Right off the bat, please understand that this is not flaming. I'm posting here on a public forum where ANet employees are known to read and respond to players' concerns. I mean no disrespect.
I don't care if heroes are allowed in PvP - makes no difference to me. But the Guild Hall was central for a lot of PvE activity, too.
We can't meet up in alliance halls to form teams for PvE outings and adjust hero bars as necessary now.
You can't test build theories with two people and heroes joining a scrimmage. That was really helpful for all sorts of things, PvE and PvP - great for testing things like how best to apply deep wound without giving away a spike.
They need to change how they restrict heroes from GvG.
Originally Posted by Regina Buenaobra
They'll look whether it is technically possible, but to their knowledge, this is unfortunately a hard-coded limitation. So, they'll see if it's possible, but no promises, since they need to look at the code. 
I realize that in the end, ANet will do whatever it wants. But I find that attitude seriously disturbing. I can respect if a requested new feature is out of the question because of technical or time limitations. This is a new "feature" ANet has just added. The way they added it has some seriously negative ramifications to a lot of players. I do hope the "technically impossible .. hard-coded limitation" can be changed fairly soon. It was certainly possible for us to have heroes in our Guild Hall teams and scrimmages a few hours ago. It's a shame if it requires a lot of reworking to change this, but ANet really should be prepared to devote the man-hours necessary to undo the functionality they broke with this update.
And I disagree with the argument of a Guild Hall not being for PvE in the first place. Why are there npc's like merchants, skill/dye/material traders there if not for PvE players' convenience?
Since I haven't seen it here yet, I'll post links to some threads about this situation in Sardelac ...
And this link to the talk page of the official wiki's game update page ...
Cheers folks!
Originally Posted by Chocobo1
Fire Henchmen in hall uses Elementalist Aziure npc..... Amazing I'm so jealous >.<;
Me too!!!