Originally Posted by Akaraxle
"Dear players, it seems there has been a bit of a misunderstanding between our Community Managers and the committee in charge of selecting and evaluating the submissions for the Henchman Skill Bar contest.
We apologise for the inconvenience. We are currently discussing the most appropriate course of action: whether to improve the AI according to the bars posted, or apply small changes to the builds to make them more suitable for henchman use, or issue another contest while letting the winners keep their prizes. Whatever the decision, rest assured we'll get back at you within the next few days with a solution that will hopefully make everyone happy. "
Would you vote me as a community rep? =P
I would. You see, this whole lack of communication problem is caused, well, by lack of communication. How hard can it be for Regina to answer those unanswered questions that are flooding the forums? How hard can it be to scan the wiki once in a while providing responses to interested guys...
Accepting the failure, however, is harder, and since the CR guys don't do the first two, I have no reason to believe they'll do the third one.
A.net screwed up. It happens. It shouldn't happen, but every man screwes up. Even in big companis, consisting of way more than the five people currently in the live team, mistakes are being made.
The difference is in the way of reacting to the failure after it's been made.
Instead of accepting the mistake (and clearly some mistake has been made - or that the guidelines were wrong or the judging was sloppy), Anet's CR guys chose to throw excuses at us, like some kind of smokescreen.
A mistake was made. I doubt Regina/Martin can miss it.
Something must be done - a course of action needs to be taken. Not doing a thing is of course an option, but is considered the worse by mot, I think. I think Akraxle only mentioned some ways to act, and I'm not sure they are all fair.
For some reason, some precentage of the community understood that builds have to be original. It might or might not be based on martin saying "Builds have to be original.". Either way, This precentage is high. This misunderstanding doomed their builds not to win - Everybody knew he could put some gimmicky build - its just that martin canceled the option it'd win.
Also, Since no change to AI was mentioned, I, Among many others, chose to consider the incompetent AI and built a build that could work with the current AI.
So, as usually, the choice is within Anet grasp. Whether they leave us annoyed, or they'll invent some serious solution, the ball is in their field.