What a waste of an already weak game. How can Anet ban players who had no other choice but to play the meta? Keep reading, dont start qqing already. Hear me out. Anet took MONTHS to fix a simple problem that other games fix upon release. A simple cheatshield or something would have stopped all .dll injections and stopped this huge incident. The funny part is the guy who created the bots claims he warned anet, he told them of how easy it was, he showed them examples and all he got was a "yah well take care of it thanks". Did they? No. So he decided i guess ill release it and see if Anet finally mans up to their short comings openly rather than avoiding all problems and admitting no fault. How is a player supposed to enjoy playing a game where bots run the economy and run the pvp? Are we supposed to just sit with our hands in our laps waiting for Anet to take action? They really think that banning these people for their short comings will solve anything? Havent we seen this before? *cough*mallyx glitch*cough*duping*cough*. They need to learn to control their servers and stop constantly creating glitches. The difference between then and now is that you could avoid and ignore those past events on the grounds of ohh its just the economy. But bots can farm nonstop for days. They can win Hall Of Heroes all night and all day without fear. They can perma rupt both monks in a gvg making it stupid easy to wipe any team. They LET bots overrun the game and they LOST most of their player base due to it. Blame the players and issue bans but they gotta know these people arent gonna be buying new account and for sure wont be buying guildwars2 accounts. They are just throwing away money now. Its a joke. ANet needs to fix this mistake before it costs them 75% of their prior player base.
And when people are enabled, they do. So what happens to the rest of, prices flux, some things become excessively expensive, others rediculously cheap. So, others seeing that the community watchdog is letting this happen, and realizing that "Hey, if they can get away with it, why should I be on the backburner when I can be making money and doing this too? It's only fair right?"
I don't think most of you realize the severity of this issue. They have just lost a large portion of the player base. Yes, some will buy new accounts, but really, how many? The game is 5 years old and dying, although ANet has claimed they will not shut down the Guild Wars servers until the last player stops playing, but they have also made claims many times over that haven't been seen through. I just think everybody needs to look it things as they are and hey, I could be wrong, things could get better... but if there is one thing I've learned (especially in the case of this game), expect nothing, or better yet worse than nothing (because things are bound to go wrong) and hope for the best. Because when things fall through, what then? Nothing but frustration.