- Remember, do not post if you have nothing to contribute!
- These prices are based on general observation. Take these prices as advice and nothing more.
NOTE: When offering title points in bulk, it's possible to sell for a little more as the bulk buy saves the buyer time and effort. Data suggests Party Points seem to be the easiest to work with in this regard (can increase sale value around 25%), but it can work for all points.
tbd = To Be Determined. If you have some information on sales or purchases, please post!
Alcohol points
~125g per minute
Bottles of Grog - Can be sold for slightly more than common booze due to the effect duration ("Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Grog")
Hard Apple Cider - Sometimes in-demand in the "offseason" due to Thackeray's Scavenger Hunt
Sweet Points
130-150g per point
Exceptions (Note: Most exceptions to the above pricing are items used as "personal cons" for speedclears and such)
Birthday Cupcakes - 18-24e/stack (450-720g/ea) (high price 25Nov/11)
Candy Apples - 12e/stack (~335g/ea) "offseason", 7-8e/stack (~200g/ea) during or immediately following the event
Candy Corn - 12e/stack (~335g/ea) "offseason", 7-8e/stack (~200g/ea) during or immediately following the event
Golden Egg - 24e/stack (~720g/ea) (11Nov/11)
Honeycomb - tbd
Rainbow Candy Cane - 55k/stack (225g/ea)
Slice of Pumpkin Pie - 18-20e/stack (450-560g/ea)
Green Rock Candy - ~600g/ea (18Nov/11)
Blue Rock Candy - ~1500g/ea (18Nov/11)
Red Rock Candy - ~2100g - 2500g/ea (25Nov/11)
Death penalty removers (such as Pumpkin Cookies, Wintergreen Candy Canes, Peppermint Candy Canes) - not "spammable", 60-100g/point
Party Points
120-150g per point
Most Tonics (with the possible exception of Transmogrifier, Yultide and Zaishen) - Since they can't be "spammed", they sell for slightly less - 90-100g/point
Disco Balls and Crates of Fireworks - also non-spammable, so 90-100g/point
(Note that Transmogrifier, Yultide and Zaishen tonics are the only ones usable in explorable areas. Therefore, they can be "spammed" while under the effects of "Loose Magic" [Divinity Coast, while War in Kryta is active])
Lucky/Unlucky Points
Four-leaf Clover - 200-400g
Lockpick - 1-1.25k
Please read up on the conditions that must be met for a player to receive Lucky/Unlucky points from these items.
Eye of the North Consumables
Consumable Set (Essence of Celerity, Armor of Salvation, Grail of Might) - 8-9k
Armor of Salvation - tbd
Essence of Celerity - 3-4k
Grail of Might - tbd
Perfect Salvage Kit - 1-2k
Powerstone of Courage - tbd
Scroll of Resurrection - 1750g-2500g/ea (15Nov/11)
Star of Transference - tbd
Gifts, packages, etc
Gift of the Traveler - 4-5k
Lunar Fortunes (Canthan New Year) - 40e/stack or 1120g/ea (assuming ecto @ 7k/ea)
Royal Gift (War in Kryta) - 4-5k/ea
Trick-or-Treat Bag (Halloween) - ~30k/stack or 120g/ea during or immediately following the event; "offseason" tbd
Wintersday Gift (Wintersday) - tbd
Gift of the Huntsman - tbd
Coffer of Whispers - tbd
Paper Wrapped Parcels (Hearts of the North) - 4-5k/ea (more reports needed)
Zaishen Strongboxes:
- Gladiator's Zaishen Strongbox (Random Arenas) - tbd
- Strategist's Zaishen Strongbox (Codex Arena) - tbd
- Hero's Zaishen Strongbox (Heroes' Ascent) - tbd
- Champion's Zaishen Strongbox (Guild versus guild) - tbd
Summoning Stones
Celestial Sommoning Stones (Canthan New Year) - 500g-1k/ea (14Nov/11)
Ghastly Summoning Stones (Underworld Chest) - tbd
Mercantile Summoning Stones (Gift of the Traveler) - 100-250g/ea
Shining Blade War Horn - 600g/ea+
Other Consumables
Bowls of Skalefin Soup - tbd
Drake Kabobs - 30-35e per stack (800g-1k/ea) (17Nov/11)
Pahnai Salad - tbd
Elixir of Valor (Coffer of Whispers) - 400g/ea (14Nov/11)
War Supplies (War in Kryta) - tbd
Shining Blade Rations (Royal Gifts, War in Kryta) - tbd
Flame of Balthazar - 1-2k
Golden Flame of Balthazar - 5-6k
Zaishen Key - 5-6k