People, please stay on topic and civil. Personal attacks, judgments of character, and Dhuum jokes are not what this thread is for. If you are not going to post something relevant to the intended discussion, then please refrain from posting in this thread at all. There has been more than enough meaningless bickering here already.
The answer to that question is simple: because we have been told to do so. But in this post I will pose a pair of questions, with answers potentially more difficult to obtain.
Note that the following is solely related to the recent mass banning of Guild Wars accounts.
Before I begin, I'd just like to say how happy I am that ArenaNet has finally tightened their grip on botting in Guild Wars. It's wonderful to log in and know that no more will I be surrounded by characters who may or may not be controlled by an actual human being at any given time. I am extremely pleased with the majority of the staff at HQ right now! Also, I'd like to make it clear that my account was not banned, nor do I sympathize with anyone who was rightfully banned for violations of the EULA.
However, I am not so pleased with some things coming our way from NCSoft and ArenaNet, and I am sure many people agree with me on this. We are being told to waste our time on a hopeless matter by the people we have been trusting to steer us straight in matters related to Guild Wars. Allow me to elaborate.
Martin Kerstein and Regina Buenaobra have directed users feeling that they were erroneously banned to contact support on the matter.
And you base your statement on what facts? Do you have prove of "tons of innocent people"?
Or are you relying on people telling you that they did nothing wrong? I might sound harsh - but this is a serious issue, and I have been around for more then 4 years now. Everytime people get banned, lots of statements pop up on the boards claiming to be innocent and that we made a mistake. We did not talk about this ban in advance, because we worked hard on our methods for bot detection. I repeat what I said earlier: If you think you have been wrongfully banned - contact support. |
It means we can back our bans up by evidence.
If people feel they were wrongfully banned, they should contact support. |
I can't comment on your case, as I am not customer support. All I can say is that support investigates each account thoroughly. Please take it up with them.
Now, being told to seek help from Support is nothing new. We are told to do it by many members of ArenaNet and NCSoft staff, and it is good that they direct us to where we need to go to receive help. However, in this case, there is no help to be received - something they are surely fully aware of. Again, allow me to elaborate by quoting what seem to be the automated replies going out to every player emailing support regarding this issue.
Hello, Your Guild Wars account has been closed for botting and/or the use of a third-party program. We want you to know that we take great care when analyzing accounts prior to termination. For additional information on the User Agreement and Rules of Conduct, please visit the links below: Regards, GM Evan The Guild Wars Support Team |
Hello, Due to the third-party program violations committed by this account, it will remain closed. We will not accept appeals in cases such as this because of the depth of the analysis prior to the block. Please keep in mind that Guild Wars is a global game with hundreds of thousands of players. This means that standards of behavior must be upheld and we will take all necessary actions to protect the Guild Wars community and to assure that players are abiding by our User Agreement and Rules of Conduct. Regards, GM Martina The Guild Wars Support Team |
Hello, Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars Support Team. I am escalating your ticket to our Guild Wars senior staff members to assist you further. Once they have reviewed your question, one of them will contact you as soon as possible. Regards, GM Phillip The Guild Wars Support Team |
Hello, I understand that you have concerns about the termination of your Guild Wars account. I would like to provide you with additional information that may be of assistance as you review your individual situation: The accounts that were terminated on May 26th used a disallowed third-party program at some time in the past. That doesn’t mean the program was used within the last few days or even within the last few weeks, because the scope of our bot detection efforts extended over a long period of time. So any of the 3,700 accounts that were closed may have used a forbidden third-party program this week, last week, or even a few months ago. Some people may have installed and uninstalled a forbidden program a while ago, thinking it would not be detected. Obviously that wasn’t the case. Others may share a computer and not realize that someone else added a bot program to their system. And still others may not realize that the program that they were told was “harmless” or even “approved by ArenaNet” is actually a cheat program. Some players have said they believe that their account was terminated because they used certain third-party programs such as TexMod or Guild Wars Multi-Client. We do not action the accounts of people who use these programs because in their original form they do not give players an inherent gameplay advantage. That has been true in the past; that remains true today. But the accounts that were terminated were not using such programs. Either the players involved were knowingly using cheat programs, or they were using what they thought were benign programs that had been altered, turning them from acceptable to unacceptable. Please keep in mind that ArenaNet and NCsoft do not “approve” third-party programs. We know that we cannot ensure the integrity of programs that we did not create. So while we do not take action on the users of programs that are known to not give a player any gameplay advantages, establishing the integrity of any third-party program falls to the individual user. I hope that this additional information is helpful to you. Please note that this is the final communication we will be giving in response to this appeal. Subsequent communication about this matter will be closed without response. Take care, Lead GM Oghma The Guild Wars Support Team |
TO BE CLEAR: If you are asking about your account being banned, no matter what you put in your original ticket, or what you send as replies to the first pair of automated responses, you will always get the same fourth response that you see here. Support is using automated responses to completely shut down ANY tickets about the bans, appeals or otherwise. Tickets are NOT being reviewed, and support is NOT being given.
to all the people that say ANET checks b4 giving you an automated response, i present you this following image:
![]() (in case its unclear, look at the response time) |
Now, there are two questions I have for the community, NCSoft, and ArenaNet:
- Why are we being told by ArenaNet and NCSoft to email support, if support has no intention of even listening to what we have to say (as evidenced by the automated replies)?
- How can ArenaNet and NCSoft be so absolutely sure (as evidenced by Martin Kerstein's responses quoted above, and again, the automated support replies) that, in a case of three thousand seven hundred bans, there can not be any margin of error?
As a final note, I humbly ask that all posters please remain civil, on topic, and contribute to the discussion in a constructive manner. We can discuss this like grown ups, I'm sure.