Something stirs deep in the Underworld...
Black Metal
dbulger, you can't have multiple copies of the same spirits, at least in the same range. If you could, you could probably do an entire clear with 3 heroes.
I think an interesting team would be to augment a power team to do plains and pools with a spirit spammer to solo mountains and bone pits (could do pools) and a w/rt vwk to do smites.
that's to do restore them monuments. To do many if not all of the reaper's quests, you'd need to get everyone together.
I think an interesting team would be to augment a power team to do plains and pools with a spirit spammer to solo mountains and bone pits (could do pools) and a w/rt vwk to do smites.
that's to do restore them monuments. To do many if not all of the reaper's quests, you'd need to get everyone together.
Ok, putting my idea in a more visual way:
Now explaining it:
> Pop cons, A/D takes quest and goes left taking aatxes and graspings (dont take dhuums!). He takes away those and team goes and kill dhuum's skele as fast as possible and after that they return to their place. A/D gets all graspings and tanks them as usual, A/E blocks and SS.
> A/D tanks the 2 aatxes bfr getting into chamber. SS & RoJs & Spirt Spammer kills em and so they do with skeleton of dhuum. A/D takes chamber aggro and SS kills em. (uway)
> Meanwhile, A/Es have gone to plains and mnt. They clear it and pop reaper and if they have time, do quest.
> Main team (all but a/e) get restore and head to vale. They kill the skele on the way, a/d gets aggro and handles it behind the house (the one at top, not the one u stuck graspings on) so skeletons cant hit him. Rest kills skeletons, sin takes graspings to normal block spot, SS kills em with RoJs help. A/D takes webs & coldfires aggro, tanks them as usual and SS kills them as usual (no RoJ, it scatters).
> Main team does quest. SoH from healer is casted on sin, SS, Spirt Spammer and Rojs kill stuff. Remember you have to kill em 2 times as they somehow res. Finish quest.
> Tele lab (a/e should be done). One a/e heads wastes and clear it (careful with dhuum skeleton, kill smites then kill skeleton with colfires aggro).
> The other a/e heads pools, clears it and does quest.
> A/D goes pits and clears it. He doesnt kills the skeletons that are on the spirt spawning point, nor takes the quest.
> Main team does escort (600hp + Smiter) with the help of SS. Remember souls dont longer follow you, but you have to kill mindblades. There are 3 groups now.
> Escort is done, so is queen. Tele wastes (that is popped) and divide this way:
* A/D + Healer defend reaper
* Rest protects Frozenwind
A/D kills the Skeletons with scythe while the support healer heals him (logic) with Heal party and great dwarfs breath. When he has killed skeletons, he mobs the webs and uses radiation field.
The other part of the team protects frozenwind. Just make things go pew pew with spirits, RoJ and SS. Sin can tank webs if you prefer it.
> Tele pits. Both a/e go to plains. Main team kills the 3 skeletons the a/d didnt kill.
> A/E takes 4h and does it with the other a/e
> A/D tanks webs and main team takes the quest and kills all the chained souls that appear. 600 must be ready in case sin fails.
Tele lab and get your reward
Edit: for uwg, 600 + Smite does it. Should be done last so it doesnt bothers. All team goes back to help take out skeletons after keeper is killed
Now explaining it:
> Pop cons, A/D takes quest and goes left taking aatxes and graspings (dont take dhuums!). He takes away those and team goes and kill dhuum's skele as fast as possible and after that they return to their place. A/D gets all graspings and tanks them as usual, A/E blocks and SS.
> A/D tanks the 2 aatxes bfr getting into chamber. SS & RoJs & Spirt Spammer kills em and so they do with skeleton of dhuum. A/D takes chamber aggro and SS kills em. (uway)
> Meanwhile, A/Es have gone to plains and mnt. They clear it and pop reaper and if they have time, do quest.
> Main team (all but a/e) get restore and head to vale. They kill the skele on the way, a/d gets aggro and handles it behind the house (the one at top, not the one u stuck graspings on) so skeletons cant hit him. Rest kills skeletons, sin takes graspings to normal block spot, SS kills em with RoJs help. A/D takes webs & coldfires aggro, tanks them as usual and SS kills them as usual (no RoJ, it scatters).
> Main team does quest. SoH from healer is casted on sin, SS, Spirt Spammer and Rojs kill stuff. Remember you have to kill em 2 times as they somehow res. Finish quest.
> Tele lab (a/e should be done). One a/e heads wastes and clear it (careful with dhuum skeleton, kill smites then kill skeleton with colfires aggro).
> The other a/e heads pools, clears it and does quest.
> A/D goes pits and clears it. He doesnt kills the skeletons that are on the spirt spawning point, nor takes the quest.
> Main team does escort (600hp + Smiter) with the help of SS. Remember souls dont longer follow you, but you have to kill mindblades. There are 3 groups now.
> Escort is done, so is queen. Tele wastes (that is popped) and divide this way:
* A/D + Healer defend reaper
* Rest protects Frozenwind
A/D kills the Skeletons with scythe while the support healer heals him (logic) with Heal party and great dwarfs breath. When he has killed skeletons, he mobs the webs and uses radiation field.
The other part of the team protects frozenwind. Just make things go pew pew with spirits, RoJ and SS. Sin can tank webs if you prefer it.
> Tele pits. Both a/e go to plains. Main team kills the 3 skeletons the a/d didnt kill.
> A/E takes 4h and does it with the other a/e
> A/D tanks webs and main team takes the quest and kills all the chained souls that appear. 600 must be ready in case sin fails.
Tele lab and get your reward

Edit: for uwg, 600 + Smite does it. Should be done last so it doesnt bothers. All team goes back to help take out skeletons after keeper is killed
dr love
dbulger, you can't have multiple copies of the same spirits, at least in the same range. If you could, you could probably do an entire clear with 3 heroes.
btw, P_A_A your build will work if used appropriately.
Wastes, there are a bunch of skeletons and your build doesn't have any self heal. Plains, 2 skeletons per side and if one is trapped in between enemies, you can't silver it down and you die.
Wastes, there are a bunch of skeletons and your build doesn't have any self heal. Plains, 2 skeletons per side and if one is trapped in between enemies, you can't silver it down and you die.
You hve to be very dumb to not be able to take down dhuums.
The skeletons enjoy just moving around and making your life hell. The point is you are relying on something that is not an absolute. Backup is nice unless you want to increase fail chance.
dr love
ok we just tested.
uwg with 600/smite is very likely impossible. there are too many mobs and damage packets that spirit bond drops too fast and the recharge (even 2s) is not fast enough.
wastes quest with 600/smite is not possible. too many webs, too much KD, too much damage packets for spirit bond again.
on a good note, 600/smite beats 1 skeleton with ease
uwg with 600/smite is very likely impossible. there are too many mobs and damage packets that spirit bond drops too fast and the recharge (even 2s) is not fast enough.
wastes quest with 600/smite is not possible. too many webs, too much KD, too much damage packets for spirit bond again.
on a good note, 600/smite beats 1 skeleton with ease
ok we just tested.
uwg with 600/smite is very likely impossible. there are too many mobs and damage packets that spirit bond drops too fast and the recharge (even 2s) is not fast enough. wastes quest with 600/smite is not possible. too many webs, too much KD, too much damage packets for spirit bond again. on a good note, 600/smite beats 1 skeleton with ease |
EDIT: Balanced Stance is actually a better option than IAU, no armor buff and sufficient duration even without attributes to cover the down-time of SB.
Rhamia Darigaz
dr love
dr love
Couldn't you Arcane Echo SB instead of IAU? Too much energy cost?
there are lots of pug "monkyways" starting up. hopefully one of them succeeds, but so far i have not heard of them making it very far.
600/Smiter wont be tanking any of wastes quest side, we already saw he cant :P
And for uwg, i think it should be doable with just 1 SB. Remember that killing keeper = everything else dies (but dhuumies, thats why we use a 600 ^^)
I dont think you need perma SB for uwg, maybe for escort, but i think 1 SB should be fine. (Between Essence, Blessed Aura & 20% enchant weapons you should be able to NEARLY perma it w/o archane echo)
Oh, and if you get overdamaged, use SoA
its there for something ^^
And for uwg, i think it should be doable with just 1 SB. Remember that killing keeper = everything else dies (but dhuumies, thats why we use a 600 ^^)
I dont think you need perma SB for uwg, maybe for escort, but i think 1 SB should be fine. (Between Essence, Blessed Aura & 20% enchant weapons you should be able to NEARLY perma it w/o archane echo)
Oh, and if you get overdamaged, use SoA

Still no new quests? Or are they going to be today?
Couldn't you Arcane Echo SB instead of IAU? Too much energy cost?
The 600 shouldn't have Armor of Salvation up tho, so would be best if you put up Celerity and Grail first, then the 600 runs in and die before the AoS goes up.
yea u can arcane echo SB, but it will run out after ~25s (u can't arcane echo IAU lol). the webs keep spawning for a while.
there are lots of pug "monkyways" starting up. hopefully one of them succeeds, but so far i have not heard of them making it very far. |

It was meant as instead of taking it to begin with..
just confirmed.
600's can tank skeletons as long as they have a little agro to keep em healed, which is nice. BUT webs beat 600's, by wanding them down with their 14 dmg shite wands. the damage from the smiter will rarely accumulate to kill a terrorweb. |

Zeff Nut
I tried messing around with my 600 last night, didn't use a regular con set, used a candy apple and candy corn, was able to clear chamber, vale and wastes also was able to do uwg, died once doing that but with a full con set it would probably be pretty easy. In wastes was able to take a couple groups of coldfires a group of smites and a couple skeles with no issues at all. If anyone is wanting to try any kind of new tactics for UW and is looking for a 600 whisp me ingame and I'd be glad to try and help out. Not guaranteeing anything but like to try new things.
By the way, forgot saying this: DONT pop armor if 600 is alive!!. Pop BU & Grial, let 600 die, pop armor, res him. The +armor and damage reduction doesnt helps 600 ^_^
@ OP
thanks for posting that info ;D since i'm not really an UW'er i wouldn't see that stuff, really adds depth to the game
for killing SC it may not stop the entire problem but it could just be anet killing 2 birds with one stone (don't hurt animals D<)
thanks for posting that info ;D since i'm not really an UW'er i wouldn't see that stuff, really adds depth to the game

for killing SC it may not stop the entire problem but it could just be anet killing 2 birds with one stone (don't hurt animals D<)
I'm honestly not happy about the Ecto price right now. Just recently I started to save for my Obi armor, and bought my frist set for my main character, now I'm planning to buy my last piece of Obi armor for my second favourite character. To tell the truth, it's a painful save, but well worth it in my opinion.
This armor is my own accomplishment. I just hate seeing the price range go from 4.7k to 7k. I was originally planning on buying 20-25 ecto per 100k, but now I can't really get that much, only half of that amount from another player and it bothers me.
I really hope the price will drop, and UWSC isn't completely annihilated from GW. It's not only great for the ecto price ranges for those who want to achieve their armor.
I admit I've done UWSC once, and that was on my Necromancer. It was tedious, but not the greatest fun ever. It was alright.
Though, this is me speaking out of greed. I don't like spending more then I did on my first set just a couple weeks ago.
Bash me all you want for my 2 cents. This foe is immune to Burning!
This armor is my own accomplishment. I just hate seeing the price range go from 4.7k to 7k. I was originally planning on buying 20-25 ecto per 100k, but now I can't really get that much, only half of that amount from another player and it bothers me.
I really hope the price will drop, and UWSC isn't completely annihilated from GW. It's not only great for the ecto price ranges for those who want to achieve their armor.
I admit I've done UWSC once, and that was on my Necromancer. It was tedious, but not the greatest fun ever. It was alright.
Though, this is me speaking out of greed. I don't like spending more then I did on my first set just a couple weeks ago.
Bash me all you want for my 2 cents. This foe is immune to Burning!
2 Wars, Ele, some paragons, 2 monks.
If you fail, you're a moron and shouldn't play GW. |
You know you can't do it, you shouldn't play GW.

Black Metal
You are not alone!
Although think back to when it was prophecies only, many people including myself bought our obsidian armor when ecto was around 14k each at the trader
So 7k as it stands now is not high by any standards 
Then again the main farming build back then was 55 monk and it was a breeze while using protective bond, but that is another story lol
Although think back to when it was prophecies only, many people including myself bought our obsidian armor when ecto was around 14k each at the trader

Then again the main farming build back then was 55 monk and it was a breeze while using protective bond, but that is another story lol
Kerwyn Nasilan
I'm honestly not happy about the Ecto price right now. Just recently I started to save for my Obi armor, and bought my frist set for my main character, now I'm planning to buy my last piece of Obi armor for my second favourite character. To tell the truth, it's a painful save, but well worth it in my opinion.
This armor is my own accomplishment. I just hate seeing the price range go from 4.7k to 7k. I was originally planning on buying 20-25 ecto per 100k, but now I can't really get that much, only half of that amount from another player and it bothers me. I really hope the price will drop, and UWSC isn't completely annihilated from GW. It's not only great for the ecto price ranges for those who want to achieve their armor. I admit I've done UWSC once, and that was on my Necromancer. It was tedious, but not the greatest fun ever. It was alright. Though, this is me speaking out of greed. I don't like spending more then I did on my first set just a couple weeks ago. Bash me all you want for my 2 cents. This foe is immune to Burning! |

dr love
Just sit and think for a moment FoW armor will be obsolete with GW2 comes out, and you only need a few armors to fill out your HoM.
FoW armor Arm braces and just about everything became obsolete when duplication was fashionable. Just play and have fun.
FoW armor Arm braces and just about everything became obsolete when duplication was fashionable. Just play and have fun.
Just sit and think for a moment FoW armor will be obsolete with GW2 comes out, and you only need a few armors to fill out your HoM.
FoW armor Arm braces and just about everything became obsolete when duplication was fashionable. Just play and have fun. |
Why not stop playing altogether.