XTH has become an epic fail
Martin Alvito
Other than the epic QQ from everyone that wants to level the title further, can't because of the restriction, and is green with envy looking at the people that maxed it when it was possible.
Zkeys needed to be not tradeable from day one.
Zkeys needed to be not tradeable from day one.
Does anyone think that the XTH was broken on purpose, giving them a reason to take it away? I know it killed the Zkey market, but then again so did Red Resign Day.
I think Anet is hoping we just forget all about XTH. They haven't given us any indication that they are still working on it lately, and even when they did, never any timeline.
Rather than face the music of either deciding to kill XTH or having no real interest in fixing it, their response was always something to the effect of "when we know something, we will let you know" and never any updates or information to keep their customers up to date. I can see why now, no interest in fixing it. XTH is now vaporware. Doesn't exist and is never coming back.
I think Anet is hoping we just forget all about XTH. They haven't given us any indication that they are still working on it lately, and even when they did, never any timeline.
Rather than face the music of either deciding to kill XTH or having no real interest in fixing it, their response was always something to the effect of "when we know something, we will let you know" and never any updates or information to keep their customers up to date. I can see why now, no interest in fixing it. XTH is now vaporware. Doesn't exist and is never coming back.
Does anyone think that the XTH was broken on purpose, giving them a reason to take it away? I know it killed the Zkey market, but then again so did Red Resign Day.
I think Anet is hoping we just forget all about XTH. They haven't given us any indication that they are still working on it lately, and even when they did, never any timeline. Rather than face the music of either deciding to kill XTH or having no real interest in fixing it, their response was always something to the effect of "when we know something, we will let you know" and never any updates or information to keep their customers up to date. I can see why now, no interest in fixing it. XTH is now vaporware. Doesn't exist and is never coming back. |
Martin Alvito
I think you're giving the devs way too much credit for deviousness, persuadu.
Black Metal
yeah, this is basic ineptitude, nothing more
Karate Jesus
So....should we just abandon hope on the XTH?
It's been around 3 months since we've heard anything official at all on this and around 7 months since the XTH went down....so can we just go ahead and assume that they're shutting it down?
I mean....why else would they completely white-wall us on this issue?
It's been around 3 months since we've heard anything official at all on this and around 7 months since the XTH went down....so can we just go ahead and assume that they're shutting it down?
I mean....why else would they completely white-wall us on this issue?
Martin Alvito
I wouldn't consider the case proven. They've got bigger fish to fry at the moment. Security and game balance > restoring XTH.
What blows my mind is that they couldn't just revert. Isn't it common sense to build a parallel system when making a change like they made to XTH, so that you can revert to the original if the new system fails?
What blows my mind is that they couldn't just revert. Isn't it common sense to build a parallel system when making a change like they made to XTH, so that you can revert to the original if the new system fails?
Karate Jesus
I wouldn't consider the case proven. They've got bigger fish to fry at the moment. Security and game balance > restoring XTH.
What blows my mind is that they couldn't just revert. Isn't it common sense to build a parallel system when making a change like they made to XTH, so that you can revert to the original if the new system fails? |
And the old system had some serious bugs too, and they built their new system on top of the old one. It wasn't just a matter of reverting.
Martin Alvito
Obviously they built the new system on top of the previous one, since the system has not been restored. Unless you believe that they would purposefully disable an incentive to get people to purchase additional accounts at low prices. That only makes sense if they were paying out more in avoidable support staff wages to distribute the zkeys than they were deriving from XTH-related sales, which seems unlikely.
It's not like they did nothing about XTH. It's just that little of it was directly observable by the user. They claimed that several efforts were made to salvage the system at low cost, and failed. Nothing is happening right now because they're working on other issues.
Building on top of the existing system seems like a shortsighted risk to take with one of their few revenue producers. You'd think that a little extra time cost would be very justifiable.
It's not like they did nothing about XTH. It's just that little of it was directly observable by the user. They claimed that several efforts were made to salvage the system at low cost, and failed. Nothing is happening right now because they're working on other issues.
Building on top of the existing system seems like a shortsighted risk to take with one of their few revenue producers. You'd think that a little extra time cost would be very justifiable.
The Drunkard
So....should we just abandon hope on the XTH?
It's been around 3 months since we've heard anything official at all on this and around 7 months since the XTH went down....so can we just go ahead and assume that they're shutting it down? I mean....why else would they completely white-wall us on this issue? |
From 3 months ago:
I think it's safe to say that their bug fix didn't resolve the issue and XTH has been dropped from the agenda.
We believe that the bug which caused errors in the distribution of points has been identified and fixed, so we’re now preparing to move into the testing phase. We’ll be simulating the Live environment internally and putting the system through rigorous stress testing to see if the fix took. If it did, then yay happy fun time, the XTH will go back up, and hopefully we'll never have to touch it again. However… (You knew there would be a "however," didn’t you?) Should it fail the stress tests, it would mean the fix didn’t take because the bug goes deeper than we hope, and that would be Very Bad. If that is the case, we will be faced with a high probability that this bug is not something we can fix. Nor can we redeploy the Xunlai Tournament House with this database bug outstanding. So, let’s all keep our fingers crossed, and I'll keep you updated on how the testing is going once it gets underway. |

i do agree with Celios here ^^sadly enough we dont get any info anymore from XTH i loved it while it was available .the predicting 1friday a month came home earlier from work to do it even ...and then 2weeks later payday i loved it ...i even got some friends who stopped playing GW cause of the not fixing XTH ...
argh hear me ranting here i got ways to make money i still got loads of friends playing gw ....over and gone i reckon
argh hear me ranting here i got ways to make money i still got loads of friends playing gw ....over and gone i reckon
Ech if the rewards are so much of a problem they should just remove them. I would not mind if it came back with no rewards. I liked the whole betting part.
Ech if the rewards are so much of a problem they should just remove them. I would not mind if it came back with no rewards. I liked the whole betting part.
The handling of XTH right now is just a major major disaster....
lord of all tyria
Martin Alvito
Fay Vert
It's good the way we are kept informed though. Good job anet community relations, top work!
Security and game balance has held a higher place on the que for 7 months? I think not.
I'm guessing that they just keep on thinking every few weeks that they've solved it all, only to have some new bug pop up. That would also be consistent with the accidental short-lived unveiling of a new XTH website last month.
Martin Alvito
Is that what the update functionally did?
Its easier than that. Do the zaishen quests (the PvP ones) and get items with the coins to sell. Equipment packs, tomes, tonics, etc. can all be sold fairly easily.
Nope, it's still possible to change all the game passwords linked to an NCSOFT account without entering any of the current passwords first. (You only need the master NCSOFT account password to login in the first place). Ridiculous but true.
I have no idea what that update a couple days ago did.
I have no idea what that update a couple days ago did.
Martin Alvito
(You only need the master NCSOFT account password to login in the first place).
I was under the impression that the system sends an e-mail with the temp password? That's what the FAQ claims. Or is that only for a reset?
Quinlan Vos
I doubt anyone can anymore say that it's a technical problem. It's been seven months down and would've been fixed if they're about to fix it. I'm assuming it's taken down for economy sake and tbh that's a good decision. In addition to Factions colletor's edition etc. it's basicly buying ig money with rl one.
too bad i decide i may as well attempt to max zaishen after all the key sources get taken away 
do people realize though that the XTH, even if it is "buying ingame money", generated at least a small interest in pvp from those who would never really care otherwise?
that, imo, is good for the game.

do people realize though that the XTH, even if it is "buying ingame money", generated at least a small interest in pvp from those who would never really care otherwise?
that, imo, is good for the game.
Karate Jesus
Hey guys! I have some incredibly important news on this topic directly from Regina!!!

Well, happy 7 month anniversary The Fail of XTH. Let's hope you don't make it a year.
Originally Posted by Regina
I'm sorry to say, but there is no news that I can discuss in public about XTH. I'm sorry that this answer doesn't satisfy the request for information... The Live Team is aware that players continually ask us about XTH... But unfortunately I have no news.

Well, happy 7 month anniversary The Fail of XTH. Let's hope you don't make it a year.
I wont be surprised even if it takes more than a year. This game is controlled by farmers: no zkeys, no XTH, no UW, no SF, no Ursan, no DoA, ....the game is actually shrinking.
Everyone needs to stop deluding themselves. XTH predictions are not coming back! They made that decision when they removed Kun Shao. Anet will not announce it, they'll just wait for the anet attack sheep to beat back any complainer until all is quiet again.
And only a child - who has the campaigns and expansions, store upgrades, internet connection, wireless headsets, and all the other crap that comes with being a dedicated GW player, being bought by their parents - could have audacity to call ANYTHING in GW FREE!
And only a child - who has the campaigns and expansions, store upgrades, internet connection, wireless headsets, and all the other crap that comes with being a dedicated GW player, being bought by their parents - could have audacity to call ANYTHING in GW FREE!
I wont be surprised even if it takes more than a year. This game is controlled by farmers: no zkeys, no XTH, no UW, no SF, no Ursan, no DoA, ....the game is actually shrinking.
Yes, the game is shrinking, GW is a dead game, blah, blah, blah.
Thank you for my daily dose of troll.
If the XTH does return, and I can't say I care if it doesn't, let's hope the reward system has changed or the XTH zaishen keys are non-transferable.
ITT: PvE'rs are mad because they feel entitled to free money every month.
Nonsense, lazy ass'es with a sense of entitlement are mad, many PvE'ers opposed the XTH when it was operational and spoke out against it, just as many now hope it doesn't make a return. But thank you for reinforcing the pvp vs pve divide.
If the game was controlled by farmers, as you claim, surely Sf wouldn't be going anywhere,
If the non-hardcore farmers, who rely on SF, are removed from the UW picture then the price of their ectos go up. $$$
surely DoA would still be very active... and zkeys are still in the game so I have no idea what you're talking about, unless you means masses of free keys being dumped into the economy every month courtesy of the XTH... |
Why did some people petition Ursan to be nerfed? So that the price of torment gems would go up, for those who have the capability to continue playing in DoA, that is a good thing. Too bad for the people who needed the old Ursan PUGs to clear DoA.
It is interesting to see how ANet destroys their own game one elite area at a time, making them virtual ghost towns except for the most hardcore PvE guilds, and stop supporting features like XTH. There are now fewer and fewer features to play. Thank you ANet.
Premium Unleaded
ANet should have just deleted PvE
Oh I see, so it's not that farmers control the game, but a very small group of uber hardcore farmers who want all popular farming builds nerfed so just they and their elite cadre of hardcore *snicker* pve buddies can have free run of the highend market place?
No you're right, that doesn't sound like an insane conspiracy theory at all...
I don't see how removing, or not supporting the XTH means there are fewer features in the game to play. Last time I looked you didn't 'play' the XTH in 'the game', no... you went to the GW website and spent your time 'not playing the game' while entering your selection of possible MAT winners... though I can see how that might seem to be playing Guild Wars for someone who bought ten or so accounts just for the XTH...
Yep, I'm sure the remaining sub 10% of the gaming population could have kept Anet afloat financially. Or did you mean something else?
No you're right, that doesn't sound like an insane conspiracy theory at all...
I don't see how removing, or not supporting the XTH means there are fewer features in the game to play. Last time I looked you didn't 'play' the XTH in 'the game', no... you went to the GW website and spent your time 'not playing the game' while entering your selection of possible MAT winners... though I can see how that might seem to be playing Guild Wars for someone who bought ten or so accounts just for the XTH...
Yep, I'm sure the remaining sub 10% of the gaming population could have kept Anet afloat financially. Or did you mean something else?
haha biggest troll gathering of qq trolls and omg trolls...
its a game... relax... pixels pixels... its not EVEN real
lots of things in gw come free, but only thing u are really paying is your time waisted playing it...
when u get to the point u start to pearticipate in "the discussion above" u need to quit...
its no longer fun its a full time job for u... and u dont get paid for it do u?
there are more games on the market, and a thing called LIFE, work, girls, cars, money, food... whatever thats far more important to think about then farming builds and lag in cyberspace...
unless u are anet employee in whitch case i understand.. U GET PAID FOR IT...
its a game... relax... pixels pixels... its not EVEN real

lots of things in gw come free, but only thing u are really paying is your time waisted playing it...
when u get to the point u start to pearticipate in "the discussion above" u need to quit...
its no longer fun its a full time job for u... and u dont get paid for it do u?
there are more games on the market, and a thing called LIFE, work, girls, cars, money, food... whatever thats far more important to think about then farming builds and lag in cyberspace...

I LOL'd when I read this.
All they had to do was *ROLL BACK* to the prior system, which was working marginally (but CLEARLY much better than the new system that they CONTRACTED OUT).
Why did I LOL? Because "no XTH" means people will NOT be buying additional accounts, which means LESS REVENUE/INCOME. Had XTH continued to run, I might have tossed another $50-100 at additional accounts for zKeys over the past 7 months (kinda smells like a $15/month subscription fee, don't it?!?).
People scoff at buying in-game e-cash with real $cash$. However, this is the *FUTURE* of online MMORPG. Why do you think most have monthly charges, and additional charges for *EPIX* items?!?
All they had to do was *ROLL BACK* to the prior system, which was working marginally (but CLEARLY much better than the new system that they CONTRACTED OUT).
Why did I LOL? Because "no XTH" means people will NOT be buying additional accounts, which means LESS REVENUE/INCOME. Had XTH continued to run, I might have tossed another $50-100 at additional accounts for zKeys over the past 7 months (kinda smells like a $15/month subscription fee, don't it?!?).
People scoff at buying in-game e-cash with real $cash$. However, this is the *FUTURE* of online MMORPG. Why do you think most have monthly charges, and additional charges for *EPIX* items?!?
Oh I see, so it's not that farmers control the game, but a very small group of uber hardcore farmers who want all popular farming builds nerfed so just they and their elite cadre of hardcore *snicker* pve buddies can have free run of the highend market place?
No you're right, that doesn't sound like an insane conspiracy theory at all... |
No matter what you say, I still enjoy and support XTH. Even though I dont trade any zkeys.
No that is fact, not a theory. There are posts made here that people have expressed raising the price of torment gems by nerfing Ursan.
No matter what you say, I still enjoy and support XTH. Even though I dont trade any zkeys. |
By all means, show me the proof that ArenaNet's decision making process with regards to skill/game balancing is being made by a small minority of Uber leet pve farmers, determined to stomp out the ability of the rest of us to farm effectively, while giving them some sort of monopoly on shiny pixels.
Where is this cabal of leet PvE decision makers? Do they have a secret hand shake? You do realize how insane this sounds?
It's nice to see that you'd welcome the return of the XTH with non tradable Z-keys that can only be used on the account that 'won' them. I wouldn't mind that either.