lolol I like how you think its impossible for u to get that many wins so othr ppl cannot get it too, im sorry but it is not photoshop cuz i can provide u with as many screens as u want.
now for the sync business... the question is not whether or not i synced, i admit that i did, anet said they fixed sync and yet we can still sync lol? either im just pro haxx or anet just fails. Also, if you sync, you win? lol? what kind of fallacious logic is that? If i sync 5pve noobs I still cant win. The win depends on the actual skill of the player. Now if you say that syncing=winning, then plz show me concrete proof that any other sync team has the wins my team got. So far this yr the longest streak that another sync team has gotten besides ours was 62. Reality check: getting 109 wins is not as easy as you think, if you think other wise, then prove it. In fact, name me one r8 or r9 skillz player that has NEVER synced to get gamer pts. Can you? |

I agree with everything else you're saying. Cya in dragon arena king