Wintersday Workshop
Originally Posted by Verene

Haha, it's the Dervish Avatar form :P
Looks neat so far, Tzu
Shows how often I play Dervish :P
OT: been playing around with the pen tool and line art a bit more as this is the first project that I've used it. Progress of the redraw of Melandru is here: The nose and eye are bugging me, other than that I'm pretty happy.
Looks neat so far, Tzu

OT: been playing around with the pen tool and line art a bit more as this is the first project that I've used it. Progress of the redraw of Melandru is here: The nose and eye are bugging me, other than that I'm pretty happy.
the video is up:
thanks again, Tzu, for the Christmas carol suggestion. I think that adds a lot to the GW2 part
thanks again, Tzu, for the Christmas carol suggestion. I think that adds a lot to the GW2 part

I don't know where to ask this question and google failed me so I'll try here 
How can you delete part of picture in photoshop that is outside the canvas?

How can you delete part of picture in photoshop that is outside the canvas?

WOW Shewmake... That is awesome!
Next to Kiya's, Tzu's and your work (so far), I'm ashamed even to post my doodles...
Well, even if only for a laugh, here's my first ever chibi sketch....
I know, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha
Next to Kiya's, Tzu's and your work (so far), I'm ashamed even to post my doodles...

Well, even if only for a laugh, here's my first ever chibi sketch....
I know, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha

I really like them Minami
The hapiness shines off dwayna's face. Imo would give her less belly more but though, just for the hotz!

LOL thanks Crucist 
I don't know yet how on earth am I gonna cutify Grenth

Cuz the other one will be him, hehehe
Also what's not in the sketch yet is the present Dwayna is holding out for Grenth :P That's why I drew a O_o face on him

I don't know yet how on earth am I gonna cutify Grenth

Cuz the other one will be him, hehehe
Also what's not in the sketch yet is the present Dwayna is holding out for Grenth :P That's why I drew a O_o face on him

@ Tasha -
My Dervish is my main ^^
@ Minami - Chibi Dwayna cuuuuute

@ Minami - Chibi Dwayna cuuuuute

that looks really cute, minami! XD Dwayna looks adorable so far.
Really good looking for a first time too, I'm impressed.
Shewmake, it sounds fantastic, I really like the "factions strings", very stylish and makes your entry this year very different from last years', in terms of skill too - you sound much more flawless this time!
The scrying pool frame and change of camera view makes the video a pleasure to view as well, not just listen to. I really like that you show how you make the string-sounds.
I'm not sure I reckognize Carol Of The Bells in there, but that's not nescessarily a bad thing - just means it blens *really* well with the GW music.
Really good looking for a first time too, I'm impressed.
Shewmake, it sounds fantastic, I really like the "factions strings", very stylish and makes your entry this year very different from last years', in terms of skill too - you sound much more flawless this time!

The scrying pool frame and change of camera view makes the video a pleasure to view as well, not just listen to. I really like that you show how you make the string-sounds.
I'm not sure I reckognize Carol Of The Bells in there, but that's not nescessarily a bad thing - just means it blens *really* well with the GW music.
Awww, thanks you guys ^_^
Got some more detail into Dwayna and made Grenth invisible so I can concentrate better on Dwayna.
I found Grenth's (O_o) face distracting, as if he's silently commenting on my mistakes *lol*
Now I need to figure out how to do the "line-art" thing. I just read about what it is like yesterday
Hope I can pull it off, I got as far as finding the tool in GIMP. :P
Here's Dwayna with a bit more details ^_^
Got some more detail into Dwayna and made Grenth invisible so I can concentrate better on Dwayna.
I found Grenth's (O_o) face distracting, as if he's silently commenting on my mistakes *lol*
Now I need to figure out how to do the "line-art" thing. I just read about what it is like yesterday

Here's Dwayna with a bit more details ^_^
Shewmake, I just listened to your song - that is really, really awesome 
I am currently going about Vabbi taking screencaps so I have references for my drawing. Hopefully I'll get parts of it sketched out today ^_^

I am currently going about Vabbi taking screencaps so I have references for my drawing. Hopefully I'll get parts of it sketched out today ^_^
Name: Dove
Idea for Entry: A snowball fight using skills from GW Snowball Fights.
Genre of Art: Music video?
I realize this thread is well under way, but this idea didn't hit me until yesterday, and I'd like to get some feedback on it if possible. I'm making a "rocked out" version of Jingle Bells for my niece for a contest at church, and I'm going to use a similar piece of music for this contest. On top of the music, my girlfriend and I will have a snowball fight and "use" skills from in-game. For example, she'll use "Hidden Rock" and throw a snowball at me, I might use "Yellow Snow," etc. If I can find a way to impose activation time bars over the video we record, it would be perfect.
Tips? Tricks? Suggestions for a good video editing program that can splice clips together and let me edit frames?
Idea for Entry: A snowball fight using skills from GW Snowball Fights.
Genre of Art: Music video?
I realize this thread is well under way, but this idea didn't hit me until yesterday, and I'd like to get some feedback on it if possible. I'm making a "rocked out" version of Jingle Bells for my niece for a contest at church, and I'm going to use a similar piece of music for this contest. On top of the music, my girlfriend and I will have a snowball fight and "use" skills from in-game. For example, she'll use "Hidden Rock" and throw a snowball at me, I might use "Yellow Snow," etc. If I can find a way to impose activation time bars over the video we record, it would be perfect.
Tips? Tricks? Suggestions for a good video editing program that can splice clips together and let me edit frames?
I suppose it'd be helpful to actually fill out the form, of course 
Name: Verene
Idea for entry: Wintersday snow in Vabbi
genre of art: Illustration/Drawing

Name: Verene
Idea for entry: Wintersday snow in Vabbi
genre of art: Illustration/Drawing
forum username: lorenna
idea for entry: dwayna christmas scene
genre of art: painting (details added later)
link to progress gallery: will add a link and pictures later only bought my paints today...and ended up spending like four times the prize value just on them lol...woops
Edit: registered for that photo thing shown on first post but will add a link when i add pics
idea for entry: dwayna christmas scene
genre of art: painting (details added later)
link to progress gallery: will add a link and pictures later only bought my paints today...and ended up spending like four times the prize value just on them lol...woops
Edit: registered for that photo thing shown on first post but will add a link when i add pics
Hehe *lol*
I should do that too :P
Name: Minami Kaori
Idea for entry: Dwayna giving a gift to Grenth
genre of art: Illustration/Drawing
Aww man, my images are too big for the gallery >_<
I'll resize them later >_>
I should do that too :P
Name: Minami Kaori
Idea for entry: Dwayna giving a gift to Grenth
genre of art: Illustration/Drawing
Aww man, my images are too big for the gallery >_<
I'll resize them later >_>
@Minami: Dwayna looks great so far!
@Tzu: it's part of the accompaniment in the last section, so it's not too noticeable, but I think it makes it sound better than what I had before
Thanks for the comments!
@Tzu: it's part of the accompaniment in the last section, so it's not too noticeable, but I think it makes it sound better than what I had before
Thanks for the comments!
Your gallery is up, btw, Lorenna 
I generally try to check and add galleries one or two times a day; if more than a day has passed and I haven't created your gallery, feel free to go "Verene WTF is going on" and poke me about it.
Also, I never thought this would happen...but right now I'm actually glad that my drawing teacher spent so much time drilling perspective into our heads and we spent so much time practicing it. I'm sketching out the background now and even though I'm free-handing it (no ruler! gasp!) it looks like everything lines up properly XD

I generally try to check and add galleries one or two times a day; if more than a day has passed and I haven't created your gallery, feel free to go "Verene WTF is going on" and poke me about it.
Also, I never thought this would happen...but right now I'm actually glad that my drawing teacher spent so much time drilling perspective into our heads and we spent so much time practicing it. I'm sketching out the background now and even though I'm free-handing it (no ruler! gasp!) it looks like everything lines up properly XD
Charlie Dayman
Mother of god, I can't believe some of the idiotic things I'm reading in that Riverside thread about this art contest. Tzu, if you decide to enter, I'm hoping you either win or place again to keep those babies crying.
I don't normally respond to stupid replies, but these kids claiming they know what qualifies as art is fueling my silent rage.
I don't normally respond to stupid replies, but these kids claiming they know what qualifies as art is fueling my silent rage.
it must be another "costume making isn't art" complaint
Originally Posted by Charlie Dayman

Mother of god, I can't believe some of the idiotic things I'm reading in that Riverside thread about this art contest. Tzu, if you decide to enter, I'm hoping you either win or place again to keep those babies crying.
I don't normally respond to stupid replies, but these kids claiming they know what qualifies as art is fueling my silent rage. Guess what is motivating Tzu right now >D
I don't normally respond to stupid replies, but these kids claiming they know what qualifies as art is fueling my silent rage. Guess what is motivating Tzu right now >D
Charlie Dayman
Originally Posted by BlueXIV

Guess what is motivating Tzu right now >D
I need to stop reading that thread before I Hulk Smash my keyboard.
Originally Posted by Shewmake

it must be another "costume making isn't art" complaint
/sigh Yup. I've been going head to head with some of it but at this point? I just give up. It's butting heads with a brick wall. Some people just prefer to stay ignorant.
Anyway, I have progress
You know that one corner in the Mirror of Lyss by one of the waterfalls, where there's a random cherry tree? Using that as the backdrop for my drawing. No details on anything though I've written in where certain things belong/will go.
/sigh Yup. I've been going head to head with some of it but at this point? I just give up. It's butting heads with a brick wall. Some people just prefer to stay ignorant.
Anyway, I have progress
yay for snow Vabbi 
*scratchs head* who is farai again?
btw, could you upload the screeny too? I never noticed that cherry tree (grandmaster cartographer lol)

*scratchs head* who is farai again?
btw, could you upload the screeny too? I never noticed that cherry tree (grandmaster cartographer lol)
Farai is my Dervish and my main. She's going to be sitting on that pedestal in her Norn armor while snow falls around her.
And sure!
And sure!
Charlie Dayman
Nice outline, Verene. Though I'm not how the exact architecture looks, the angle on the large column to the left looks too intense. Assuming it's just a standard cube-like shape, the angle on the left corner would be closer to a semi flat line. But if the actual wall is angled like that, theeeeen carry on 
Edit: Just checked your reference picture. That angle on the column's tablet needs to be evened out a bit so it's less intense. Also the angle on the lower corner so it's closing more to the left. Other than that, your outline looks good to go.

Edit: Just checked your reference picture. That angle on the column's tablet needs to be evened out a bit so it's less intense. Also the angle on the lower corner so it's closing more to the left. Other than that, your outline looks good to go.
I'm starting to think it was a bad idea to get the candy canes this early. Going to have to buy more next week. It's easy to find the single stripe red and white ones, haven't found any wintergreen ones locally yet , and there are a lot of garish colored ones on the shelves but nothing quite like how the rainbow ones look when dropped from inventory (using these right now).
Ty Verene 
Originally Posted by Shewmake


it must be another "costume making isn't art" complaint
/sigh Good it seems they don't know about your entry yet, shew. Is till haven't got opportunity to see it btw
@Kiya: do the wintergreen ones exist? :O Never seen one in my life... how do they taste?
/sigh Good it seems they don't know about your entry yet, shew. Is till haven't got opportunity to see it btw

@Kiya: do the wintergreen ones exist? :O Never seen one in my life... how do they taste?

From what I remember they were good. Nice break from peppermint and cherry canes. Linky
Oh, i actually meant rainbows, like the screen ones, not wintergreens, oops
here is my first few attempts i know their not very good artwork but im still testing as ive never used these paints before! their just a rough idea before i start drawing for real
the first one was just a test to see how the paint would come up and get used to using it.
the last 1 was just to see the difference between the two outline paints i had bought..the one used on the bottom came out too dark, smuged and blotchy. the one used up the top came out clearer lighter and smoother u can see the difference in the picture. this is also a bit smaller than the first drawing. i think now that ive chosen the outline paint im going to start on a first draft of the outline and also shows the sketch i drew of dwayna which im working off
edit: new pic
the first one was just a test to see how the paint would come up and get used to using it.
the last 1 was just to see the difference between the two outline paints i had bought..the one used on the bottom came out too dark, smuged and blotchy. the one used up the top came out clearer lighter and smoother u can see the difference in the picture. this is also a bit smaller than the first drawing. i think now that ive chosen the outline paint im going to start on a first draft of the outline and also shows the sketch i drew of dwayna which im working off
edit: new pic
If I could combine these magically it would work.
Or maybe these if I can find them.
Edit: OMG. Don't know if want.

Edit: OMG. Don't know if want.
Frozen Ele
Such good art! I don't think my photography will hold a candle to any of it in the end, although I'm still lustfully eyeing the tonic prize and slightly drooling over it; I think I'll still enter although the prospects of me getting one are slim.
Link to the very beginnings of my song. It's just the drum beat so far, and it's far from perfect. The majority of the song is a sort of high-beats-per-minute alternative. You'll catch the metalcore breakdown, and at the very end I'm working on the jazzy, crooner segment.
EDIT: Since there's no words, I guess it would be important to tell you it goes V/C/V/C/C so far, and the jazzy part at the end cuts of before "jingle all the way." The breakdown is in half-time.
Link to the very beginnings of my song. It's just the drum beat so far, and it's far from perfect. The majority of the song is a sort of high-beats-per-minute alternative. You'll catch the metalcore breakdown, and at the very end I'm working on the jazzy, crooner segment.
EDIT: Since there's no words, I guess it would be important to tell you it goes V/C/V/C/C so far, and the jazzy part at the end cuts of before "jingle all the way." The breakdown is in half-time.
nyaa, so late, want sleepytiems.... 
Just posting this, then I'm off:
The cuirass being prepped before the basecoat.
There's a new blog entry about prepping foam armour at the wordpress blog.
Looks a bit wonky in these photos, dunno why.
I'm a bit sleepdrunk though, I'll make sense of it tomorrow... XD
Updating first post tomorrow too, so sorry I'm late!

Just posting this, then I'm off:
The cuirass being prepped before the basecoat.
There's a new blog entry about prepping foam armour at the wordpress blog.
Looks a bit wonky in these photos, dunno why.
I'm a bit sleepdrunk though, I'll make sense of it tomorrow... XD
Updating first post tomorrow too, so sorry I'm late!
It looks... mexican

why is it so orange
Yay, another entry/chapter to read! ^_^ It's so interesting!
I'm so waiting for the coloring part
Originally Posted by BlueXIV
I'm so waiting for the coloring part


It looks... mexican

Eragon Zarroc
Originally Posted by YunSooJin

why is it so orange
hasn't been painted
Charlie Dayman
No prob. Figured I'd at least give some form of input into the thread besides a donation

I got the "draw-til-you-drop" feeling last night at around 11 pm - 1 am (can't remember hehehe)...
It's 9 am now
This is where I got to, I did a base coloring, and the lineart thingie (man that tool is fun, and very easy to learn!):
It's 9 am now

This is where I got to, I did a base coloring, and the lineart thingie (man that tool is fun, and very easy to learn!):