Consumables Price Guide



Join Date: Mar 2006

We Couldn't Figure Out A Name [LMAO]


This thread will be maintained a bi-weekly basis. Please contribute your sales data so we can keep this list up to date. Thank you.

  • Remember, do not post if you have nothing to contribute!
  • These prices are based on general observation. Take these prices as advice and nothing more.

NOTE: When offering title points in bulk, it's possible to sell for a little more as the bulk buy saves the buyer time and effort. Data suggests Party Points seem to be the easiest to work with in this regard (can increase sale value around 25%), but it can work for all points.

tbd = To Be Determined. If you have some information on sales or purchases, please post!


Alcohol points

~125g per minute


Bottles of Grog - Can be sold for slightly more than common booze due to the effect duration ("Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Grog")
Hard Apple Cider - Sometimes in-demand in the "offseason" due to Thackeray's Scavenger Hunt


Sweet Points

130-150g per point

Exceptions (Note: Most exceptions to the above pricing are items used as "personal cons" for speedclears and such)

Birthday Cupcakes - 18-24e/stack (450-720g/ea) (high price 25Nov/11)
Candy Apples - 12e/stack (~335g/ea) "offseason", 7-8e/stack (~200g/ea) during or immediately following the event
Candy Corn - 12e/stack (~335g/ea) "offseason", 7-8e/stack (~200g/ea) during or immediately following the event
Golden Egg - 24e/stack (~720g/ea) (11Nov/11)
Honeycomb - tbd
Rainbow Candy Cane - 55k/stack (225g/ea)
Slice of Pumpkin Pie - 18-20e/stack (450-560g/ea)
Green Rock Candy - ~600g/ea (18Nov/11)
Blue Rock Candy - ~1500g/ea (18Nov/11)
Red Rock Candy - ~2100g - 2500g/ea (25Nov/11)

Death penalty removers (such as Pumpkin Cookies, Wintergreen Candy Canes, Peppermint Candy Canes) - not "spammable", 60-100g/point


Party Points

120-150g per point


Most Tonics (with the possible exception of Transmogrifier, Yultide and Zaishen) - Since they can't be "spammed", they sell for slightly less - 90-100g/point
Disco Balls and Crates of Fireworks - also non-spammable, so 90-100g/point

(Note that Transmogrifier, Yultide and Zaishen tonics are the only ones usable in explorable areas. Therefore, they can be "spammed" while under the effects of "Loose Magic" [Divinity Coast, while War in Kryta is active])


Lucky/Unlucky Points

Four-leaf Clover - 200-400g
Lockpick - 1-1.25k

Please read up on the conditions that must be met for a player to receive Lucky/Unlucky points from these items.


Eye of the North Consumables
Consumable Set (Essence of Celerity, Armor of Salvation, Grail of Might) - 8-9k
Armor of Salvation - tbd
Essence of Celerity - 3-4k
Grail of Might - tbd
Perfect Salvage Kit - 1-2k
Powerstone of Courage - tbd
Scroll of Resurrection - 1750g-2500g/ea (15Nov/11)
Star of Transference - tbd


Gifts, packages, etc

Gift of the Traveler - 4-5k
Lunar Fortunes (Canthan New Year) - 40e/stack or 1120g/ea (assuming ecto @ 7k/ea)
Royal Gift (War in Kryta) - 4-5k/ea
Trick-or-Treat Bag (Halloween) - ~30k/stack or 120g/ea during or immediately following the event; "offseason" tbd
Wintersday Gift (Wintersday) - tbd
Gift of the Huntsman - tbd
Coffer of Whispers - tbd
Paper Wrapped Parcels (Hearts of the North) - 4-5k/ea (more reports needed)

Zaishen Strongboxes:
  • Gladiator's Zaishen Strongbox (Random Arenas) - tbd
  • Strategist's Zaishen Strongbox (Codex Arena) - tbd
  • Hero's Zaishen Strongbox (Heroes' Ascent) - tbd
  • Champion's Zaishen Strongbox (Guild versus guild) - tbd


Summoning Stones



Celestial Sommoning Stones (Canthan New Year) - 500g-1k/ea (14Nov/11)
Ghastly Summoning Stones (Underworld Chest) - tbd
Mercantile Summoning Stones (Gift of the Traveler) - 100-250g/ea
Shining Blade War Horn - 600g/ea+


Other Consumables

Bowls of Skalefin Soup - tbd
Drake Kabobs - 30-35e per stack (800g-1k/ea) (17Nov/11)
Pahnai Salad - tbd
Elixir of Valor (Coffer of Whispers) - 400g/ea (14Nov/11)
War Supplies (War in Kryta) - tbd
Shining Blade Rations (Royal Gifts, War in Kryta) - tbd


Flame of Balthazar - 1-2k
Golden Flame of Balthazar - 5-6k
Zaishen Key - 5-6k


Ripy rip

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2009

WTB r8 +5e Zodiac Sword


Res scrolls go for about 1.2k if you craft them in 5's buying everything from traders.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2008

2k09 - golden gvg days



bought a few lockpicks at 1.25k ea




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


Four leaf clovers way off - many people spamming in game to buy for 200g each - I sold a stack for 100k, and three others for 90k a stack (around 400g each)

Edit: I have not put much time into trying to sell these - and I have sold them easily for 90k+ a stack. Sell for 200-300g each if you want, fine with me. Also, last year at one point a stack of clovers was hitting 100k 5e and up. If you want to sell for cheap go for it.

I would not list the gold zaishen coins - already too many idiots in game still thinking you can trade them - plus it depends on how you use them that warrants the value.

I bought 2 heavy packs for 30e - sold for 32 and 35e.

Bought a large pack for 40k

Also sold my cupcake stacks for 100k 5e each.

Been selling peppermint candy canes lately for 500g-1k each.

Booze are really be found easily for 90g each pp even - grog seems to sell for the 100g pp as it is a novelty as well. So I guess you can list that as an exception.



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

4-leaf clovers overall go 200-300g/ea

And Golden flames of balthazars overall go 7-8k



Join Date: Mar 2006

We Couldn't Figure Out A Name [LMAO]


Thanks guys. Most of the bottom section was cut and paste as I'd not had experience with them for a while.

Updated to suit data so far. Will keep on it as more comes in.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2007



sold the following:

615 party points (mixed easy use and tonics) 250g/ea (was to a wtb)
130 rainbow cc 300g/ea




Join Date: Jan 2008

Trinity of the Ascended [ToA] -- IGN: Swirly


agree with blackknight1337, fairly easy to sell party points at 250 each. just sold 5000 of them for 250 each in this thread

also, the 3 minute booze is pretty easy to sell at 100k/stack (400 each) as long as there is no event during which they drop going on. from march to about july, 3 minute booze is in short supply and therefore easier to sell. just my observation.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2009



There really should be a tighter range for lockpicks...sellers at 1k are rare. I can spam forever at 1.1k and get relatively few sellers.

1.1-1.25k IMHO

EDIT: Agree with poster below...had no trouble buying today at 1.1k and even bought some at 1k.




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


I find 1k lock picks quite often, and I know places where people are more likely to be selling them just to get rid and keep farming. Rare or not people do sell for 1k so no need to change it.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005

Alcohol Points - add to Exceptions - 1 point Rice Wine 200g (to merch)

reg Flames of Balthazar I always sell 2.5-3k


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2007


Liars, Cheats and Thieves [Liar]


I rarely see Kegs of Ale bought at 14-15k anymore. Usually 11-12k, which is 73-80g/point. So there's an exception for alcohol.

Also, I rarely see wtb for party items at 250g/point. In my mind, finding someone willing to pay 200g/point is a good find. But if this 250g/point thing is true, that's some interesting news.

Exceptions for candy are red rock candies that go for 1-1.5k/ea. Also anything else that boosts stats, movement speed, health/energy, etc will be an exception of course.

Your range for Essence of Celerity is a little high. I'd say 3.5-4k, not 3-4k. Although mostly I only see wts/wtb at 3.8-4k.

Lockpicks are EASY to find at 1.25k. I often see people selling 80/100k, so I look for a better deal like 1-1.1k.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2009



Kegs of ale: 150 * 90 = 13,500g which seems like a reasonable price for a keg of ale. I'm sure I could find a buyer or seller at that price so I don't think there is a keg exception.

Actual reason I posted: bought a powerstone of courage 1k, just sold one in LA (WTB'er) for 2k. I'd say 1-2k is fair price for powerstone.



Join Date: Mar 2006

We Couldn't Figure Out A Name [LMAO]


Originally Posted by joshuarodger View Post
agree with blackknight1337, fairly easy to sell party points at 250 each. just sold 5000 of them for 250 each in this thread
It's easy to get more in bulk amounts, sure, that data would skew the general values (as most don't sell in such amounts).

I'll add a note relating to this to the guide, though.


Kegs can still sell for 15k if you're not in a rush, so I won't be adjusting the top end of the bracket.


Will update more once more data has been gathered. Thanks to all contributors.

I Am Not Ok

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006


Die Vornehmen [edel]


bought 2 stacks of clovers for 150k



Miss the good ol' days

Join Date: Sep 2009

Where don't I live?


i bought around 100 blue rock candies and 240 red rock candies yesterday, blue for 1k ea and red for 1.5k ea



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006

bought 50 armors of salvation for 1.5k ea.

Total Lockdown

Total Lockdown

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006


Freelance Soldiers [Solo]


Bought a Stack of Golden Eggs for 50K

Zanagi Kazuhiko

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2009

Kamadan Dis 1

LF trolling/flaming guild, 8=D


Zkeys: 3.5k/ea - 4k/ea




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


Sold 243 Clovers for 95k .....

Agree with you on the kegs wilderness - I sold 4-5 of them for 14-15k without much trouble really



Join Date: Mar 2006

We Couldn't Figure Out A Name [LMAO]


Originally Posted by Blinzx View Post
Zkeys: 3.5k/ea - 4k/ea
An anomaly cause by RR day. I'm confident it's temporary and not worthy adding yet.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006



eggs sell pretty easily for 90kish


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2008


I usually buy the Blue Rock Candies for around 750g ea, red rock candies for about 1.1k ea

Normally sell my mysterious tonics for around 800g-900g depending on the buyer

Shanks R Us

Shanks R Us

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2009

Hippie Town, Montana

Robbing The [Hood]


Blue rock candy: 600-750
Red: 1k

I saw some kid selling cupcake stacks for 28 ectos, said he had sold like 4 stacks for that, so yeah...
I see way varied prices too. I've seen multiple wtb's at 300g ea.

Total Lockdown

Total Lockdown

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006


Freelance Soldiers [Solo]


Bought 4 more stacks of Golden Eggs for 50K a stack

Shanks R Us

Shanks R Us

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2009

Hippie Town, Montana

Robbing The [Hood]


Sold large pack 12e


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2007



sold about 1100 party points for 250g/ea

pretty easy to buy smaller amounts for 100-150g a point...but pretty easy to find buyers for bulk at 250.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Not sure if this lines up with the normal sweet point range, but several different buyers have told me that the going rate for red rock candies is 1k ea. I've seen quite a few folks looking to buy them for that in Kamadan recently.

Oh, and I just bought 20 honeycombs for 140g ea.


Total Lockdown

Total Lockdown

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2006


Freelance Soldiers [Solo]



Golden Egg Stacks: 40K, 55K, 45K, 60K (Prices vary depending on selling and persistence)

Rock Candies:

Red 1K
Blue 700g
Green 500g

Keg of Aged Ale 12-15K

I'll keep u posted




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


Sold a bunch of red rocks 1.7k each (quite often see people offering over 1k)

Bought a few large packs 40k - heavy 30e.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Leaving a note here that last night in Kama ad1 I saw people looking to buy red rock for 1k and another one looking to buy red rock for 1.2k and blue for 1k.

So the buyers I spoke with and reported about above saying "1k is standard price for red rock" were off. Especially after seeing Stuey's note above.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2007



Sold the following:

90 Jars of Honey 360g/ea (to a wtb)
82 Candy Corn 450g/ea (to a wtb, bargained a little)

Saw wtb for red rocks at 1.5k, honeycombs at 250g/ea

you can get 1k for blue rocks as well, i sold my last batch for that.

also bought 1339 gifts of the huntsman at 500g/ea, dunno if you want to add those or not.



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2009


Oath of Fire [Oath]


Just sold 5 red rock candies for 7.5k. It took about 2 min. tops (took longer to find eachother than the trade itself).

fubar knobby

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006


yes we know tot stands for trick or treat thats not realy what they are asking now is it,
seen lots of wtb at 200 ea and stacks going for between 50-65k.


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

On Oct 28, I offered 500g ea to someone I saw in a town looking to sell 35 blue rock candies and they accepted.

On Oct 29, I sold all 35 for 1k ea to someone I saw in a town wanting to buy blue and red for 1k ea.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2009



Z-Keys are already back to 4-4.5k each. 4k seems the prevailing price right now but I sold a few for 4.5k yesterday.

No one is selling at 3.5k anymore.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2007



sold rock candies, about 50 of each for the following:
red 1.7k
blue 1.1k
green 800g

sold a couple stacks of clovers for 100k/ea

sold 20 stacks party for 15e/stack (ecto has been at about 6k all day)

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Sell perf salvage kits @ 1k (takes a while even in Spamadan)


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Gatineau, Qc, Canada

Kiss of Anguish [KISS]


Love this thread.

Wish it included prices for stacks of materials as I am looking to start getting into crafting of Cons and dont know where to look.

Any help as to where I can look for up to date prices on the low end price range I should be looking for on stacks of materials?

Woop woop

Woop woop

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2007

Order of The Forgotten Heroes


Sold and bought quite a few Armor of salvation and Grail of might for 2k each. Wish I could remember where and when but I know at least it was always 2k exact when selling or offering to buy.

Bought 3 Res scrolls @ 1k ea in ToA.