Dhuum opinions.....
I've done it twice so far.
Team :
A/E Tank
2x Whatever/Derv Melees
SS necro with Great dwarven weapon
Imbagon + "Can't touch this"
RoJ monk + SoH
UA Monk
PnH Monk
takes ~2,30 hours
Team :
A/E Tank
2x Whatever/Derv Melees
SS necro with Great dwarven weapon
Imbagon + "Can't touch this"
RoJ monk + SoH
UA Monk
PnH Monk
takes ~2,30 hours

You have an A/E tank, an Imbagon (the hell?!) and 3 monks. Defense overkill.
Shhhhut up, don't mention the fact that they can simply change the UW quests so they won't reset if you leave or get kicked out. You would still be kicked out after death, but you don't have to repeat everything, just the quests you haven't done yet.
It would also defeat one of the purposes people find SC builds - they wouldn't have the argument that "it takes 3 hours to do".
gah, fail double-post.
Shhhhut up, don't mention the fact that they can simply change the UW quests so they won't reset if you leave or get kicked out. You would still be kicked out after death, but you don't have to repeat everything, just the quests you haven't done yet.
It would also defeat one of the purposes people find SC builds - they wouldn't have the argument that "it takes 3 hours to do".
gah, fail double-post.
go cubs
I went in NM with
-2 A/Ds (We all went together so we were basically skele killers)
-2 monks (1 UA 1 HB)
-2 eles (SF maybe?)
-1 spirit spammer
-1 barrage/splinter
Was pretty much all cake, only 1 area where near fail which was 4h because i couldnt kill skeles. After about 3 quests 1 of the A/D's went afk and never came back so once we got to dhuum we couldnt do anything. But based on my previous exp with Dhuum im pretty sure we woulda beaten him. It is NM after all....
Only problem is it took about 3 hours to get to Dhuum, it was a PUG group though so i guess its not too bad for a PUG. And suprisingly it was fun with a PUG group cause i was always tense lol...usually with a Mob group no one dies cause SF is beast....
Only not fun part was that we couldnt fight Dhuum...but i got some good screenies for my desktop...thats all that matters lol
-2 A/Ds (We all went together so we were basically skele killers)
-2 monks (1 UA 1 HB)
-2 eles (SF maybe?)
-1 spirit spammer
-1 barrage/splinter
Was pretty much all cake, only 1 area where near fail which was 4h because i couldnt kill skeles. After about 3 quests 1 of the A/D's went afk and never came back so once we got to dhuum we couldnt do anything. But based on my previous exp with Dhuum im pretty sure we woulda beaten him. It is NM after all....
Only problem is it took about 3 hours to get to Dhuum, it was a PUG group though so i guess its not too bad for a PUG. And suprisingly it was fun with a PUG group cause i was always tense lol...usually with a Mob group no one dies cause SF is beast....
Only not fun part was that we couldnt fight Dhuum...but i got some good screenies for my desktop...thats all that matters lol
Balanced means a dozen things to a dozen different people. If you are running some variant on melee supported by SoH/Prot Bond/OotV and ER Infusers then yep it's damn near impossible to fail. I wouldn't call that balanced for the same reason Steel Wall wasn't. Takes more OP crap to beat up Anets even more OP crap they put down there. No doubt a combination of UA/WoH could handle the joint but not in a reasonable time frame. The reason why Mobway fails is because they don't have the sheer direct healing power, it's all diffuse party heals and support. DPS is fine if the team is coordinated enough to know to kill minions as soon as they pop.
If you are running some variant on melee supported by SoH/Prot Bond/OotV and ER Infusers then yep it's damn near impossible to fail. I wouldn't call that balanced for the same reason Steel Wall wasn't. Takes more OP crap to beat up Anets even more OP crap they put down there.
No real definition exists, but I would call 2 ER Eles with Prot Bond, some physicals and a couple of midliners a balanced setup. We have distinct frontlines, midlines and backlines. The backliners are using a class typically associated with midlining, but that's fine. ERs can also tank, but shouldn't have to.
If you disagree, then you'll have to explain what you mean by "balanced".
So don't you want to kill Dhuum for the sense of achievement it gives? Are you really only there for the rewards?
Maybe it's because Anet made the rewards tangible (titles, HoM, Endchests) why people are only interested in the loot, but before Factions many were trying to do all UW quests, simply because it was possible to. Does nobody collect all 120 stars in Super Mario anymore, just because it's fun and an achievement? |

And let's face it; he's not exactly a tactical masterclass of a challenge - if I were in a team that beat him I'd be one of a] a gimmick tank b] a passive-maintenance or spamming support class or c] any old DPS minion crusher.
Even Super Mario star collecting wouldn't feel the same if you knew that there were 1,000s of other players out there collecting all 120 in 40 minutes using legal tactics.
It's an overused term, at least we agree on it having no real definition anymore. The OP comment is my own personal chuckle at how one thing has just replaced another. I don't expect anywhere near the level of drama and bitching though since this setup is vastly more inclusive.
Karate Jesus
I like everything about the update.
UW is still puggable with balanced groups, and is still MUCH faster with farming groups. And a hell of a lot more fun now. |
Tbh, I've decided to put off UW until they "fix" SF. Too many groups are looking for Mobway, and I really hate perma'ing (it bores the hell out of me). Hopefully, once they nerf it, decent balanced groups will be easier to find. Or maybe I can find a friend who's actually willing to do NM UW with heroes (although, I doubt it).
If I want money, I'll just go do a PuG FoWSC. It's easy to get a group for it now.
I like the addition of Dhuum. New content that is rewarding and satisfying to beat.
However, I don't like how everybody whine that they can't beat him. Come on, you need to think now, what the hell is wrong in that? It's an elite area, it's not meant to be farmed but to kick your butt. You should wipe a few times instead of owning him constantly. Shrug it off and try again.
However, I don't like how everybody whine that they can't beat him. Come on, you need to think now, what the hell is wrong in that? It's an elite area, it's not meant to be farmed but to kick your butt. You should wipe a few times instead of owning him constantly. Shrug it off and try again.
It's an overused term, at least we agree on it having no real definition anymore. The OP comment is my own personal chuckle at how one thing has just replaced another. I don't expect anywhere near the level of drama and bitching though since this setup is vastly more inclusive.
In gimmick, you have 1 or 2 skills that power the entire builds. If they get interrupted or fail for any other reason, the gimmick shatters and fails. In Balanced teams, there are multiple safety nets so that while they are not as fast or easy as gimmicks, they have a lot lower failure ratio.
But when a gimmick is faster AND safer than balanced teams, it simply means that it's way too strong. 55? Can be interrupted, either PS or HB or any other skill used to keep alive. 600? Interrupts too, also life stealing applies to both of them. Without Spell Breaker that can't be maintained, they can be Shattered, Drained or Interrupted with spells.
Obsidian Flesh too, slow and unwieldy, although can count as Balanced, because sometimes there is an Spell Breaker monk for the rare instances when OF gets interrupted. The team doesn't instantly fail when an OF dies. There is still the option to retreat, then resurrect him or her. What happens when an SF dies? You must use consumables, but since the area he died in usually is not suited for your build, and your builds don't have Rebirth or anything like that... You lose.
If a so-called balanced team can include gimmicks then it itself is a gimmick. Don't even bother trying to defend ER Infusers in a followup. I have no axe to grind against them, this is not a qq, let me make that abundantly clear right now. They work great, but the entire bar is geared to fuel a spike heal and party wide 95% damage reduction under unlimited energy reserves. It's not obfuscation to point out that SF is no longer the big kid on the block down in UW. This is contrary to the mass hysteria and grossly exaggerated clear times claimed by people here who most likely haven't done the run. Ask anyone who is doing Mobway now and they will tell you it's a :50-1:00 minimum for the average PuG, a comparable time to this as of yet unnamed physicals team. Add the Dhuum fight on top of that and you can expect ~1:30 round trip.
lol come on anet put a grenth in dhuum chamber to help us cos it is weired that he did not come help when he throne was about to be taken by dhuum .
Killing abaddon no god noting to say because there is a pre-god in the team .
now No pre- god or whatever no god still so weired isnt it
Killing abaddon no god noting to say because there is a pre-god in the team .
now No pre- god or whatever no god still so weired isnt it
I did all 10 quests with PUG (first attempt), it wasn't easy.Without a tank its very hard to do. The spirit bar was kinda new for us and he wiped us in 15min. I wasted 2,5 hours, for nothing.
lol come on anet put a grenth in dhuum chamber to help us cos it is weired that he did not come help when he throne was about to be taken by dhuum .
Killing abaddon no god noting to say because there is a pre-god in the team . now No pre- god or whatever no god still so weired isnt it |
Kormir: "Gods, we beseech you. Hear our prayers." <player name>: "We have come where living men should not be. We have fought armies, crossed wastelands and conquered demons." <player name>: "Now we are in the heart of Torment. We must destroy Abaddon before he destroys the world. But we cannot battle him alone." Lyssa's Muse: "You are not alone. The gods are always watching." Kormir: "Watching? We need your help. We are only mortals, and we challenge a god." Lyssa's Muse: "There was a time when the gods walked the earth. Every thought and achievement was a gift of the gods." Lyssa's Muse: "But now you must realize that our gifts are within you. Dwayna lives in your compassion, Balthazar in your strength." Lyssa's Muse: "Melandru dwells in your harmony, Grenth in your justice." Lyssa's Muse: "And in your inspiration, Lyssa is there." Lyssa's Muse: "The divinity is within you. And so, we give you our blessing. That should suffice for the task ahead." |
Went in, first PuG, Normal Mode (because it was most of our first times facing Dhuum)
It was the first time I had even done half the quests in UW, Dhuum or not.
We had
BiP (me)
UA Monk
HB Monk
RoJ Mesmer
Perma Sin
Had a few deaths here and there (mostly me from low hp), but we blazed thru the quests, which amazed me because I remembered the place being much harder when I played 3-4 years ago...
We didn't use any consets, until we got to Dhuum, used conset, and DP removers. DP removers were a must, not sure we needed conset tho.
When we GOT to Dhuum, the HB monk left (game crashed, he was pissed, not to mention he had more experience with Dhuum than the rest of us), and the perma and rit died and became spirits. The perma even died a few times as a spirit, and someone wold waste res scrolls now and then (I don't think it was needed, we were doing fine with the perma lying in the floor lol)
Even then, we killed Dhuum easily, just focused on his minions when they appeared, and then focused on him. Making sure to kite like crazy when he started focusing on one target (which was usually the warrior).
The reapers never went below 75% health either, I didn't even know that we apparantly had to keep them alve, but we did.
Going by how easily we did all of UW, I am really tempted to say the same group could have done HM.
It took FOREVER with a balanced PuG, and the only way I'm ever doing it again is with a speed farm group. But it was hella fun, and if a balanced PuG such as that, can clear it the first try, I really don't see any reason to complain about the updates.
TLDR: Don't run shit builds, and don't use shit tactics. It's not that hard
It was the first time I had even done half the quests in UW, Dhuum or not.
We had
BiP (me)
UA Monk
HB Monk
RoJ Mesmer
Perma Sin
Had a few deaths here and there (mostly me from low hp), but we blazed thru the quests, which amazed me because I remembered the place being much harder when I played 3-4 years ago...
We didn't use any consets, until we got to Dhuum, used conset, and DP removers. DP removers were a must, not sure we needed conset tho.
When we GOT to Dhuum, the HB monk left (game crashed, he was pissed, not to mention he had more experience with Dhuum than the rest of us), and the perma and rit died and became spirits. The perma even died a few times as a spirit, and someone wold waste res scrolls now and then (I don't think it was needed, we were doing fine with the perma lying in the floor lol)
Even then, we killed Dhuum easily, just focused on his minions when they appeared, and then focused on him. Making sure to kite like crazy when he started focusing on one target (which was usually the warrior).
The reapers never went below 75% health either, I didn't even know that we apparantly had to keep them alve, but we did.
Going by how easily we did all of UW, I am really tempted to say the same group could have done HM.
It took FOREVER with a balanced PuG, and the only way I'm ever doing it again is with a speed farm group. But it was hella fun, and if a balanced PuG such as that, can clear it the first try, I really don't see any reason to complain about the updates.
TLDR: Don't run shit builds, and don't use shit tactics. It's not that hard
If a so-called balanced team can include gimmicks then it itself is a gimmick. Don't even bother trying to defend ER Infusers in a followup. I have no axe to grind against them, this is not a qq, let me make that abundantly clear right now. They work great, but the entire bar is geared to fuel a spike heal and party wide 95% damage reduction under unlimited energy reserves. It's not obfuscation to point out that SF is no longer the big kid on the block down in UW. This is contrary to the mass hysteria and grossly exaggerated clear times claimed by people here who most likely haven't done the run. Ask anyone who is doing Mobway now and they will tell you it's a :50-1:00 minimum for the average PuG, a comparable time to this as of yet unnamed physicals team. Add the Dhuum fight on top of that and you can expect ~1:30 round trip.
Same goes for Imbagons. All that it takes to destroy them is armor-ignoring damage, life stealing, anti-shout skills and adrenaline blockers. Also, physical hate (blocks, Blindness, Necromancer/Mesmer curses) shuts down their protection, too.
But if you bunch up a few gimmicks into a team, they can count as a balanced. Because if Imbagon fails, the ER can protect the team for few seconds before the primary monk heals Imbagon. If ER fails, the Imbagon and Monk can hold the defense nicely.
However, when there are 6 SFs, if one of them fails, they all fail the mission. Especially if one's death can't be fixed up, because everyone has different builds for different mobs. Also, if one of them dies, this slows down the team in whole. One death leads to either failure or another death.
Besides, it's still much faster for the SF assassins to clear the UW and then kill Dhuum, than for the balanced team.
Oh, of course ER Infusers are gimmicks. Their enchantments get shattered? Dead. They have no energy to recast the enchantments? Dead. ER getting interrupted/drained/shattered/whatever? Dead.
If ER is stripped or interrupted you still have (depending on gear) 80-130 energy to spend whilst it recharges.
If you're running bonds, you'd need to drop them as quickly as possible and depend on Prot Spirit for a while, but you're by no means dead.
Healing is harder, as you can't Infuse, but there should be two backliners.
But yes, ER is vulnerable.
Same goes for Imbagons. All that it takes to destroy them is armor-ignoring damage, life stealing, anti-shout skills and adrenaline blockers. Also, physical hate (blocks, Blindness, Necromancer/Mesmer curses) shuts down their protection, too.
2 Healing + Protting Backliners
3 Damaging Frontliners
3 Supporting Midliners
That looks balanced to me. It shouldn't matter what form the individual players take, but that's a balanced setup. The numbers aren't fixed either.
I'm trying to tell you I have done it both ways in the last 48 hours. The overwhelming majority of PuG Mobway teams fail, usually due to triggering Lava Font or not immediately going after Skeles. The ER team on the other hand is state of the art in badass for the new UW. What they have in common are comparable clear times. Plain Jane PuGs are going to be left in the dust time-wise because something vastly superior is already up and running and why blow 2-3 hours when 1:30 will do. This is also still a diamond in the rough, I'm sure there is room to cut that time down on average. Don't be deceived by what you see in the party search in TotA either, lfg =/= success.
i must say i just finished the new dhuum quest and i cannot say when i was so happy and enjoyed playing a quest chain like the one atm in UW.
This being said i have to say, there is absolutely NO NEED to nerf SF. play played all these funny builds and it worked.. we breezed through UW and Dhuum in HM so well. SF didnt work when we tried it ... but im telling you... it was an amazing addition to UW.
GOOD JOB ANET. you finally got it right. now lets see more of those.
This being said i have to say, there is absolutely NO NEED to nerf SF. play played all these funny builds and it worked.. we breezed through UW and Dhuum in HM so well. SF didnt work when we tried it ... but im telling you... it was an amazing addition to UW.
GOOD JOB ANET. you finally got it right. now lets see more of those.
Mustache Mayhem
=] I wish they would update the content more often.. but hey take whatever we can get- since gw2 announce and this been playing again
What the hell kind of build are you running? If you're clearing HM so easily, let me into your group!
What the hell kind of build are you running? If you're clearing HM so easily, let me into your group!
Thats how my team did Slaver's Exile in HM....other than buying runs, who can say they finished Selve, Forge, and Rand in HM and each boss taking less than 45min?
Not quite.
If ER is stripped or interrupted you still have (depending on gear) 80-130 energy to spend whilst it recharges. If you're running bonds, you'd need to drop them as quickly as possible and depend on Prot Spirit for a while, but you're by no means dead. Healing is harder, as you can't Infuse, but there should be two backliners. But yes, ER is vulnerable. |
By that argument, pretty much any paragon build is a gimmick. Oh, and physicals are easily blocked, they must be a gimmick build too! 2 Healing + Protting Backliners 3 Damaging Frontliners 3 Supporting Midliners That looks balanced to me. It shouldn't matter what form the individual players take, but that's a balanced setup. The numbers aren't fixed either. |
Still, the point behind Imbagon is spamming his +100 armor shout. If he can't spam his shout, he is a lot less useful.
This is why SF is an even worse gimmick - can't be killed by spells OR attacks, can't be interrupted or negated. There is a handful of skills penetrating it or going around, not even half of them in UW.
So don't you want to kill Dhuum for the sense of achievement it gives? Are you really only there for the rewards?
Maybe it's because Anet made the rewards tangible (titles, HoM, Endchests) why people are only interested in the loot, but before Factions many were trying to do all UW quests, simply because it was possible to. Does nobody collect all 120 stars in Super Mario anymore, just because it's fun and an achievement? |
If you're making a group, it takes about an hour to get everyone to run at least something similar to your skillbar, then when you get in some jackass takes all the lab quests and you wasted an hour.
Or you spend an hour getting to plains for your team to wipe, there goes two hours. You beat all 10 quests and someone goes afk, now you can't get to dhuum and group falls apart. Your monk lags and misses a heal on a tortured spirit, pits failed.
Etc etc. until you finally beat it and get 5k after 10 hours.
Collecting 100 coins in every level in mario was a blast, it wasn't too hard, but not too easy.
Beating Yiazmat was a challenge and fun with almost no reward, but nobody else but me was there to RED ENGINE it up.
Basically by the way UW is structured now, speed clears are the safest and fastest way to do it now, no?
Ursan...your kidding me...-proceeds to smash my face into my desk- it was so obvious and I didn't see it! Why, Grenth, why? D:
~Edit~ Seriously ye olde Ursan did what I wasted 45k on with balance and mobway pugs?
~Edit~ Seriously ye olde Ursan did what I wasted 45k on with balance and mobway pugs?
Easy...Ursan Blessing...kill as much group as you can...at 45sec...stay free of enemies aggrov and wait for Ursan Blessing to recharge...repeat.
Thats how my team did Slaver's Exile in HM....other than buying runs, who can say they finished Selve, Forge, and Rand in HM and each boss taking less than 45min? |
Eragon Zarroc
hmmm, interesting. you should make a UW guide with the team build ur using ;-)
Polgara Val
I am dubious on how you managed to do it with Ursan, ecpecially after the changes they made to the Wastes quest, considering theres over a dozen Terrors casting MS etc..
One question, how long did it take you to finish it in HM?
One question, how long did it take you to finish it in HM?
Ursan? I thought the new UW meta was 4x Volfen plus 4x Raven

Zanagi Kazuhiko
Doing a run with pug with ursanway...lets see where this goes.
dr love
well from a little bit of testing, 8 spirits can beat dhuum, you just need a lot of rez scrolls. the spirits can pump out 250dmg/5s (50dmg/s), can heal, remove dp and even put dhuum to rest. the only problem is when they die, you have to use a scroll. and it adds up to alot of scrolls.
Shadowed Ritualist
Anyone else notice that the person mentioning Ursanway wasn't the person who made this but some random person who was probably joking.
Polgara Val
Someone came up with an intresting idea in this thread, since it takes a lot of time at the moment to get to Dhuum, how about for example, you complete all quests and you cant beat Dhuum and end up back in ToA etc.
However, whoever has the quests compeleted in UW can go back and have a second crack at Dhuum, without having to waste another 1-2 hours of your time doing all uw quests again.
The only problem is if you go back to ToA and go back again to fight him, people can tweak there skillbars specifically to fight Dhuum, food for thought though.
However, whoever has the quests compeleted in UW can go back and have a second crack at Dhuum, without having to waste another 1-2 hours of your time doing all uw quests again.
The only problem is if you go back to ToA and go back again to fight him, people can tweak there skillbars specifically to fight Dhuum, food for thought though.
Feathermoore Rep
hahahaha - i mean it could theoretically work...you'd have to run semi real builds for when you fall out of it though...
Just seen "GLF EXP Ursans" in ToA... its no joke I guess (fishes my old Ursan armor out of storage).
ursan is still useful. its just not as fast as it use to be. there will be many times where your not in bear form but it still packs the power it did before. i would try it again for fun. have not used the skill since its last change. 6 bears and 2 hb monks again anyone? or will it be 6 bears and 2 ER's?
Zanagi Kazuhiko
That was you!? My bad shows how well I function with only an hour of sleep.