundering Axe Haft (Nov. 2010) 2-3k
Vampiric Axe Haft (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Zealous Axe Haft (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 0.5k
Axe Grip of Defense (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Axe Grip of Shelter (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Axe Grip of Warding (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Axe Grip of Enchanting (May 2010) 1.5-4k
Axe Grip of Fortitude (Nov. 2010) 1-2k
Axe Grip of Axe Mastery (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Hammer Hafts & Grips
Cruel Hammer Haft (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Heavy Hammer Haft (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Ebon Hammer Haft (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Fiery Hammer Haft (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Icy Hammer Haft (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Shocking Hammer Haft (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Furious Hammer Haft (May 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
Sundering Hammer Haft (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2.5k
Vampiric Hammer Haft (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
Zealous Hammer Haft (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Hammer Grip of Defense (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Hammer Grip of Shelter (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Hammer Grip of Warding (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Hammer Grip of Enchanting (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 0.2k
Hammer Grip of Fortitude (May 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
Hammer Grip of Hammer Mastery (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 0.2k
Sword Hilts & Pommels
Barbed Sword Hilt (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Cruel Sword Hilt (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Crippling Sword Hilt (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Poisonous Sword Hilt (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Ebon Sword Hilt (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Fiery Sword Hilt (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k
Icy Sword Hilt (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Shocking Sword Hilt (Apr. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
Furious Sword Hilt (Nov. 2010) 1-2k
Sundering Sword Hilt (Aug. 2010) 2-3k
Vampiric Sword Hilt (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Zealous Sword Hilt (Dec. 2010) 1.5-3k
Sword Pommel of Defense (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Sword Pommel of Shelter (May 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Sword Pommel of Warding (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Sword Pommel of Enchanting (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 4k
Sword Pommel of Fortitude (Dec. 2010) 3-5k
Sword Pommel of Swordsmanship (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Dagger Tangs & Handles
Barbed Dagger Tang (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Cruel Dagger Tang (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Crippling Dagger Tang (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Poisonous Dagger Tang (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Silencing Dagger Tang (Jul. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
Ebon Dagger Tang (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
Fiery Dagger Tang (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Icy Dagger Tang (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Shocking Dagger Tang (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Furious Dagger Tang (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Sundering Dagger Tang (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Vampiric Dagger Tang (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Zealous Dagger Tang (Dec. 2010) 0.5-5k
Dagger Handle of Defense (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Dagger Handle of Shelter (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Dagger Handle of Warding (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Dagger Handle of Enchanting (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
Dagger Handle of Fortitude (Jul. 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
Dagger Handle of Dagger Mastery (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Scythe Snathes & Grips
Barbed Scythe Snathe (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Cruel Scythe Snathe (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Crippling Scythe Snathe (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Heavy Scythe Snathe (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Poisonous Scythe Snathe (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Ebon Scythe Snathe (Jun. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1.5k
Fiery Scythe Snathe (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 0.5k
Icy Scythe Snathe (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 4k
Shocking Scythe Snathe (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
Furious Scythe Snathe (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 0.5k
Sundering Scythe Snathe (Oct. 2009) 4-5k
Vampiric Scythe Snathe (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2.5k
Zealous Scythe Snathe (Dec. 2010) 6-8k
Scythe Grip of Defense (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Scythe Grip of Shelter (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Scythe Grip of Warding (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Scythe Grip of Enchanting (Dec. 2010) 5.5-8k
non-max 19% Scythe Grip of Enchanting (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged -2k
Scythe Grip of Fortitude (Dec. 2010) 3-10k
Scythe Grip of Scythe Mastery (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
Ranged Weapons
Bow Bowstrings & Grips
Barbed Bowstring (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Crippling Bowstring (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Poisonous Bowstring (Apr. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
Silencing Bowstring (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Ebon Bowstring (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Fiery Bowstring (Jul. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
Icy Bowstring (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Shocking Bowstring (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Sundering Bowstring (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
Vampiric Bowstring (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
Zealous Bowstring (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Bow Grip of Defense (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Bow Grip of Enchanting (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Bow Grip of Fortitude (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
Bow Grip of Marksmanship (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 0.5k
Bow Grip of Shelter (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Bow Grip of Warding (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Spear Spearheads & Grips
Barbed Spearhead (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Cruel Spearhead (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Crippling Spearhead (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Heavy Spearhead (May 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
Poisonous Spearhead (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Silencing Spearhead (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Ebon Spearhead (Jan. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1.5k
Fiery Spearhead (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Icy Spearhead (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Shocking Spearhead (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Furious Spearhead (Nov. 2010) 5-15k
Sundering Spearhead (Apr. 2010) 1-4k
Vampiric Spearhead (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 0.2k
Zealous Spearhead (Nov. 2010) 2-6k
Spear Grip of Defense (Feb. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
Spear Grip of Shelter (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Spear Grip of Warding (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Spear Grip of Enchanting (Nov. 2010) 3-15k
non-max 19% Spear Grip of Enchanting (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Spear Grip of Fortitude (Nov. 2010) 4-15k
non-max +29 Spear Grip of Fortitude (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
Spear Grip of Spear Mastery (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 0.5k
Staff Heads & Wrappings
Adept Staff Head (Dec. 2010) 1-4k
Defensive Staff Head (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Hale Staff Head (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
Insightful Staff Head (Dec. 2010) 1-2k
Swift Staff Head (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
Staff Wrapping of Defense (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Staff Wrapping of Shelter (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Staff Wrapping of Warding (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting (Dec. 2010) 2-8k
non-max 19% Staff Wrapping of Enchanting (Jun. 2010) Not Salvaged - 0.5k
Staff Wrapping of Fortitude (Nov. 2010) 2-4k
Staff Wrapping of Devotion (May 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Staff Wrapping of Endurance (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Staff Wrapping of Valor (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Staff Wrapping of Mastery (Nov. 2010) 1-4k
Staff Wrapping of <Attribute> (Oct. 2009) Generally Not Salvaged - 2k
- Staff Wrapping of Divine Favor (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Staff Wrapping of Healing Prayers (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Staff Wrapping of Protection Prayers (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Staff Wrapping of Smiting Prayers (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Staff Wrapping of Soul Reaping (Oct. 2009) ? They seem to be rare.
- Staff Wrapping of Blood Magic (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Staff Wrapping of Curses (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Staff Wrapping of Death Magic (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k+
- Staff Wrapping of Fast Casting (Oct. 2009) Not confirmed to exist in game.
- Staff Wrapping of Domination Magic (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Staff Wrapping of Illusion Magic (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Staff Wrapping of Inspiration Magic (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Staff Wrapping of Energy Storage (Oct. 2009) ? They seem to be rare.
- Staff Wrapping of Air Magic (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Staff Wrapping of Earth Magic (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Staff Wrapping of Fire Magic (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Staff Wrapping of Water Magic (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Staff Wrapping of Spawning Power (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Staff Wrapping of Channeling (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Staff Wrapping of Communing (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Staff Wrapping of Restoration Magic (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k
Wand Wrappings
Wand Wrapping of Quickening (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k
Wand Wrapping of Memory (Dec. 2010) 1-2k
Shield Handles
Shield Handle of Fortitude (Dec. 2010) 3-8k
Shield Handle of Devotion (Dec. 2010) 3-10k
Shield Handle of Endurance (May 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Shield Handle of Valor (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Focus Cores
Focus Core of Swiftness (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Focus Core of Aptitude (Nov. 2010) 2-4k
Focus Core of Fortitude (Dec. 2010) 1-4k
Focus Core of Devotion (Jun. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
Focus Core of Endurance (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Focus Core of Valor (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
Weapon Inscriptions
"Strength and Honor" (15^50) (Dec. 2010) 1-3k
"Guided by Fate" (15 enchanted) (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1.5k
"Dance with Death" (15 stance) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Too Much Information" (15 Vs Hex) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"To the Pain" (15/-10AL) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Brawn over Brains" (15/-5 energy) (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1.5k
"Vengeance is Mine" (20<50) (Jun. 2010) Not Salvaged - 0.5k
"Don't Fear the Reaper" (20 while hexed) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"I Have the Power!" (+5 energy) (Dec. 2010) 1-2.5k
"Hale and Hearty" (+5 energy^50) (Dec. 2010) 1-2k
"Have Faith" (+5 energy while enchanted) (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1.5k
"Don't call it a comeback!" (+7 energy<50) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"I am Sorrow" (+7 energy while hexed) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Seize the Day" (+15 energy -1 energy regen) (Dec. 2010) 2.5-5k
"Don't Think Twice" (HCT10%) (Feb. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Let the Memory Live Again" (HSR10%) (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
"Aptitude not Attitude" (HCT20%) (Dec. 2010) 2-15k
non-max 19% "Aptitude not Attitude" (HCT19%) (Jun. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
Offhand Inscriptions
"Not the face!" (10VsBlunt) (Dec. 2010) 1-4k
"Leaf on the Wind" (10VsCold) (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
"Like a Rolling Stone" (10VsEarth) (Dec. 2010) 2-5k
"Riders on the Storm" (10VsLightning) (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
"Sleep Now in the Fire" (10VsFire) (Dec. 2010) 2-8k
"Through Thick and Thin" (10VsPiercing) (Nov. 2010) 2-7k
"The Riddle of Steel" (10VsSlashing) (Nov. 2010) 1-8k
"Sheltered by Faith" (-2Dmg while enchanted) (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 4k
"Run For Your Life!" (-2Dmg while in stance) (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
"Nothing to Fear" (-3Dmg while hexed) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Luck of the Draw" (-5:20%) (May 2010) 2-10k
"Fear Cuts Deeper" (reduce bleed) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"I Can See Clearly Now" (reduce blind) (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
"Swift as the Wind" (reduce cripple) (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 5k
"Strength of Body" (reduce deep wound) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Cast Out the Unclean" (reduce disease) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Pure of Heart" (reduce poison) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Soundness of Mind" (reduce daze) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Only the Strong Survive" (reduce weakness) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Hail to the King" (AL+5^50) (Jan. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Faith is My Shield" (AL+5 while enchanted) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Might Makes Right" (AL+5 while in attacking) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Knowing is Half the Battle" (AL+5 while casting) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Man for All Seasons" (AL+5 Vs ele dmg) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Survival of the Fittest" (AL+5 vs phys dmg) (Jun. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Ignorance is Bliss" (AL+5 -5 energy) (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
"Life is Pain" (AL+5 -20 health) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Down But Not Out" (AL+10<50) (Aug. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
"Be Just and Fear Not" (AL+10 while hexed) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
"Live for Today" (+15 energy -1 energy regen) (Jun. 2010) 3-10k
"Master of My Domain" (+1 to attribute 20%) (Dec. 2010) 1.5-10k
"Serenity Now" (HSR10%) (Mar. 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
"Forget Me Not" (HSR20%) (Dec. 2010) 20-35k
non-max 19% "Forget Me Not" (HSR19%) (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 5k
General Inscriptions
"Measure for Measure" (highly salvageable) (Apr. 2010) Not Salvaged - 400g
"Show me the money!" (improved sell) (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged
Slaying Mods: +20% Vs Creatures
- There are no confirmed reports of removable creature slaying mods for daggers, scythes or spears.
- Like "Damage +15% while health is above 50%," the percentage damage increase granted by these mods applies to the damage dealt by the weapon only. Damage dealt by skills and spells while wielding a weapon with such a mod is not increased.
- The market for these mods seems to be people farming a particular creature with martial damage and people building collections.
vs. Charr
- Axe Grip of Charrslaying 20% (Oct. 2009) ?
- Hammer Grip of Charrslaying 20% (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 4k
- * Hammer Grip of Charrslaying 25% (Dec. 2009) 5k+
- Sword Pommel of Charrslaying 20% (Mar. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
- * Sword Pommel of Charrslaying 25% (Oct. 2009) ?
- Bow Grip of Charrslaying 20% (Mar. 2010) Not Salvaged - 4k
- * Bow Grip of Charrslaying 25% (Oct. 2009) ?
- Staff Wrapping of Charrslaying 20% (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
vs. Demons
- Axe Grip of Demonslaying 20% (Mar. 2010) 50-58k
- Hammer Grip of Demonslaying 20% (Mar. 2010) 1-5k
- Sword Pommel of Demonslaying 20% (Mar. 2010) 15-170k
- non-max Sword Pommel of Demonslaying 19% (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Bow Grip of Demonslaying 20% (Nov. 2009) 2-6k
- Staff Wrapping of Demonslaying 20% (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - ?
- Axe Grip of Dragonslaying 20% (Dec. 2009) 10k
- Hammer Grip of Dragonslaying 20% (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Sword Pommel of Dragonslaying 20% (Dec. 2009) 10-15k
- Bow Grip of Dragonslaying 20% (Dec. 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
- Staff Wrapping of Dragonslaying 20% (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 0.5k
- Axe Grip of Dwarfslaying 20% (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - ?
- Hammer Grip of Dwarfslaying 20% (Mar. 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
- Sword Pommel of Dwarfslaying 20% (Jun. 2010) Not Salvaged - 25k
- Bow Grip of Dwarfslaying 20% (Mar. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Staff Wrapping of Dwarfslaying 20% (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Axe Grip of Giantslaying 20% (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
- Hammer Grip of Giantslaying 20% (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Sword Pommel of Giantslaying 20% (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Bow Grip of Giantslaying 20% (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Staff Wrapping of Giantslaying 20% (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - ?
- Axe Grip of Ogreslaying 20% (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Hammer Grip of Ogreslaying 20% (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Sword Pommel of Ogreslaying 20% (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - ?
- Bow Grip of Ogreslaying 20% (Oct. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Staff Wrapping of Ogreslaying 20% (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Axe Grip of Pruning 20% (Mar. 2010) 2-10k
- Hammer Grip of Pruning 20% (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Sword Pommel of Pruning 20% (Nov. 2010) Not Salvaged - 10k
- Bow Grip of Pruning 20% (Mar. 2010) Not Salvaged - 3k
- Staff Wrapping of Pruning 20% (Jan. 2010) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Axe Grip of Tenguslaying 20% (Dec. 2010) 2-3k
- Hammer Grip of Tenguslaying 20% (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - ?
- Sword Pommel of Tenguslaying 20% (Nov. 2009) 25k
- Bow Grip of Tenguslaying 20% (May 2010) Not Salvaged - 5k
- Staff Wrapping of Tenguslaying 20% (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - ?
- Axe Grip of Trollslaying 20% (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - ?
- Hammer Grip of Trollslaying 20% (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - ?
- Sword Pommel of Trollslaying 20% (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - ?
- Bow Grip of Trollslaying 20% (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 9k
- Staff Wrapping of Trollslaying 20% (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 2k
- Axe Grip of Deathbane 20% (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - ?
- Hammer Grip of Deathbane 20% (Mar. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Sword Pommel of Deathbane 20% (Apr. 2010) Not Salvaged - 10k
- Bow Grip of Deathbane 20% (Nov. 2009) Not Salvaged - 0.5k
- Staff Wrapping of Deathbane 20% (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - ?
- Axe Grip of Skeletonslaying 20% (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - ?
- Hammer Grip of Skeletonslaying 20% (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - ?
- Sword Pommel of Skeletonslaying 20% (Dec. 2009) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Bow Grip of Skeletonslaying 20% (Mar. 2010) Not Salvaged - 1k
- Staff Wrapping of Skeletonslaying 20% (Oct. 2009) Not Salvaged - ?
Oldschool Sundering Mods "Armor Penetration 10% (Chance 10%)"
- Originally, the maximum stats on a sundering mod for axes, hammers, swords or bows was "Armor Penetration 10% (Chance 10%)" or "10/10," rather than the current max for sundering mods which gives 20% chance to do 20% armor penetration.
- A game update changed the maximum possibility, but existing "10/10" sundering mods were left in game.
- While these "prenerf" sundering mods are technically inferior to modern sundering mods, some players enjoy collecting these "prenerf" sundering mods for nostalgia.
Oldschool 10/10 Sundering Hammer Haft (Dec. 2010) ?
Oldschool 10/10 Sundering Sword Pommel (Jun. 2010) 20-30k
Oldschool 10/10 Sundering Bowstring (Dec. 2010) ?