So it's not a problem then, you've concluded? I mean... If you have to wait for energy to regen, like everyone else then there is no issue, and SR is not overpowered.
The End?
Huh, that's what I gathered from his logic too. Amazing.
people have a tendency to see what they want to see.
some words are like a mirror.
every class has an innate energy regeneration. necro's e-regen is extrapolated. SR is not a skill and not any form of active e-management. even an ele has to keep ER up and cover it in several locations. even a para has to use shouts, therefore thinking about e-management beforehand and using suitable skills to aid leadership.
SR is
completely passive. unstrippable. even though it's 'ticks' may go for a waste if four mobs die in the same second, it's still superior, as it's undisruptible and works without even paying attention.
as for standing like a lemon. i believed in your reading abilities, but let me say it all VERY simply.
the party has just approached a group. assume that you've unleashed all your high energy spells and your energy is 3 now. not enough to cast anything. you may use a skill that gives you back the energy - spirit siphon, ether signet, shout something. that may be effective, but requires a skill slot especially for e-management, it may be disrupted, interrupted, disabled.
you may also just wait until your innate energy regen gets you enough energy to do something instead of wanding. as a caster, you have 4 pips of regen - or 4 energy every 3 seconds (20 energy every 15 seconds of doing nothing). it takes a while, especially mid-combat.
unless you're a necromancer. at 10 SR, you
will gain 30 energy in the next 15 seconds, as long as your party does the killing. so if you take your time to write a text - and it takes exactly 15 seconds - you'll end up with 53 e rather than 33. it doesn't matter how fast monsters around you died.
it gets even better in the first five seconds. let's assume that you've approached the mobs with full energy, used it all up to devastate them somehow and now you have to regen your energy. still, your curses has been cast, you have dealt your damage - the mobs are seemingly weaker than at the beginning. the rest of your party probably will kill most of them off, at least 2-3, before you are able to cast something again thanks to 4 pips of e regen. extra 30 energy after five seconds of fights, even with 15s gap in SR triggering, is still imbalanced - that energy will probably let you kill - or seriously damage - or throw in another curse on - the remaining mobs. and before you approach another group, there's usually at least 5-10s space, so that SR may 'recharge'.
to compare, an activated skill, ether signet, that has a very nasty requirement at low inspiration, has a recharge of 45s. it can be disabled, rupted, timed wrong and wasted. drain enchantment? 20s recharge. power drain? nearly impossible to time out in HM, 20s recharge. the skills' recharges are
longer than SR's. how is that fine?
was long, but i hoped that you could understand what i meant in the first place. yes, you may stand like a lemon and get 30 additional energy from doing nothing while your teammates kill stuff, and then you can do something again, rather than use an e-management skill, like the rest of us, or wand until you get your energy back from the pips.
e: still, i would prefer to see other primairy caster atts buffed to SR level. i'm just pointing out that SR
is seriously imbalanced and too powerful compared to other options in general pve. same as ER infusing or running an imbagon. though i have a general anti-nerf attitude - instead of nerfing what's powerful and imbalanced, but working, would be better to buff what's unused.
however, if buffing loads of other skills/atts is not an option, it's better to tone down the OP rather than leave it be,