Originally Posted by Daesu
So even more so for those people who have spent real money buying the extra accounts. They are entitled to get the extra zkeys. Sounds fair to me, spending extra money on ANet's product entitles you to more power in the game. Otherwise why the hell would I spend extra money and get nothing in return?
Oh, absolutely... more power I say... I also want a free rank on every PvP title per additional account purchased, I mean I spent money so I deserve it right?
The sad thing, you don't even know that you're trolling.
You spent extra money on game accounts, and oh look, you got extra game accounts. If the XTH doesn't return you STILL have those extra game accounts, if the XTH zaishen keys are non tradable you still have those game accounts, and a crap load of Z keys that you can use on the zaishen chest.
What you really want is MONEY, and you think you deserve MONEY because you paid for it.
Problem is, ArenaNet didn't sell you MONEY, they sold you accounts... go blame yourself. Oh, and while you're at it, buy your MONEY from a RMT gold trader, but please be careful and take every precaution against not getting caught by ArenaNet. That's right, make sure they catch you doing it.
RMT scum are just another form of cheater that ruins the game for everyone else.