Henchman Skill Bar Contest Winners!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

55?? 57' 0" N / 3?? 12' 0" W


I just hope that Devona (no wait gimme a sec, she's run off again, my fault there was monsters within a 2 mile radius), and other fighter henchies ditch 'Charge', wth is that about, do warrior bosses use (No Devona thats a door, stop hitting it, you're in the wrong Campaign) charge in HM, no, why, because they are not complete morons, thanks for the retarded henchies



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2007

Las Vegas

Enraged Whiny Carebears [oR]


there is no originality left in the game for individual builds. you can think of a build that nobody's played before, and that build may be fun and original, but it's not anywhere near being the most effective (making a slight variation of a popular build doesn't count). and that's the WHOLE purpose of this, to take away heroes and shitty henchmen and give us something effective to work with.

you're all whining because you didn't get some worthless tonic to make you look like a henchmen, and completely missing the entire point of this whole deal. with the new henchmen will be the removal of heroes, and we'll have alternative henchmen to work with that aren't completely worthless. tell me what's wrong with that.

''wiki builds henchmen with frenzy lulz'' right. henchmen with popular and effective bars that will in no way play as well as a skilled human being. yes. exactly what was intended. as if you'd rather have a zaishen archer with kindle arrows and random skills replacing your d/c'd frontline.

they're still henchmen. they're not going to remove heroes to add henchmen with the same exact skills and behavior. henchmen will still suck in comparison to a skilled player, they will always suck, the only thing now is they will suck a lot less and all i see is 29 pages of tears.

guild wars.

Admin Edit: This thread is now closed: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...&postcount=510