Originally Posted by Yelling @ Cats
That's a lot of typing to just call me a liar.
Not once in my post did I imply you were lieing, just that you're simply misinformed and base your arguments on terrible premises.
I'll respond to your last post. If ANet could magically hit a button, and everything was perfect? Yeah, it would be great. However, there's far more important things that I care about than making Maguuma drop ectos.
And yet you've offered no constructive ideas to the contrary. You've basically decided to hold your breath until everyone agrees with you. As for the more important things, what is the likelihood they'll be addressed? For that matter the likelihood of my idea? Even if its a snowball's chance in hell, you can't argue that the idea has merit and is needed, as others have show with their drop stories.
As for barren outposts being repopulated? You are just absolutely naive if you think that is even remotely true.
How is it naive? If you agree that people are reward motivated, then balancing rewards in all areas means people that would like to play elsewhere other than the UW but can't lure themselves away from ecto drops, could finally break their addiction.
If on the other hand you believe that people are not reward motivated, and that they only play areas they want to, then nothing ANet could do would change the state of the game, as those barren areas are that way due to player choice.
The bottom line is, whether ANet makes a change or not, it can only be a positive change for the community at large, regardless of how YOU play.