Something stirs deep in the Underworld...
This was what we got from last "big" update. And so it seems to be happening.
On a duo run today, we've found some "strange changes".
> There are mindblade popups even without taking Escort of Souls. This was quite strange at the moment, didn't even thought there could be o0
> Now vale's quest has 2-3 groups/per group. This is, that when you kill the group of enemyys souls, a new group will appear at the same place. (no screen)
> Continuing with vale/chamber, while doing Escort of Souls, there are now 3 mindblades popups of 6 mindblades (2 regulars, 1 near mayor), and souls dont follow you anymore. THey just go on walking, At least, they wait until you kill the groups @ the bottom of the stairs.
> Wastes has a new type of Terrorweb!
> THere are darkness (?)( dont remmber name, those with shck :P) popups at pools after getting or completing (not sure) Terrorwebs Queen.
> And, 2 changes that have been going for a while, Frozenwind & friends go to Hall of Judgemnte after quest is complete and there are now webs at mnt.
Before all flamers go here, this is not a QQ thread. Just wanted to share what i found and see if anyone else has found somehting else. Also, i bet its something related to halloween quests but well, who knows
On a duo run today, we've found some "strange changes".
> There are mindblade popups even without taking Escort of Souls. This was quite strange at the moment, didn't even thought there could be o0
> Now vale's quest has 2-3 groups/per group. This is, that when you kill the group of enemyys souls, a new group will appear at the same place. (no screen)
> Continuing with vale/chamber, while doing Escort of Souls, there are now 3 mindblades popups of 6 mindblades (2 regulars, 1 near mayor), and souls dont follow you anymore. THey just go on walking, At least, they wait until you kill the groups @ the bottom of the stairs.
> Wastes has a new type of Terrorweb!
> THere are darkness (?)( dont remmber name, those with shck :P) popups at pools after getting or completing (not sure) Terrorwebs Queen.
> And, 2 changes that have been going for a while, Frozenwind & friends go to Hall of Judgemnte after quest is complete and there are now webs at mnt.
Before all flamers go here, this is not a QQ thread. Just wanted to share what i found and see if anyone else has found somehting else. Also, i bet its something related to halloween quests but well, who knows
I was also interested in what that little comment actually means (something stirs...)
now im sure theres gonna be some addition to UW after halloween...maybe after completing all quests, you can continue for extra chest with something like "Ebony Hall of Dhuum" :P just like with mallyx
by the way. all those extra spawns go along with the halloween quests storyline - Dhuum is getting more powerfull and more of his minions spawn
> And, 2 changes that have been going for a while, Frozenwind & friends go to Hall of Judgemnte after quest is complete
by the way. all those extra spawns go along with the halloween quests storyline - Dhuum is getting more powerfull and more of his minions spawn
Deviant Angel
Psst! Might want to link to the full sized image instead of the thumbnail... my eyes are good, but not THAT good!

Yeap. Confirmed on Vale. I was doing Chambers and I had to help Vale out. When Vale finally took Escort Souls....thats when we got kicked out because the Souls are more stupid than ever now. LOL!!!
BTW, Chamber has a LOT more spawns now too. Instead of 3 Veneful Aaxtes, looks like 6 per Keeper plus other enemies.
This may be the end of UWSC, but I don't see how this makes it the same or easier for a regular UW team to complete it now.
BTW, Chamber has a LOT more spawns now too. Instead of 3 Veneful Aaxtes, looks like 6 per Keeper plus other enemies.
This may be the end of UWSC, but I don't see how this makes it the same or easier for a regular UW team to complete it now.
Regina Buenaobra
Maybe I need to post again about the issue of adding Heroes in GH again.
We've identified a fix that we're testing at this very moment. Programmer Joe is optimistic that it will work.

I was running Uw with PAA. And when i go with friends to see the changes in vale, see that:
Sarevok Thordin
Skeletons of Dhuum = END OF UWSC LOL!!!!!
Uhh, time to find a group on my warrior -.-
this must be why i didnt see the Xxxx number of UW runners in doomlore like i do most nights.
thankfully i got all the runs i needed before now.

~ Dan ~
Makes me laugh that anet goes to all this trouble to change UWSC but at the same time avoid nerfing the broken skill at the root of the SC build.
What about FOWSC?
Mr. Undisclosed
Like someone once said:
"Your honor, this is bullshit."
Really, they can do what they want, but the only way Shadow Form wont be broken is if when you load up your sin with it, he gets stuck on a newbie island.
"Your honor, this is bullshit."
Really, they can do what they want, but the only way Shadow Form wont be broken is if when you load up your sin with it, he gets stuck on a newbie island.
I was running Uw with PAA. And when i go with friends to see the changes in vale, see that:
WTF! |
Someone probably had the quest in the Quest Log thats why the skeleton appears. Go in Solo and see if the Skeleton guys are there still and of course, make sure you don't have the Halloween quests in your Quest Log.
own age myname
Jimmy, that was posted BEFORE the new halloween quest. I go again, solo, and there is the Skeletoon, so...
Eragon Zarroc
Hooded Doom
R.I.P uwsc.
some people are saying it will revert after halloweeen.
To that i say, not a chance in hell. Were stuck with the way it is now.
ofc, with an exp team its still possible but tough (we got a fulll run thru just before) but took an hour.
heres hoping our guild teams can refine our new tactic and keep speedclearing without the pugs
some people are saying it will revert after halloweeen.
To that i say, not a chance in hell. Were stuck with the way it is now.
ofc, with an exp team its still possible but tough (we got a fulll run thru just before) but took an hour.
heres hoping our guild teams can refine our new tactic and keep speedclearing without the pugs

So what's ectos selling at now? 10k??? PLEASE BE 10K!!!!
go cubs
Man, I just got KOABD so if ectos rise any more im dedicating myself to farming them shits. Im just gonna keep it real.
own age myname
dr love
anyone beat underworld with the skeletons in it yet?
Feathermoore Rep
Not likes its hard. ANet said they like that SF has the ability to run balanced teams and people who otherwise couldn't beat elite areas to play them. So they don't want to nerf it. At the same time 10 minutes for the UW clear in HM is way to fast.
So what do they do. Make it so pure solo builds can't run everywhere untouched. Balanced Teams with SF as a tank still can roll the UW. It just won't take 10 minutes anymore. Probably can get it down to like 40 again with cryway.
On a plus note - you can still trap the underworld. Well at least part of it anyway :-p
So what do they do. Make it so pure solo builds can't run everywhere untouched. Balanced Teams with SF as a tank still can roll the UW. It just won't take 10 minutes anymore. Probably can get it down to like 40 again with cryway.
On a plus note - you can still trap the underworld. Well at least part of it anyway :-p
Davros Uitar
Well the skeletons drop ecto - so it would seem they will become a permanent addition to the scenery.
Biggus Shlongus
So UWSC is boned because of the skeletons of Dhumm!

I'm a bit confused by this, unless you are referring to completing quests. You can still solo trap the whole UW. You have to burn more traps on the skeletons, and you have to be wary of new pop-ups, so it now takes even longer. You still can't do anything to Behemoths, but you can just ignore them.
Bring On the Rits
What is Shadow Form......
What is Shadow Form......
Skellies of Dhuum drop ectoes.
The new dryders have a teleport so its hard to bodyblock them, and they do starburst. Four Horsemen is hell at the moment.
The new dryders have a teleport so its hard to bodyblock them, and they do starburst. Four Horsemen is hell at the moment.
Life Bringing
Skellies of Dhuum drop ectoes.
The new dryders have a teleport so its hard to bodyblock them, and they do starburst. Four Horsemen is hell at the moment. |
As for UWSC, it's not nerfed. The only difference is that you now have to take the time to get the skeletons out of line of sight. If they are behind a wall or something, they cant hurt you.
New dryder mobs, you say...? Are there any pics?
Tom Swift
They are just a dryder colored silver with Starburst/Death's Charge. Buried somewhere on here an UWSCer had a screenie for changes in the run including one of the dryder in...Spanish(?) maybe.
I don't mind them sticking in skeletons with monster skills but I object very much to creatures in a core area with non-core skills.