Originally Posted by AKB48
If it exists, it's legit
Under this line of logic, there should never be any skill changes, ever. Seeing as how there are skill changes every so often, clearly, anet does not share this philosophy.
Also, it is a terrible idea. About 90 years ago in the US, it was illegal for women to vote. Did that make it right? Certainly not. Just because something is allowed does not make it right. Why? Because humans don't always think of everything when they plan stuff out.
And having a skill ingame that is able to circumvent 90% of GW's mechanisms isn't too bad
Ok, then. Go to Sardelac and suggest that monsters' ability to attack and cast targeted spells be removed, since that's what SF does. After all, it's not too bad for those things to not exist, right?
as for GW, I think it's meant to be played in the combat zone, not in the trading post.
The difference between agriculture and combat is that combat carries risk.
When you use SF, the game is not a combat zone. It is a field of wheat, waiting to be harvested.
Originally Posted by the western warrior
ok at first i was just going to take out the parts i dont like but this whole thing is bullcrap i was once a casual player and guess what? i wanted 15k armor and high end weps no i didnt stand around begging for mony i did what i knew how to do to earn mony i killed creatures but u kno what? thats probl 15k a day ull make max (not including over acheivers and people with waayyy to much free time) and you know shadow form i was completly for it BEFORE I HAD A SIN and i was on its side because hey as they overfarm they keep prices down for us ectos, eternal swords, obsidian blades, now im getting the feeling your already bought these items uber cheap and now you got them you want prices to go up up UP so you can make a profit and you know what? that is a load of bull s*** get over yourself this is not your own personal game if you want it your way go to burger king, Go buy a DS and go play pokemon you little kid were if you feel wronged you can always turn it off lika big boy/girl and maby one day when you mature enough to relize sh*t happens you got to deal with the cards your delt then you can play with the big kids but untill then stop complaining about others good luck and fortune congradulate them if you see them dont shoot them down after their work and for those who say perma is a stupid three button spamming id like to see how you react trying to run up mnts with a perma solo or just how your trying to kill some aaxte and your down to 15 energy using no BU and shadow form dieing becuase im telling you now the people that can bide their time and live THEY are the ones truly getting rich off shadow form
First off, please use proper punctuation and capitalization. It'll make people take you more seriously. I don't mean any offense, but I suspect you may be a troll, and am only humoring you with a response because I find this amusing and happen to have nothing better to do at the moment.
Secondly, did it ever occur to you that the inflation of the economy can actually
raise the price of high-end items, because so much extra money is being generated?
The overall amount of wealth in the economy never changes. What changes is the amount of "money" in it. The more money, the less each individual denomination is worth. However, by getting a larger proportion of the total money in the game, one can become wealthier.
Now, granted, the extreme farming also brings more weapons and mods into the economy, which drives down the prices of those things. But for other things (such as high-end items), the prices actually
increase, because their relative wealth has not changed. What this means is that while the farmers may get rich, those who do not farm become relatively poorer. SF widens the gap between rich and poor to more extreme levels.
Third, you are missing the entire point. Broken skill is broken. Broken skill removes the purpose of every other profession. Broken skill needs to be fixed if there is to be any semblance of balance in the game. The economy is only a side issue. Godmode is bad.