Guild Wars 2-HoM, What to take from GW1, and what not to take.
Jade Zephyr
To all of you complaining about the hard work/wasted time that you have put in to Guild Wars to get rewarded in Guild Wars 2.
What you should have done: Spend that precious time and hard work getting a job, pay for a World of Warcraft subscription and play the game you REALLY want to play.
What you should have done: Spend that precious time and hard work getting a job, pay for a World of Warcraft subscription and play the game you REALLY want to play.
Alright first off getting unique weapons and armor from GW2 HoM is not crazy, when people pre-ordered the original gw they were given unique weapon skins that were never reused.
Also people don't do titles to show them off they do it for the promise of a reward in gw2, there's really no point of having 30 titles transferred over to gw2 if all you do is show one title nobody knows about one at a time. To be blunt honest you haven't played the game enough to give an opinion of merit on what people who have been playing the game for years have worked to achieve. |
The reason gw2 was made was not for a completely new game where everyone is back to square one. They made it because they had so many ideas to add features to the game which couldn't be added because of the games graphical restrictions and how they could expand the game using the z axis.
The whole point of HoM is so stuff I've done will matter in gw2, don't hate because you don't have. |
There welcome to try, really gwamm isn't everything there's also pvp titles and if it took people years to get those titles don't expect as many people to have it.
I really don't care about the discussion you had with people on a forum because most people that spend all there days on forums never actually play the game. Again gw1 has its unique rewards like wintergreen weapons and many pre order weapons yet people seem to be living fine.
To sum it up its easy for a new player who just bought the trilogy pack for $40 and think they have insta opinion on rewards meant for vet players who bought each game for $70+ ($100+ for collecters edition).
To sum it up- be happy with the knowledge of your great achievements in GW-1 when you gaze upon the glory of your HoM
Someone care to tell me why this man isn't Anet's lead designer?
Ninja Ninja
Right, don't wanna seem like I'm just scrapping with you but I just want to give my opinion. I feel slightly offended by how you say that simply because I missed out on the first 4 years that I haven't got a valid opinion. Gratz if you've grinded your titles and got super rich armors and weapons and a mini kanaxai, but as has been said before, why should anyone get such an advantage in what is a new game. You can have your pride in terms of titles and people can see and acknowledge how good you were in GW1, but let's not have all the old school players wandering around in Obsidian Armor after the first few weeks.
Besides even if people were walking around with actual obsidian armor it still wouldn't matter because gw2 has no lvl cap so saying obsidian armor from gw1 for lvl 20 will be the best armor is wrong.
I don't "hate because I don't have". There's no need to get personal and agressive about it, I'm trying to put my views across in the least offensive ways possible. In any case, Guild Wars 2 is a new game, you can say that it's purpose is just a 'graphics and content update', but the developers are looking at creating a very changed game, new designs, new combat system, new style of play; correct me if I'm wrong but all in all, the game just seems to be [B] inspired[B] by Guild Wars, make no mistake the intention of the developers was not to just add new content and let us keep everything. We should enjoy playing the game as a truly new game.
This is not an entirely new game its a sequel. The reason why you cant take your character with all your stuff is because its set in a time line way further in the future when your character is dead.
I'm sorry to hear you don't care, we care very much about your opinions. As regard to GW1 rewards- wintergreens were common as hell and a reward for an in-game 'event'. The collectors edition stuff/pre-order stuff were not ideal weapons, sure they had nice skins some of them and max stats, but they always had rather quirky mods, meaning they were very specialist. As for the collectors edition minis (which you surprisingly didn't mention) I have to say that nowadays buying one of those can put you up 300k for a kuunavang, but I think a lot of people would agree it's not quite fair to have such a head start.
Look based rewards will not hurt anyone and you coming in here belittling the rewards earned by people who didn't spend those 4 years doing something else is nothing but an insult. The 4 years you missed is no priority to any vet player and you trying to say you could do it is imagining when looking at all the players that are coming back because they couldn't tough it out.
Its grind.
Theres no sentimental value.
HoM is for transferring gw1 achievements to gw2 nothing else, get used to it.
You have no idea the time and work put into each different title you deem doesn't deserve a fair reward comparing a protector of cantha title to a r8 hero title statue in HoM is crazy, there not equal.
I know a lot of coming back players will agree with your opinion because they didn't get the rewards so they want the rewards to be as little as possible.
I don't recall them saying that at all, I believe what they said is it won't be anything that gives an advantage over new people.
I'd like to see armor sets unlocked later in the game, divine aura-like stuff and maybe /bonus weapons (although they'd probably suck like the current /bonus weapons) |
EXAMPLE: I have a Long Sword that does 15-22 dmg. You have a Crystalline Sword that does 15-22 dmg. They are the same req and have the same mods. The difference? Cosmetics. Yours may be worth more, but it means nothing to game play.
Bryant Again
HoM: The reason I'm against giving actual benefits from the HoM (i.e. XP boosts or anything that isn't centered around vanity) is because so many of the titles value nothing but time and/or. Players should not receive such mass benefits for work for such tedious-only work. Which brings me to my next point:
Titles: The concept of titles and achievements in general are not bad. But they should signify actual accomplishment and sane progression. The Guardian title shows that the character went through the trouble and challenge of completing an entire campaign on Hard Mode, while the Drunkard title only shows a lot of spare time (either AFK or otherwise).
Generally, achievements should signify the progression of a character's game experience. Titles that reward the completion of a hard dungeon or show that a character's completed a majority of quests (not every single quests) do this nicely. Titles should show that you've completed a campaign, not completed it 50 times.
Titles are also fine if they're fun to do (as subjective as "fun" is). I'd like the Drunken title five million times better if it instead required you to complete a mission while fully under the influence.
PvE/P Split: Generally it shouldn't really be needed, but if the static field is going to seem as deadly and irritating as hell as it seems then by all accounts do it for GW2 (unless of course you have control over where you put the thing, much like how this little guy's stun works, since it would put a big and cool emphasis on skill).
AoE and CC: Even if ANet screwed up a whole lot, they at least got this right for PvP. Even if the PvP is nothing like what it used to be, it's still zounds above every other MMO out there. In other MMO's there's either too much AoE, CC, or a mix of both. In GW the most you can be incapacitated for is 3 seconds, and under certain conditions. PLEASE keep it this tasty for GW2.
One last thing-
Hard Mode: THIS. A THOUSAND TIMES THIS. Catering to multiple skill levels = win. GW2 would be glorious if it featured more than just two.
Titles: The concept of titles and achievements in general are not bad. But they should signify actual accomplishment and sane progression. The Guardian title shows that the character went through the trouble and challenge of completing an entire campaign on Hard Mode, while the Drunkard title only shows a lot of spare time (either AFK or otherwise).
Generally, achievements should signify the progression of a character's game experience. Titles that reward the completion of a hard dungeon or show that a character's completed a majority of quests (not every single quests) do this nicely. Titles should show that you've completed a campaign, not completed it 50 times.
Titles are also fine if they're fun to do (as subjective as "fun" is). I'd like the Drunken title five million times better if it instead required you to complete a mission while fully under the influence.
PvE/P Split: Generally it shouldn't really be needed, but if the static field is going to seem as deadly and irritating as hell as it seems then by all accounts do it for GW2 (unless of course you have control over where you put the thing, much like how this little guy's stun works, since it would put a big and cool emphasis on skill).
AoE and CC: Even if ANet screwed up a whole lot, they at least got this right for PvP. Even if the PvP is nothing like what it used to be, it's still zounds above every other MMO out there. In other MMO's there's either too much AoE, CC, or a mix of both. In GW the most you can be incapacitated for is 3 seconds, and under certain conditions. PLEASE keep it this tasty for GW2.
One last thing-
Hard Mode: THIS. A THOUSAND TIMES THIS. Catering to multiple skill levels = win. GW2 would be glorious if it featured more than just two.
Chasing Squirrels
- We should have the HoM as a purely sentimental display, some people will of course argue that this is no reward for our commitment to Guild Wars, but I personally think we should have no advantage over new players, so I think that putting any of our HoM to practical use would be a mistake, as it is not a mark of how what we have achieved in GW2, but it's predecessor. |
Wait, getting a WoW subscription will let me play an adult rated porno version of the 'classic' Dragon's Lair game with Ron Jeremy in the title role how? I'm confused.
Ya i hope people aren't going to get rewarded because they grinded titles! The people who spent countless hours grinding away should be awarded in gw2 with a shirt that says I LUV GRIND.

Since the new info came out quite a bit of my has been shortened
but anywho:
*don't give bigger rewards for some titles than others. just because someone has 1337 rank in a PvP title doesn't mean they should get a bigger reward than someone with legendary GMC IMO.
Rest of the game:
*Bring the atmosphere of guild wars to guild wars 2. It may be a new game but it's still part of guild wars.

*don't give bigger rewards for some titles than others. just because someone has 1337 rank in a PvP title doesn't mean they should get a bigger reward than someone with legendary GMC IMO.
Rest of the game:
*Bring the atmosphere of guild wars to guild wars 2. It may be a new game but it's still part of guild wars.
Get rid of heroes + henchmen!
Zahr Dalsk
It's already been established that GW2 will be soloable. Which is good, because we won't have to play with people like you.
By that, of course, I mean people who hate that we had fun on our own with H/H instead of playing it THEIR WAY.
By that, of course, I mean people who hate that we had fun on our own with H/H instead of playing it THEIR WAY.
The batlle continues.......
Right then, I don't really want to seem as though I am bickering with you, but just want to clarify my points by comparing them to what you say. Ok, so if I've got this right, you want some title or armor to grant you with a costume? Yet I'm not sure as it's slightly contradictory with your next point where you seem to be referring to having an actual armor. Anyhow, if people are so desperate for "purely cosmetic" rewards, then I think (if anything) there is the possibility of granting armors which offer no or very little armor value. That way, you can enjoy the cosmetics of your armor but will have to wear something else in order to actually fight. I think having costumes of Armors to be put over other armors in unfair, as it will be slightly depressing/confusing for new players who have to wait till max level or whatever to get a decent looking armor set.
I'd like to clarify that the reason you cannot take characters through is not ONLY due to the fact it is set in the future. I don't seem to be getting through to some people that this really is a new game, yes it's a sequel, but a new game. It's more likely they put up the HoM as a way of attempting to stop Guild Wars "vets" from complaining too much at how they've wasted their time. "The reason you can't take your character into the future with all your stuff is because...." If you really want to be recognized at a Guild Wars veteran player, maybe they could arrange a title for you? That way people could acknowledge you but you wouldn't have any better looking armors/weapons. Sounds fair.
As though it actually matters, no I was not around in 2006. However, Wintergreens at the time of release were hardly anything special, they ahd their uses, but in general: dud stats, very cheap. Of course they are worth a fair amount nowadays, but that's because they were so cruddy that most of the items are on players accounts who quit when they were still worthless. And to clarify, although I wasn't there, I can at least tell that they were a reward for game-based activity, prediction of results, although not techinically done in game, still would pretty much fall under the category of in-game competitions.
There is no need to get upset, I am merely trying to reason with you (and other people) about these points. I appreciate you've "stuck" with Guild Wars for a long time, and I'm sorry that you didn't seem to play for enjoyment but the for the prospect of reward in the sequel. As well as this, I don not believe I ever said I could achieve such "high-end PvP titles" or whatever you want to call them, please no false accusations. All I said was that I could definitely not achieve the Hero titles, as I found it so hard to get started with many elite PvPers demanding me to have r3 to play.
I am not denying the HoM purpose, in fact I am merely stating how that purpose can be directed, which in my opinion, should be more of a sentimental approach. I cannot claim to know the amount of time and work you put in to getting your titles, as I keep saying I fully appreciate that you want a reward for the hard times you've been through, I cannot imagine how much you sacrificed to climb your way up to r8, it is truly an astonishing accomplishment worthy of great praise.
I apologize for sinking to this level or argument, but I believe I have done a good job thus far of restraining myself from venting my frustration, but all I can say is:
Guild Wars 2 is a new game, get used to it.
Stop referring to it as an advantage over another player, the rewards were looking for are costumes which are look based only.
Besides even if people were walking around with actual obsidian armor it still wouldn't matter because gw2 has no lvl cap so saying obsidian armor from gw1 for lvl 20 will be the best armor is wrong. |
The game is called Guild Wars, the only reason a gw1 vet players want gw2 is new content but of course they don't want to leave what they've done behind so they made the HoM which will give out look base rewards only.
This is not an entirely new game its a sequel. The reason why you cant take your character with all your stuff is because its set in a time line way further in the future when your character is dead. |
Were you even around at the time wintergreen weapons came out, they were a limted time reward which there are few seen today because they were given out only once in 2006 for correct predictions in the first xunlai tournament. gw1 is like pre pre ordering gw2, the fact is they want to move population 1 to 2. I'm not even going to get into mini's, there never ending.
Look based rewards will not hurt anyone and you coming in here belittling the rewards earned by people who didn't spend those 4 years doing something else is nothing but an insult. The 4 years you missed is no priority to any vet player and you trying to say you could do it is imagining when looking at all the players that are coming back because they couldn't tough it out.
Its grind. Theres no sentimental value. HoM is for transferring gw1 achievements to gw2 nothing else, get used to it. You have no idea the time and work put into each different title you deem doesn't deserve a fair reward comparing a protector of cantha title to a r8 hero title statue in HoM is crazy, there not equal. I know a lot of coming back players will agree with your opinion because they didn't get the rewards so they want the rewards to be as little as possible. |
I am not denying the HoM purpose, in fact I am merely stating how that purpose can be directed, which in my opinion, should be more of a sentimental approach. I cannot claim to know the amount of time and work you put in to getting your titles, as I keep saying I fully appreciate that you want a reward for the hard times you've been through, I cannot imagine how much you sacrificed to climb your way up to r8, it is truly an astonishing accomplishment worthy of great praise.
HoM is for transferring gw1 achievements to gw2 nothing else, get used to it.
Guild Wars 2 is a new game, get used to it.
Ninja Ninja
First even after gw2 is released players will still be able to buy gw1, gw1 will continue to run even after gw2 is out.
Alright lets review what we've learned from this thread:
1. Look based rewards give no advantage over actual game play.
2. Its not unfair to new players because they can still buy gw1 and earn the rewards.
3. It is a new game but there giving rewards to the vet players to compensate for it being a new game.
So after that whats your argument?
You might finally admit that your not doing it for the new players and that your doing it for yourself and why cant you just get the titles oh yeah you said you didn't like doing titles, well everyone has to do titles they may not like everyone one and have to suck it up to max gwamm but titles are what gw is all about, there's a title for everything, so you saying you don't like doing titles is saying you don't like to play the game then I ask again why are you bickering well its probably because your too dam lazy to get off your *** and actually do those titles you may argue your disadvantaged because you came so late into the game well you were compensated for that by the cheap price you paid for gw.
gw2 was created when the gw1 team realized they couldn't implement things in the eotn expansion (that explains why its so short), they didn't make gw2 to scrap the whole game and to compensate dedicated players they added the HoM to move achievements from one game to the other for your future gw2 character to inherit.
This thread isn't about some great injustice but the fact your too lazy to get off your *** and actually earn your titles for rewards like the rest of us, this is just a BAWWWWW thread because you don't want people getting rewards your too lazy to get.
You coming on this thread being polite means nothing to me when your only being polite to sabotage rewards for dedicated gw1 players, every reward we get in gw2 we earned and if anyone wants those same rewards they always have the option of going back and doing the titles themselves.
I'm insulted by your overall arrogance that you think effort shouldn't equal reward, if you don't want to play the game (get titles) that's fine but this isn't a game for chatting or dating use msn or myspace for that, this is a game for playing.
That's the kind of arrogance I'm talking about, if this title means nothing to you and means nothing to me then how can you possibly offer it as a reward.
You may not think being around at 2006 means anything but it does, your either taking someones word or are guessing either way wintergreen weapons were worth a fair amount of 100k+ that may not seem like much now but it was for the economy back then and some skins of the wintergreen weren't popular back then so there worth more now for even higher rarity.
Alright lets review what we've learned from this thread:
1. Look based rewards give no advantage over actual game play.
2. Its not unfair to new players because they can still buy gw1 and earn the rewards.
3. It is a new game but there giving rewards to the vet players to compensate for it being a new game.
So after that whats your argument?
You might finally admit that your not doing it for the new players and that your doing it for yourself and why cant you just get the titles oh yeah you said you didn't like doing titles, well everyone has to do titles they may not like everyone one and have to suck it up to max gwamm but titles are what gw is all about, there's a title for everything, so you saying you don't like doing titles is saying you don't like to play the game then I ask again why are you bickering well its probably because your too dam lazy to get off your *** and actually do those titles you may argue your disadvantaged because you came so late into the game well you were compensated for that by the cheap price you paid for gw.
gw2 was created when the gw1 team realized they couldn't implement things in the eotn expansion (that explains why its so short), they didn't make gw2 to scrap the whole game and to compensate dedicated players they added the HoM to move achievements from one game to the other for your future gw2 character to inherit.
This thread isn't about some great injustice but the fact your too lazy to get off your *** and actually earn your titles for rewards like the rest of us, this is just a BAWWWWW thread because you don't want people getting rewards your too lazy to get.
You coming on this thread being polite means nothing to me when your only being polite to sabotage rewards for dedicated gw1 players, every reward we get in gw2 we earned and if anyone wants those same rewards they always have the option of going back and doing the titles themselves.
I'm insulted by your overall arrogance that you think effort shouldn't equal reward, if you don't want to play the game (get titles) that's fine but this isn't a game for chatting or dating use msn or myspace for that, this is a game for playing.
That's the kind of arrogance I'm talking about, if this title means nothing to you and means nothing to me then how can you possibly offer it as a reward.
As though it actually matters, no I was not around in 2006. However, Wintergreens at the time of release were hardly anything special, they ahd their uses, but in general: dud stats, very cheap. Of course they are worth a fair amount nowadays, but that's because they were so cruddy that most of the items are on players accounts who quit when they were still worthless.
Highlander Of Alba
Jesus guys,
are you trying to keep months up so anet changes there mind on what you get?
It has been said by Mike O' Brian 2 months ago on ten ton hammer ,i think look it up.
There will be no player advantage over a person who has not purchased GW1
I really think the reason behind all this to and frow is that you know that there is no advantage and trying to sway the argument honestly it wont work.##
I agree with anets view on this there would be no end to what people want ect..for e.g what about people who spent cash on mutiple accounts slots ect ect
Jesus guys accept you wont get any advantage get over it.
are you trying to keep months up so anet changes there mind on what you get?
It has been said by Mike O' Brian 2 months ago on ten ton hammer ,i think look it up.
There will be no player advantage over a person who has not purchased GW1
I really think the reason behind all this to and frow is that you know that there is no advantage and trying to sway the argument honestly it wont work.##
I agree with anets view on this there would be no end to what people want ect..for e.g what about people who spent cash on mutiple accounts slots ect ect
Jesus guys accept you wont get any advantage get over it.
Crystal Lake
Look, we've been told the purpose of the HoM is to transfer the achievements you made in GW1 to GW2. Anet told us they didn't want us to lose all that time you put into attaining achievements in GW1 to go to waste. So some think it's fair to have those achievements reduced to cosmetic looks only? I don't expect to get stronger armor or more powerful weapons, but I do expect to get something more valuable then cosmetics. Also, with the big delay in releasing GW2 I decided to go for the GWAMM titles and I'm at 24 titles and counting and I expect something for all those titles because Anet said there would be. I want something for my mini pets and exotic pets.
I don't know, you could say EOTN is unfair because it gives you some pretty nice skills that others don't have because they didn't purchase it. (None of which you can use in PvP) It's likely GW2 will have more then enough for folks who didn't buy GW1 or didn't achieve any titles there, and nothing will be missed.
Bottom line is Anet said there would be rewards for HoM achievements and it shouldn't be something lame.
I don't know, you could say EOTN is unfair because it gives you some pretty nice skills that others don't have because they didn't purchase it. (None of which you can use in PvP) It's likely GW2 will have more then enough for folks who didn't buy GW1 or didn't achieve any titles there, and nothing will be missed.
Bottom line is Anet said there would be rewards for HoM achievements and it shouldn't be something lame.
One way MMOs keep you playing is to keep you invested in it in terms of time and rewards.
If you have 0 investment transferred between GW1 and GW2 that means GW2 would start competing on the same level as the other new MMOs that come out about the same time. In other words, anet would voluntarily lose their edge from GW1, which is unlikely.
If you have 0 investment transferred between GW1 and GW2 that means GW2 would start competing on the same level as the other new MMOs that come out about the same time. In other words, anet would voluntarily lose their edge from GW1, which is unlikely.
Riot Narita
I'm at 24 titles and counting and I expect something for all those titles because Anet said there would be.
Did they say there would be anything for exotic pets? Versus simply filling your display (ie. any combination of 5 heroes with upgraded armor and/or exotic pets)?
I didn't think they did - but I welcome any correction, and its source.
I think you may be setting yourself up for a big disappointment.
EDIT: I myself think that the rewards for being a part of GW1 should be as minimal as possible, I disagree with good looking armor and also disagree with un-tradeable but maxed weapons, as I think everything should be available to everyone no matter if they played Guild Wars or not. I also think that armors to be crafted exclusively for old GW players is a no-no, imo, this should be a completely new game with almos no influence from GW1. I see people's point when they say they would feel as though they had wasted their time on GW1, but really I think that being "committed" is a slightly weak argument, you enjoyed the game no? It's not as though you've been through hell to get your GW1 achievements (well, drunkard title seems pretty bad but still....). All in all I am in favour of a new game where your GW1 achievements mean shizz all in GW2, except when you have a personal moment in your HoM. If it were up to me: no mini's, no weapons, no armors, no nothing except for some pretty statues in your HoM. I'm braced for the storm coming from those committed players.
I admit I am no great title achiever, I have never taken much interest in them and only have the NF completion title, although that said I am actually nearly R3 Zaishen (nothing to boast about I know) and Only have a few missions to get the Defender of Cantha and NF titles. In any case, you can have your titles if you want, they are what I would like to see in GW2 HoM, its the weapons and armor I don't. I don't have much variety when it comes to different armor sets: Asuran, Vabbian, Sunspear Elite, and Ancient - and have only dedicated a tormented shield and a destroyer shield. I just don't like the idea of getting any bonus', especially getting good looking armors only available to us GW1 players, I'm thinking about the new players here, it wouldn't be fair on them. I don't know where you stand in terms of minis, but I think that having un-tradeable ones which follow you around might also be a mistake, as (assuming minis are implemented into the game) I see no reason why we should get some which new players can't. Before you "/facepalm" again, no I have no high-end minis, got a destroyer, ceratadon, cele rat/ox/tiger, unded black beast and loads of 1st and 2nd year whites and purps. I appreciate if you have some Asian Mini's you'll be upset about losing them, but this is supposed to be a new game, and imo, seeing as Guild Wars has always been about "looks" not stats, getting nice skinned armors/weapons/minis IS an advantage over new players. |

If it is true that everybody would start at equal footing in GW2, then many people would just stop playing GW1 right now and wait for GW2 to arrive since there is no use to prepare for it. GW2 is NOT a completely new game from GW1(e.g. Aion would be a completely new game), GW2 is a continuation of the GW1 storyline.
There should be something for people who are more committed to the game than you are and it is the same philosophy for every MMO, to reward commitment. New players would always start new in every MMO. If my friend starts to play GW1 with a level 1 character tomorrow, I would still have an edge over him with my level 20s. Similarly for World of Warcraft or any other MMOs. It is not unfair for my characters to have an advantage over a new level 1 character after having played this game for 5 years.
Another Felldspar
I've enjoyed playing Guild Wars 1, and if the developers had set up a purely sentimental display I would have enjoyed filling the parts that I wanted to fill, and ignored the spots that I didn't enjoy filling, the exact same way that I've done the HoM.
But, that isn't what the developers said the HoM would be. And, since they've promised that rewards for the Hall would be available in GW2, and they've said that those rewards would give no advantage over players who are new to the Guild Wars saga, then guess what I expect to happen? Hmmmm...
What I mostly wonder is why any player would believe that it would be okay for the developers to decide to renig on a deal that they've used as a sales/marketing tool. You all do understand that the HoM is a sales/marketing tool, right? And that promises have been made that are attached to that?
But, that isn't what the developers said the HoM would be. And, since they've promised that rewards for the Hall would be available in GW2, and they've said that those rewards would give no advantage over players who are new to the Guild Wars saga, then guess what I expect to happen? Hmmmm...
What I mostly wonder is why any player would believe that it would be okay for the developers to decide to renig on a deal that they've used as a sales/marketing tool. You all do understand that the HoM is a sales/marketing tool, right? And that promises have been made that are attached to that?
Ok look, I really don't want you to think I'm trying to "sabotage" the veteran players of Guild Wars, all I am trying to say is I am personally not in favour of armor/weapon/costume rewards which, for one thing, new players will be completely unable to get, and will also be able to function as well as the new items. For example, as I said earlier, I think that cosmetics, such as armor, should be available if you have dedicated it but I do not believe that the reward armor should be of any particular use in battle; as many people have said I am more in favour of rewards for the sake of vanity. I think the use of some sort of aura similar to the Prophecies Collectors edition would be a fantastic reward for those people who achieved high GWAMM titles an aura dependant on the level of the title, which could either be seen during emotes of during fights or something along those lines.
I would also like to comment on the wintergreen situation, and from what I have heard they have been as low as 5-20k at various points, so I think it is slightly absurd to say that they were 100k, as they were still only about 40k when I started playing (I remember because I bought and sold a few of them).
As to the fact you think I do not believe being around in 2006 was important, I was not saying that it is unimportant, merely saying if you have spoken to people who were around at that time, checked Guru threads and so on, you can build up a reasonable amount of knowledge on the subject.
I do not think you should go completely unrewarded, I believe that dedicated players such as yourself should be rewarded in different ways to the ways you are suggesting, although I am still slightly confused over what exactly you want, if you could post a general overview of how you want the rewards to be handled it would be extremely helpful.
I regret if I am coming across as arrogant and object to the comment "get of your ass and actually earn those titles"; I would actually be sitting around on my ass if I was doing them, just more bored than I usually am when I am "sittiing around on my ass". I admit I probably don't dedicate nearly enough time to Guild Wars to achieve some of those titles, but it is not because I am, as you say, "lazy".
Just for the record I do play the game, I don't just stand around chatting to people, I play through missions, do the odd vanquish and have some fun PvPing, I just don't focus entirely on expanding my HoM.
I see your point of view, I just have a different opinion of my own
In any case, I appreciate dedicated players opinions are worth far more than my own, as a relatively casual gamer I am of little importance by comparison. You can judge for yourself whether those two lines were sarcastic, but I am intrigued as to which one of us is "arrogant".
Note to GW veteran players: I do not think you should be unrewarded, I merely think you should be rewarded in different ways, and I believe that many people have got their hopes way too high about the spectacular rewards they might have without any member of the Guild Wars/NCSoft/Anet team making a specific statment about it.
EDIT:Now that really is a very narrow minded view.
your either taking someones word or are guessing either way wintergreen weapons were worth a fair amount of 100k+
As to the fact you think I do not believe being around in 2006 was important, I was not saying that it is unimportant, merely saying if you have spoken to people who were around at that time, checked Guru threads and so on, you can build up a reasonable amount of knowledge on the subject.
I do not think you should go completely unrewarded, I believe that dedicated players such as yourself should be rewarded in different ways to the ways you are suggesting, although I am still slightly confused over what exactly you want, if you could post a general overview of how you want the rewards to be handled it would be extremely helpful.
I ask again why are you bickering well its probably because your too dam lazy to get off your *** and actually do those titles
you don't want to play the game (get titles) that's fine but this isn't a game for chatting or dating use msn or myspace for that, this is a game for playing.
Just for the record I do play the game, I don't just stand around chatting to people, I play through missions, do the odd vanquish and have some fun PvPing, I just don't focus entirely on expanding my HoM.
I see your point of view, I just have a different opinion of my own
In any case, I appreciate dedicated players opinions are worth far more than my own, as a relatively casual gamer I am of little importance by comparison. You can judge for yourself whether those two lines were sarcastic, but I am intrigued as to which one of us is "arrogant".
Note to GW veteran players: I do not think you should be unrewarded, I merely think you should be rewarded in different ways, and I believe that many people have got their hopes way too high about the spectacular rewards they might have without any member of the Guild Wars/NCSoft/Anet team making a specific statment about it.
EDIT:Now that really is a very narrow minded view.
Ninja Ninja
That's my biggest issue with this whole thing - you aren't rewarded for playing, you are rewarded for playing in a VERY specific way.
All my characters are Legendary Survivors (or on their way there).They all also get the Canthan NM missions title, and most end up with some 3+ titles. I then proceed to delete such guys because of various reasons (I don't like their hair, I don't like their names - I want to restart a guy but lack the space, ...) I play a shit-ton of of this game. (Or better yet, I played. I don't play 8+ hours a day anymore.) I have a few thousand hours played. Yet my main guy has currently 11 maxed titles. So, if we tie the GW2 rewards to GW1 achievements - is somebody that played this game for a few hundred hours but has more titles than I do entitled to bigger rewards than I am with 10 times as much play time? |
My main character is butt ugly because I just did it random and I usually just hide him under my armor and don't care because you cant see anything.
The thing is it's been completely clear what you should do to put titles in your HoM, armor, weapons, minis, heros, whatever. So when you decide to play the way you do, that is with full knowledge that you are neglecting your HoM, and whatever potential benefits.
It's like saying, look I know college is a good idea and on average i'll make 25k/year more with a degree, but it's hard. Now i'm going to qq to everyone about how unfair it is.
FYI, my HoM is close to as complete as I want it, close to GWAMM, but I hardly focus on that aspect, most of my time in the game is spent on elite area runs with my guild and alliance.
To summarize, you know what you are potentially missing out on, so either you do it, or you don't, no complaining to be had either way. Don't wish for people with full HoMs to get shit just because you haven't spent the time to get something.
It's like saying, look I know college is a good idea and on average i'll make 25k/year more with a degree, but it's hard. Now i'm going to qq to everyone about how unfair it is.
FYI, my HoM is close to as complete as I want it, close to GWAMM, but I hardly focus on that aspect, most of my time in the game is spent on elite area runs with my guild and alliance.
To summarize, you know what you are potentially missing out on, so either you do it, or you don't, no complaining to be had either way. Don't wish for people with full HoMs to get shit just because you haven't spent the time to get something.
Essence Snow
Only thing I could foresee is maybe some emotes.....besides the obvious cosmetic. As for working on titles and getting some other reward for them: Don't we do those mainly for cosmetic appeal.(minus few of pve only skill related)..ex) displaying the title... So why would we get anything extra? Thats like buying a painting and adding the clause "Oh yeah...that painting...I want it to be a stereo too!". I don't belive we should get anything material in nature for our GW1 achievments. I guess if I were raised spoiled.....I might think differently.
Ninja Ninja
I've read through all of what you posted and the only argument is I already answered this at the very beginning of my last post
Please read the rest of what I posted where I say there's a title for everything. A player could beat all the story lines in a day, titles are what you do after.
First even after gw2 is released players will still be able to buy gw1, gw1 will continue to run even after gw2 is out.
Ninja Ninja
The last thing we heard on this subject was that the only achievements that will count will be those obtained before the release of GW2 (or somewhere around it - basically, the idea was the you won't be able to obtain achievements later and transfer them since they want to reward people that play now.
Well that's my suggested way to prevent it, you know what happens when you delete a character you lose all progress on titles unless account wide.
The HoM gives you a title statue for showing a minimum rank in a title to show you understood that game play and at least excelled at it to some point (like r4 kurzick or r2 lucky).
Ninja Ninja
As I said, I achieved many things - but most of them just count as one achievement. I've had like 10+ LSs - yet they will be treated as one achievement. The same thing with Canthan NM (and HM) missions.
And that's the issue - just playing the game isn't sufficient, you need to play the game in a very specific way. |
HoM has an account wide setting to show achievements for all your characters.
It sounds like your stuck in a rut, my advice would be to try different titles, most of them cost money and give nothing in return except for a title but while doing them I think you'll enjoy them and after you'll have a better feel for the game, like exploration is fun because you could find unique out of the way places you normally would have missed.
Ok thanks everyone for their opinions, but could we also get some more thoughts on style of play?
We've discussed briefly some PvP stuff: World vs World etc
We've not really had so much on PvE styles.
Just give your thoughts and/or suggestions on what sort of PvP you would like to bring thorugh, what sort of PvE aspects you'd like to be implemented, what sorts of things you really didn't like on Guild Wars and what stuff you absolutely loved.
For example: I loved Alliance Battles and I hope something similar turns up in GW2, however I really disliked the ability of some professions to use certain builds to Solo areas; I would like GW2 to be much more balanced, as in all the professions have a more equal ability to perform the same tasks, but in different ways.
Ok I had a read and its a good link, thanks for that. I still think you slightly misunderstand me, I am not predicting what the HoM will do, I am saying what I, personally, and some other players, would like the HoM to do. Like I said, I am all in favour in swaggering around looking "bad-ass", I just believe that the armor/weapons you get should not be ideal for combat, as I wouldn't like to create an instant Elite Group to make new players feel awkward. As for titles, like I said, I think they should be rewarded, just not in the form of items, but maybe as an aura or something which people can appreciate.
Also, I'm not actually sure what sort of rewards you want to get for your elite titles, so I can't really be sure if I am understanding you right. So Ninja Ninja, if you find the time, could you just post a section on what sort of things you want, as it makes a huge difference to whether or not I agree with you.
We've discussed briefly some PvP stuff: World vs World etc
We've not really had so much on PvE styles.
Just give your thoughts and/or suggestions on what sort of PvP you would like to bring thorugh, what sort of PvE aspects you'd like to be implemented, what sorts of things you really didn't like on Guild Wars and what stuff you absolutely loved.
For example: I loved Alliance Battles and I hope something similar turns up in GW2, however I really disliked the ability of some professions to use certain builds to Solo areas; I would like GW2 to be much more balanced, as in all the professions have a more equal ability to perform the same tasks, but in different ways.
Originally Posted by Ninja Ninja
Thanks for posting the link, after looking at it its pretty cool that the co-creator is saying the same things I've been trying to tell galbat0rixx, so if your reading this galbat0rixx check that link out and read.
Also, I'm not actually sure what sort of rewards you want to get for your elite titles, so I can't really be sure if I am understanding you right. So Ninja Ninja, if you find the time, could you just post a section on what sort of things you want, as it makes a huge difference to whether or not I agree with you.
Ninja Ninja
Also, I'm not actually sure what sort of rewards you want to get for your elite titles, so I can't really be sure if I am understanding you right. So Ninja Ninja, if you find the time, could you just post a section on what sort of things you want, as it makes a huge difference to whether or not I agree with you.
Ninja Ninja
That's the thing - I don't dislike the content I've been playing over and over and OVER again. The reason why I am doing this content instead of something else is because I prefer the content I am playing.
But if I want the GW2 rewards - then playing the content I like isn't sufficient. And to make things worse - a lot of titles demand that I not only play content I don't like, I need to do it MORE than once. |
Yeah to max titles you have to master them, to get HoM rewards you only need to sample them.
Originally Posted by Ninja Ninja
"Guild Wars 2 character can walk into the Hall of Monuments and walk out looking like a bad-ass" sounds good to me.
I'm not quite sure where I stand on what to do with minipets, someone shared one of their ideas with me in-game and it was that all Guild should have a sort of (for want of a better word) "mascot" which can be chosen/changed the same way a Guild Cape can be. He/she thought it would be good if, when creating a Guild, you could either choose between a pre-selection of creatures, or unlock "exotic" ones through GW2 achievements, or unlock them using the minipets dedicated to your HoM.
So you could have your miniature destroyer as a team "mascot", which could have various functions in GvG battles, maybe the option of summoning him to fight in hard areas or something similar.
It's an interesting idea, of course it's definitely in need of refining, but something along those lines would certainly be cool, if implemented well.
Ninja Ninja
Yeah I sort of get you there, it's just I'm not quite sure what specifics you would like. For example do you agree with me that armor and weapons should not be maxed, but only useful in battle up to a fairly low(ish) level? That way you can make some sort of use of them at the low levels, but you'll have to ditch them for combat after a few levels up, and can just wear them to show off when you like. I personally don't actually want this because I'm afraid I'll just spend too much time in my Warrior Vabbian Armor (best armor in-game imo), but I understand that people will feel really ticked off if they can't even get that
Ok, lets try and get some more opinions on GW PvP/PvE elements and what people would like to be implemented in GW2 from GW1, and what they don't want.
Originally Posted by galbat0rixx
For example: I loved Alliance Battles and I hope something similar turns up in GW2, however I really disliked the ability of some professions to use certain builds to Solo areas; I would like GW2 to be much more balanced, as in all the professions have a more equal ability to perform the same tasks, but in different ways.
Crystal Lake
Did they say there would be anything for specific titles? Versus simply filling your display (ie. any 5 titles or achievements)?
Did they say there would be anything for exotic pets? Versus simply filling your display (ie. any combination of 5 heroes with upgraded armor and/or exotic pets)? I didn't think they did - but I welcome any correction, and its source. I think you may be setting yourself up for a big disappointment. |
It only makes sense Anet wants to keep people playing and interested while they fine tune their big launch of GW2.
Crystal Lake
I've enjoyed playing Guild Wars 1, and if the developers had set up a purely sentimental display I would have enjoyed filling the parts that I wanted to fill, and ignored the spots that I didn't enjoy filling, the exact same way that I've done the HoM.
But, that isn't what the developers said the HoM would be. And, since they've promised that rewards for the Hall would be available in GW2, and they've said that those rewards would give no advantage over players who are new to the Guild Wars saga, then guess what I expect to happen? Hmmmm... What I mostly wonder is why any player would believe that it would be okay for the developers to decide to renig on a deal that they've used as a sales/marketing tool. You all do understand that the HoM is a sales/marketing tool, right? And that promises have been made that are attached to that? |
Good point, it is a sales & marketing tool. However, maybe just maybe they really do want to reward the player base who put in so much time into GW1, and those who stick with it.
For those who think its unfair because they have put in as much time as others but didn't go after the titles, well, you have just been pursuing the fun titles. Try getting the Legendary Skill Hunter for kicks.

Regarding HoM rewards in GW2.
Perhaps we could have the items in HoM provided to a starting character in a Pre Ascalon area with the same begining attribrutes of the Pre armor and weapons. You could keep the look of the items here, but would need to upgrade when you move to the Post area and get higher lvl gear.
Perhaps we could have the items in HoM provided to a starting character in a Pre Ascalon area with the same begining attribrutes of the Pre armor and weapons. You could keep the look of the items here, but would need to upgrade when you move to the Post area and get higher lvl gear.
5+ year old accounts should get something special imo, untradeable shield or max armor really, distinguished service item or some such. They could make it so it's an ancestral item passed down for services to tyria or something.
Ninja Ninja
I think getting a mini every year is too much, they don't need to give another reward for years of inactivity.
I think getting a mini every year is too much, they don't need to give another reward for years of inactivity.

Super serial though what I expect is something like what people got with preorders. Ithas Bow(my Prophecies pre order item), crap daggers/staff(factions), etc. In memorandum of our fallen ancestors, nothing more. The good items, equipment, etc, will still be out there, waiting to be harvested off the rotting corpse of some super bad boss.
Mostly, though, the HoM gimmick is mostly so a vast majority of GW players will be guaranteed to buy GW2, and move to it(hopefully permanently), rather than having Game #2 in a series and splitting the fanbase in half between elitist Game #1 players and 1337 Game #2 players.
The reward will not be so powerful and intimidating that new players to GW will buy #2 and see people carrying it and flat out quit. Have hope in ANet, they've had plenty of time to think out the HoM reward. Just don't get your hopes too high or you will inevitably be devastated when reality doesn't meet your expectations.
Riot Narita
I cannot find the interview where someone from Anet said that every character you created in GW2 could go to a place where you would get a "reward" that's linked to accomplishments in GW1. Now it might just be a summoning stone and nothing spectacular and game altering, nevertheless it's a reward for a achievement. Because it's account based it means a toon you created that didn't achieve any titles would still have access to the rewards.
My question was: Has A-Net ever said that every title in your honor monument will give you a reward?
ie. 5 titles, 5 rewards (or something "small")... 10 titles, 10 rewards (or something "bigger") etc.
I don't recall A-Net saying that's how it would work, but you seem to think they did:
I'm at 24 titles and counting and I expect something for all those titles because Anet said there would be.
If they haven't said how it's going to work... then I hope you aren't grinding titles just for the hope of rewards in GW2. There's every chance you will be disappointed. You may be disappointed anyway, since you said you expect rewards that aren't "lame".
eg. What if it's just a single reward for each full display:
5 titles or achievements gives 1 reward... 10 titles, gives only the same 1 reward etc.
20 minipets gives 1 reward... 30 minipets gives the same 1 reward... 20 "rare" minipets gives the same 1 reward.
If it turned out like that, grinding titles, collecting large numbers of minipets (or rare/expensive ones)... etc would be a waste of time. Best not to bother, until we know for sure how it's going to work. Unless you want to do those things anyway, of course.
Ninja Ninja
That's not what I was talking about.
My question was: Has A-Net ever said that every title in your honor monument will give you a reward? ie. 5 titles, 5 rewards (or something "small")... 10 titles, 10 rewards (or something "bigger") etc. I don't recall A-Net saying that's how it would work, but you seem to think they did: So, did A-Net say there would be something for all of your 24+ titles? Where did you see that? If they haven't said how it's going to work... then I hope you aren't grinding titles just for the hope of rewards in GW2. There's every chance you will be disappointed. You may be disappointed anyway, since you said you expect rewards that aren't "lame". eg. What if it's just a single reward for each full display: 5 titles or achievements gives 1 reward... 10 titles, gives only the same 1 reward etc. 20 minipets gives 1 reward... 30 minipets gives the same 1 reward... 20 "rare" minipets gives the same 1 reward. If it turned out like that, grinding titles, collecting large numbers of minipets (or rare/expensive ones)... etc would be a waste of time. Best not to bother, until we know for sure how it's going to work. Unless you want to do those things anyway, of course. |