Based on the list of winners, some of the judges are clearly not 'qualified' in the sense that they would have an understanding of what is cheap and mundane and what requires actual talent / effort to accomplish, but ANet has its own priorities. After all, why should it even matter if activating their customer base is what they are looking for? Take my puppet show as an example. I spent one whole night suspending the damn puppets on thin strings because real world objects don't float in the air on faith alone like 3D CG does but since the strings or the rest of the complex rigging structure were not visible in the final image none of the judges even probably noticed the technical feat. Why should the judges need a degree in stop motion animation techniques in order to be qualified to assess the merits of a particular entry? It all boils down the whether one likes the end result or not, and since not all the judges are artists this is what we get.