Nerf DwG
Lithril Ashwalker
.... In other words stop whining kiddos it's not gonna get needed unless you have good reason.
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No, just no. The only reason that it's so 'powerful' Is because four goddamn people are using it at the same time.
Seriously, get four Searing Flames eles and watch the same thing happen.
Seriously, get four Searing Flames eles and watch the same thing happen.
Eragon Zarroc
nerf this, nerf that, qq. it's only nm doa runs. let the people who enjoy doing it enjoy it.
Sirius Bsns
But NO, OP wants to ruin their enjoyment. So, let's ruin their enjoyment! Let's get DwG nerfed so even more players can stop playing DoA, and the game for that matter. There's always a plus side to things when you can drive more players away from the game in order to lower server costs for Anet. Let's make even more room in town for the newbies who prefer hero/henching/soloing/failing everything. Lord knows Devona, Mhenlo, Aiden, and the rest of the gang, all have a gripe about us players taking up so much extra room in their cities.
i find this really amusing. There are about 5-10 other builds in DoA I can think of that absolutely roll in there in NM. I mean you are talking about NM. After the introduction of PvE only skills. DoA is nowhere near as hard. I remember when ANET had to actually tone down HM DoA before EoTN because it was too hard. Juts leave it alone or we are all gonna get "kill this skill, kill that skill"
Yoshida Keiji
Not true. Ursan Pug's could clear Doa in hm and in no time without any single was really foolproof and forgiving build.Only have played Dwg at jq/fa but if it's becoming mindless easymode as Ursan in pve...
/signed (only if it reaches the Ursan lvls which i doubt very much) |
For DwG to work well you need to meet two conditions.
First you need the echoed version or that player will only bring half the damage of a primary rit.
And second you need to be secondary mesmer or they will die a lot a Foundry without Mantra versus the Titans.
So for Destructive Was Glaive to work efficiently, characters have to be
The other professions as say Any/Rit are only as half as good.
I share the same experience, no pug team before DwG had same chances to complete DoA. Some may say it has become over powered.
But I tell you what. When I come home earlier from work I can do 3 fr and when late only one. Three to five per weekend days if staying at home. Still plenty of groups fail with Glaiveway. *Monks not willing to remove hex from para. *Rits coming with regular SoS build but not the one from this teambuild. *Rits droppping bundle item at back line. *Rits over aggroing. *SoS rising spirits anywhere but actualy where necesary. *Regular infiltrated noobs. *Peeps miserable enough for not willing to share 1k for cons. *AFKers/Leechers. *Leavers. *Cheat FR announcements but team stopping after one or two areas. *Rits not taking Gaze of Fury for Mallyx... *Peeps not skipping cinematic. *Etc. |
What's in bold isn't even needed, the first one, every build does NOT have to be EXACTLY as shown for a run to be successful. If a teams fails and a spirit spammer has a different bar than that, it is the team's fault, not the Spammer's fault.
The 2nd one in bold, you shouldn't need Gaze of Fury... you should fight Mallyx outside of his chamber away from those spirits, to where the spirit effect does not even get on you.
Yoshida Keiji
What's in bold isn't even needed, the first one, every build does NOT have to be EXACTLY as shown for a run to be successful. If a teams fails and a spirit spammer has a different bar than that, it is the team's fault, not the Spammer's fault.
The 2nd one in bold, you shouldn't need Gaze of Fury... you should fight Mallyx outside of his chamber away from those spirits, to where the spirit effect does not even get on you. |
How many fail teams I have already been with SoS rits not bringing Convert Hexes for paragon.... Pufff lost count...
Same question again...
How many fail teams I have already been with players who dont skip cinematic... percentage of successful skipping is what...? 20%?
Its NM DoA, people are finishing HM DoA runs in half that time. Who cares about what the noobs do for money. It's all they can do in elite areas let them do it. If they were rolling through the areas in <45 min maybe. but its like 1.5 hours in NM getting less them half of the gems you get in HM SCs.
People just keep lowering their standard before something is "overpowered". Its a classic case of "giving an inch and they'll take a mile".
One of the prevalent argument during the SF QQ storm was that it made HM too easy for pugs..."If they can't do it then they should be in NM" /Quote
Now that the evil pugs are chased back to NM, guess what? More QQ...
One of the prevalent argument during the SF QQ storm was that it made HM too easy for pugs..."If they can't do it then they should be in NM" /Quote
Now that the evil pugs are chased back to NM, guess what? More QQ...
only because i like playing doa and everyone refuses to play anything but dwg. im not a huge fan of nerf this/that...but the area is ruined, thats the problem
only because i like playing doa and everyone refuses to play anything but dwg. im not a huge fan of nerf this/that...but the area is ruined, thats the problem
I have to post this link to an article by Scott Jennings. Now, granted, he's focusing on PVP as opposed to PVE, but the PVE community could also profit by reading this.
I've linked to the second page, which is more subject to the subject, but there's also a link to the first page for anyone who wishes to read the whole article...
I've linked to the second page, which is more subject to the subject, but there's also a link to the first page for anyone who wishes to read the whole article...
Reverend Dr
It is very true what Scott wrote about how posting on forums is a type of PvP, it is you carefully crafting your words to engage in direct confrontation with other users. However he has grossly overestimated the amount of "class loyalty" players have and is quick to dismiss any type of player feedback as having the intent of "make my class stronger and make their class weaker."
This will be more true in traditional MMO's where it takes months to get a character towards the endgame, but even in those games it is not at all uncommon for the more active players (who tend to be the ones who post the most on forums) to have multiple characters. Especially in this game where a character can get to end-game content in a couple of days and PvP characters can be created in a minute.
Though what he has said about trying to avoid nerfs (though he specifies a class, which he is a bit stuck in the class-structure framing) it very true. Players just cannot stand getting a toy taken away from them. It doesn't matter how long they had it (see Mind Wrack), nor does it matter how grossly overpowered something was (see every damn shadowform thread), YOU TOOK AWAY MY TOY! This is largely why Nightfall did so much damage to the health of GW. Faction's balancing philosophy was based on the idea of introducing underpowered skills and slowly buffing them (didn't work as well as planned). Nightfall's philosophy was introduce overpowered skills then slowly tone them back, which gave us the majority of the 'power creep' problem and also gave Anet no way to address it without massive backlash. This is also a problem with the elite skills buff, then the paragon/dervish buff, then the tactics buff, now the mesmer buffs.
Yeah, this is a cheap shot at the PvE community, but us terribly immature PvP players have taken nerfs so much more gracefully.
This will be more true in traditional MMO's where it takes months to get a character towards the endgame, but even in those games it is not at all uncommon for the more active players (who tend to be the ones who post the most on forums) to have multiple characters. Especially in this game where a character can get to end-game content in a couple of days and PvP characters can be created in a minute.
Though what he has said about trying to avoid nerfs (though he specifies a class, which he is a bit stuck in the class-structure framing) it very true. Players just cannot stand getting a toy taken away from them. It doesn't matter how long they had it (see Mind Wrack), nor does it matter how grossly overpowered something was (see every damn shadowform thread), YOU TOOK AWAY MY TOY! This is largely why Nightfall did so much damage to the health of GW. Faction's balancing philosophy was based on the idea of introducing underpowered skills and slowly buffing them (didn't work as well as planned). Nightfall's philosophy was introduce overpowered skills then slowly tone them back, which gave us the majority of the 'power creep' problem and also gave Anet no way to address it without massive backlash. This is also a problem with the elite skills buff, then the paragon/dervish buff, then the tactics buff, now the mesmer buffs.
Yeah, this is a cheap shot at the PvE community, but us terribly immature PvP players have taken nerfs so much more gracefully.
Too bad you don't see the same vigor when it comes to copy and pasting UNDERUSED skills/builds and requesting a buff.
Not to mention the latest nerf requests are getting more and more thoughtless and ridiculous. DoA NORMAL mode that still takes over an hour is now "imbalanced"? What happened to hard mode?
Not to mention the latest nerf requests are getting more and more thoughtless and ridiculous. DoA NORMAL mode that still takes over an hour is now "imbalanced"? What happened to hard mode?
Essence Snow
Yeah, this is a cheap shot at the PvE community, but us terribly immature PvP players have taken nerfs so much more gracefully. |
I for one could care less about GW PvP. I just don't like it when changes carry over to the PvE side of the game. You are bound to hear more complaints when this does occur based simply on the sheer fact that there are soo many more PvE players. It's a pretty easy numbers game.
Back on topic......Like most have already's NM, using full con-sets, and it's not fast. The same things can be achieved using most any other build/s. I am not sure how the skill is used/performs in PvP nor could I care, as long as if it is changed in PvE, it is not done b/c of PvP issues.
Life Bringing
If you've looked at the trend of armbraces since DwG was buffed, you'd see that it is a fairly large problem. Now, it doesn't really affect me at this point because i have no armbraces(lolban), but armbraces in the ~10 ecto range are *not* good. I know they're not there yet, but there will come a time in the next few months where the price of armbraces will hit that mark. People will suddenly realize that any random group with no real coordination that can clear doa is a problem. Even worse, as certain people start to think that they're amazing and want faster times, the rank requirement will be set at 10/8, and as previously stated, people will learn that rt/me are the fastest and most reliable options. Class and rank discrimination is a no-no that anet is already not fond of, and once that becomes bad enough, the nerf will come and beat the crap out of DwG. Unfortunately, the damage will already be done at this point.
All i can say is, have fun with your "WTS Armbrace 10e"
All i can say is, have fun with your "WTS Armbrace 10e"
If you've looked at the trend of armbraces since DwG was buffed, you'd see that it is a fairly large problem. Now, it doesn't really affect me at this point because i have no armbraces(lolban), but armbraces in the ~10 ecto range are *not* good. I know they're not there yet, but there will come a time in the next few months where the price of armbraces will hit that mark. People will suddenly realize that any random group with no real coordination that can clear doa is a problem. Even worse, as certain people start to think that they're amazing and want faster times, the rank requirement will be set at 10/8, and as previously stated, people will learn that rt/me are the fastest and most reliable options. Class and rank discrimination is a no-no that anet is already not fond of, and once that becomes bad enough, the nerf will come and beat the crap out of DwG. Unfortunately, the damage will already be done at this point.
All i can say is, have fun with your "WTS Armbrace 10e" |
Too bad you don't see the same vigor when it comes to copy and pasting UNDERUSED skills/builds and requesting a buff.
Not to mention the latest nerf requests are getting more and more thoughtless and ridiculous. DoA NORMAL mode that still takes over an hour is now "imbalanced"? What happened to hard mode? |
Essence Snow
You can still get stuff for Armbraces in NM, I believe the point is that an elite area shouldn't be possible with mindless builds such as these. |
Some people are simply upset that their stock-pile of ambraces is not retaining it's value. Personnaly I think it is great that it has breathed some life into DoA. Are people upset that UW and FoW can be cleared in NM in 1hr +? There are dungeons that can be cleared in HM, that drop high-end weaps in <10mins not using DwG. (I think we all know what is still used)
Not speaking for PvP...(there must be a PvP issue since Morphy is in on the issue), but in PvE, the only ones upset should be the DoA SC guilds and those hoarding braces. I have no sympathy for those who complain b/c of greed.
Just in the last month or so I've seen...
Nerf Soul Reaping Nerf Energy Storage (ER) Nerf SoS Nerf Mark of Pain (And whatever else is used in Manlyway) Nerf Critical Agility and Warrior's Endurance Nerf Jagged Strike + Fox Fang + DB combo chain Nerf Shadow form more Nerf Assassin's promise Nerf "YMLD!" + EVAS + "FH!" Nerf Discord(Way) Nerf DwG People are basically just picking every decent build that doesn't fit in convention definition of "balanced" team and starts whining about it. I mean nearly every build in the "great" category on PvXWiki had been asked for nerf in the last two months, its like people are just looking up every good build on that site, Ctrl C + Ctrl V, and typing nerf after that. This is the results of Anet giving in to whining so many times without actually balancing the game. Now everyone are jumping on the QQ bandwagon hoping they'll get a piece of "screwing with other people's gameplay" |
If you've looked at the trend of armbraces since DwG was buffed, you'd see that it is a fairly large problem. Now, it doesn't really affect me at this point because i have no armbraces(lolban), but armbraces in the ~10 ecto range are *not* good. I know they're not there yet, but there will come a time in the next few months where the price of armbraces will hit that mark. People will suddenly realize that any random group with no real coordination that can clear doa is a problem. Even worse, as certain people start to think that they're amazing and want faster times, the rank requirement will be set at 10/8, and as previously stated, people will learn that rt/me are the fastest and most reliable options. Class and rank discrimination is a no-no that anet is already not fond of, and once that becomes bad enough, the nerf will come and beat the crap out of DwG. Unfortunately, the damage will already be done at this point.
All i can say is, have fun with your "WTS Armbrace 10e" |
PS: I will have fun with my 10e armbraces and my 5e armbraces. It's makes zero difference to me. It's still a bloody effin video game. GW is srs business ZOMGWTFBBQHAXORZ!
I thought DwG was only run in Normal Mode in DoA? I thought it wasn't very effective in Hard Mode in DoA? I thought if you had to resort to Normal Mode for a certain build it isn't OP.
The fact remains that it is used in NM (nm is mindless anyhow) and takes over 1 hr-1 1/2 hrs. DoA HM can be cleared in <40mins in HM NOT using DwG. Which shouldn't be possible? Through repetition everything becomes "mindless".
Some people are simply upset that their stock-pile of ambraces is not retaining it's value. Personnaly I think it is great that it has breathed some life into DoA. Are people upset that UW and FoW can be cleared in NM in 1hr +? There are dungeons that can be cleared in HM, that drop high-end weaps in <10mins not using DwG. (I think we all know what is still used) Not speaking for PvP...(there must be a PvP issue since Morphy is in on the issue), but in PvE, the only ones upset should be the DoA SC guilds and those hoarding braces. I have no sympathy for those who complain b/c of greed. |
In my opinion, the elite areas are the best place to start improving the AI and mob composition because they're supposed to be challenging. Only after that the poorly balanced skills come into the picture. Eventually, if reaching a challenging and enjoyable game is the goal, these have to be balanced. If that's not the goal, I really couldn't care less about how overpowered skills are. Make them even more powercreeped and crazy overpowered for all I care.
There currently aren't any serious DwG issues in GvG that I'm aware of so I'm not here to adress that.
Concerning economy stuff, I have a lack of interest and knowledge to properly discuss that.
Horace Slughorn
My armbraces aint worth what they used to be. So I'm for the nerf. honestly
Dude who the fck do u think u are acting all mighty and telling ANet what to nerf? If u want ANet to nerf DwG then i want ANet to perma ban u, just by guessing ur a guy who cant even use DwG
/not signed
/not signed
/signed .....this is like the days of easy chaos planes farm. areas like this shouldn't be this easy to clear. Even if this has made more people wanting to do doa...they could of before by making a mesmer/necro/ele/monk/sin and farming r7-8 lb like most of the players did to even join most doa guilds.
Wow listen to you Kiddster. Singling out alot of the demographic.
You expect for people to play happily in the Domain of Anguish; you must farm Lightbringer points elsewhere, join a DoASC-specific guild and acquire a certain profession to play? That sounds terribly elitist not to mention fag logic.
You expect for people to play happily in the Domain of Anguish; you must farm Lightbringer points elsewhere, join a DoASC-specific guild and acquire a certain profession to play? That sounds terribly elitist not to mention fag logic.
So what if PUG's can now clear DoA in NM? I would think thats a good thing, makes elite areas more friendly to the casual player. Plus I like the idea of having PUG's in elite areas again. I miss those days.
As for armbrace prices all I have to say is investing in a commodity is dangerous as prices are subject to fluctuation. If you invested in armbraces and the price crashes...well sucks to be you.
As for armbrace prices all I have to say is investing in a commodity is dangerous as prices are subject to fluctuation. If you invested in armbraces and the price crashes...well sucks to be you.
The Domain of Anguish is supposed to be an elite area.
That is, it is supposed to be difficult and require a bit of skill and coordination to beat, even in NM. |
Honestly, if that's the only reason you're demanding a nerf-to reinforce the barriers between the elite and the peons-you have no ground for your demand.
People have the right to cobble together any build they want. And, if it works, well, good for them!
The Build isn't OP, otherwise it would be rolling through NM much faster.
There's only two reasons you're demanding this nerf.
1)Jealousy 'cause you don't want the peons in your playground
2)Greed because, as stated above, you don't want the peons getting what you think belongs to you.
However, we have all paid for this game-the elites and the peons alike-so they have as much right to be in the DoA as you do.
Further, this nerf demand can very easily be viewed as Class Warfare; the wealthy elite trying to get the developers to enact nerfs for the sole purpose of keeping the lesser folk out of their playground. I sincerely hope the developers don't listen to you this time. But, if they do, I'll end this post with a timely reminder of what happened when a great nation tried to do that to its people...
Bastille Day.

Need I say more?
In other words, keep the peons out, so they don't get their grubby little fingers on your stash...
Originally Posted by Wikipedia
An ad hominem, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "to the man"), is an attempt to persuade which links the validity of a premise to a characteristic or belief of the person advocating the premise. The ad hominem is a classic logical fallacy. The argumentum ad hominem is not always fallacious, for in some instances questions of personal conduct, character, motives, etc., are legitimate and relevant to the issue.
The Domain of Anguish is atrociously designed. The only way your average player is going to get through is to join a team of good people or people running a strong team build that can carry them through, or for them to resort to some gimmick or AI exploit - the latter is more common.
The fix to this is a redesign. Average players should be able to get through (slowly and with difficult and a very real threat of failure) while stronger players would be able to clear it much more quickly and efficiently.
Despite the fact that a redesign isn't ever to going to happen, I do not advocate near mindless builds that allow clearing. Players should have to learn how to actually play the game and why things work before successfully completing an elite area.
The requirement of competence is not an unfair one.
I don't do the Domain of Anguish very often. In fact, I've hardly been there and have never faced Mallyx (but I've done the prerequisite quests). I don't care how many people do or what their rewards are.
The Domain of Anguish is atrociously designed. The only way your average player is going to get through is to join a team of good people or people running a strong team build that can carry them through, or for them to resort to some gimmick or AI exploit - the latter is more common. The fix to this is a redesign. Average players should be able to get through (slowly and with difficult and a very real threat of failure) while stronger players would be able to clear it much more quickly and efficiently. Despite the fact that a redesign isn't ever to going to happen, I do not advocate near mindless builds that allow clearing. Players should have to learn how to actually play the game and why things work before successfully completing an elite area. The requirement of competence is not an unfair one. |
So, you would like the guys to play a little better according to your own, personal-and, might I add, highly subjective standards. That's all well and good.
But you don't have the right to demand nerfs to force other players to meet your standards of gameplay. And, whether you deny it or not, that is what you're demanding.
First off, the OP-ness of a build should really be the only criteria for whether a build gets nerfed or not. By those criteria-seeing as it's NM, and it still takes more than an hour to complete-DWG isn't OP.
Anything that enables those same incompetent players to complete an elite area in Hard Mode is both broken and over powered.
Broken ≠ Over powered.
I don't know anything about the DWG build, how long it takes or what it actually does. But if it fulfills the above, then it needs changing.
If it enables incompetent players to complete an elite area, then unless the time it takes is huge, it's broken. 1-2 hours isn't huge - especially if it's for the entirety of the DoA (minus perhaps Mallyx).
Anything that enables those same incompetent players to complete an elite area in Hard Mode is both broken and over powered. Broken ≠ Over powered. I don't know anything about the DWG build, how long it takes or what it actually does. But if it fulfills the above, then it needs changing. |
You claim the pugs are incompetent. I need empirical, scientifically derived evidence of your claim
Besides, the good players have HM anyway. You claim you want DoA to be active; and it is now...
Further, as you have stated, you say you don't know anything about the DWG build. Don't you think you should know a little more about the skill you want to have nerfed?
First, you have to prove the above-stated incompetence. And you can't use circular reasoning, and say that their using DWG is proof of incompetence. I need other proof, and not subjective "proof".
I have claimed neither of these.
own age myname
Believe me, incompetent players aren't going anywhere in DoA. PUGs fail plenty, trust me.