I've noticed the only thing you achieve for GWAMM is some words and a statue in the HOM. I was wondering... wouldn't it be fitting to have the "Boss Glow" for your profession (I.E. orange for war, green for ranger, red-ele, etc, etc.) permanently? I think it would be fitting to have the "Power Aura" considering you just did everything in the game.
It has been suggested many times (and at least once in the official feedback pages in the wiki) and I would only agree with it if it was active ONLY in towns and outposts, and ONLY if the title is selected.
In PvP IA has the glow, and in PvE, bosses have it.
So only towns and outpsots.
In PvP IA has the glow, and in PvE, bosses have it.
So only towns and outpsots.
No. If getting a statue and a title isn't good enough for you, then don't do it. Having people glow would be annoying to see in town, tonics are bad enough.
Yes. Because getting a statue and a title isn't good enough for me!
Seriously, tho... It's been suggested before, and I think the other suggestion that has already been made (Emote for GWAMM) would be something I personally would rather have implemented.

Seriously, tho... It's been suggested before, and I think the other suggestion that has already been made (Emote for GWAMM) would be something I personally would rather have implemented.
I think it could be the least Anet can do for someone who has forsaken a real-life for the sake of GW. But then, I have suspicions that very few GWAMMs worked for all that themselves, though it's becoming more common I'm sure.
Grumpy Bear
I think it could be the least Anet can do for someone who has forsaken a real-life for the sake of GW. But then, I have suspicions that very few GWAMMs worked for all that themselves, though it's becoming more common I'm sure.
As for an aura when you reach GWAMM, I wouldn't like it personally. Displaying the title is enough for me.
I refuse to display the title because it gives notice to all that I have no life... that is a personal problem to be dealt with privately... so no glowing please.
To Chicken To Die
How about an aura around the character while in town.. I think that would look sweet.
Well, I propose something different. Instead of having an emote for the GWAMM title, why not give players an option to display or hide a boss aura for their characters who have reached this title? I don't personally have the GWAMM title, and I don't really care to get it, but I think it would be interesting to see glowing characters running around towns and outposts. This will give players the chance to show off their title without using emotes that can irritate other players. Give me your thoughts on this. |
To quote Fenix "People trying to make stuff epic ruined this game."
Let people who want that look stick to their chaos gloves, black FoW, and Mo Zing masks. I don't want my screen to look like a disco bar when I'm in town. You don't have to make everything in this game flashy looking.
To quote Fenix "People trying to make stuff epic ruined this game."
Let people who want that look stick to their chaos gloves, black FoW, and Mo Zing masks. I don't want my screen to look like a disco bar when I'm in town. You don't have to make everything in this game flashy looking.
Whoever says people with GWAMM got no life are just jealous and can't do it themselves. Anyone can easily log thousands of hours and still not have a GWAMM (points to the people in GTOB and other newbie areas who chat all day). That's because time is never an issue if you suck and not motivated enough or just don't want to try or learn.
GWAMM should be displayed proudly - afterall it is an achievement only a fraction of GW population can achieve, and for those who earned it themselves, it gives satisfaction well deserved. This is why GWAMM should have something special associated with it, something that can only be redeemed from the player's HoM.
GWAMM should be displayed proudly - afterall it is an achievement only a fraction of GW population can achieve, and for those who earned it themselves, it gives satisfaction well deserved. This is why GWAMM should have something special associated with it, something that can only be redeemed from the player's HoM.
Marty Silverblade
I don't want to see this on players. If something really really really needed to be added maybe make the players name/title show up in gold rather than blue when you mouseover them in outposts. It's less intrusive and annoying that way.
I don't want to see this on players. If something really really really needed to be added maybe make the players name/title show up in gold rather than blue when you mouseover them in outposts. It's less intrusive and annoying that way.
To quote Fenix "People trying to make stuff epic ruined this game." Let people who want that look stick to their chaos gloves, black FoW, and Mo Zing masks. I don't want my screen to look like a disco bar when I'm in town. You don't have to make everything in this game flashy looking. |
A. Chaos gloves on a non-caster char is a WOM.
B. FoW Armor is the ugliest armor i have ever seen, esp. for the price.
C. WTH does a mo zing mask have to do with any of that...
D. Apparently i used the wrong terms in search; didnt find any related topics.
E. If you dont like the glow, turn it off.
I just think if you reached GWAMM status you should have something unique attached to you. Hell, even if outside an outpost you get the "Fire of the Gods" fire on you, that would be cool.
To Chicken To Die
Whoever says people with GWAMM got no life are just jealous and can't do it themselves. Anyone can easily log thousands of hours and still not have a GWAMM (points to the people in GTOB and other newbie areas who chat all day). That's because time is never an issue if you suck and not motivated enough or just don't want to try or learn.
GWAMM should be displayed proudly - afterall it is an achievement only a fraction of GW population can achieve, and for those who earned it themselves, it gives satisfaction well deserved. This is why GWAMM should have something special associated with it, something that can only be redeemed from the player's HoM. |
A. Chaos gloves on a non-caster char is a WOM.
B. FoW Armor is the ugliest armor i have ever seen, esp. for the price. C. WTH does a mo zing mask have to do with any of that... D. Apparently i used the wrong terms in search; didnt find any related topics. E. If you dont like the glow, turn it off. I just think if you reached GWAMM status you should have something unique attached to you. Hell, even if outside an outpost you get the "Fire of the Gods" fire on you, that would be cool. |
To Chicken To Die
B. FoW Armor is the ugliest armor i have ever seen, esp. for the price.
E. If you dont like the glow, turn it off. |
I just think if you reached GWAMM status you should have something unique attached to you. Hell, even if outside an outpost you get the "Fire of the Gods" fire on you, that would be cool. |
snowman relic
i like the idea of that if you put your time into it you should get something like an emote i mean look at Zrank and Fame they both have emotes even though its just one title one can be bought the other can be easily farmed (with the right guild) GWAMM will take alittle while and deserves something for it glowing would be a great idea
To Chicken To Die
And becides that all another emote in the game would mostly increase the rage and hate in the game with noob cus you don't have it or no life cus your higher in this game.
A few might like the addition but with the current state of people playing at the time it will feed the rage annoying show offs etc more.
A few might like the addition but with the current state of people playing at the time it will feed the rage annoying show offs etc more.
Gabriel of Ravn
And becides that all another emote in the game would mostly increase the rage and hate in the game with noob cus you don't have it or no life cus your higher in this game.
A few might like the addition but with the current state of people playing at the time it will feed the rage annoying show offs etc more. |
X Ghoul
Damn, can people stroke their e-peen anymore than there already is?
I demand a brighter glow than other GWAMMs for getting my title in 2007 before everyone and their moms used consumables to plow through everything (while thinking they deserve something special in return). Thanks Anet.
And becides that all another emote in the game would mostly increase the rage and hate in the game with noob cus you don't have it or no life cus your higher in this game.
A few might like the addition but with the current state of people playing at the time it will feed the rage annoying show offs etc more. |
People who Pve only don't like pvpers flashing their emotes in pve towns. Either restrict pvp emotes in pvp areas only or give GWAMMs an emote to keep matters fair. I vote giving GWAMM an emote which is directly linked to the profession. For example, a war with kobd6 can emote Balthazar (similar to the thing in Tahanaki temple mission when you drop Archemorus (spell?) spear). You get the idea. Other profession GWAMM can summon their respective gods temporarily.
i like the idea of that if you put your time into it you should get something like an emote i mean look at Zrank and Fame they both have emotes even though its just one title one can be bought the other can be easily farmed (with the right guild) GWAMM will take alittle while and deserves something for it glowing would be a great idea
as for zrank? I really have no clue why they did it.
Twin Blade Warriror
if getting the title isnt enough for you..
then go dl a third party program and make yourself glow but others wont be able to see it
just hope you dont get banned from it
then go dl a third party program and make yourself glow but others wont be able to see it
just hope you dont get banned from it
Lord Dagon
i like the idea. i mean maybe if they added it tho you can have a switch on your graphics that turns it on of off. that way everyone wins. Ppl that want the glowing can have it on when somone is displaying GWAMM. those who dont just have to un-check a box.
so for this idea im gonan say /signed.. would be even a greater inscentive to get my first GWAMM <3
so for this idea im gonan say /signed.. would be even a greater inscentive to get my first GWAMM <3
I think a glow effect is too much , little annoying in towns but hey , there is Z Title so ...... an emote would be fine.
I think all of the title emotes are stupid.
/notsigned b/c it would look stupid.
/notsigned b/c it would look stupid.
I think there should be an aura. Penis-shaped, so everyone could see your e-peen.
Mintha Syl
I'm not reading this all, we already had at least one or two discussions ideantical to this one, with something like 10 pages each. I just whish people would use the search button somtimes instead of suddenly posting anew the same old suggestions
I think a glow effect is too much , little annoying in towns but hey , there is Z Title so ...... an emote would be fine.
P.S I may or may not know or have heard of an r10 hero account being sold for $32.
P.P.S so both zrank and fame are pretty crappy titles to have an emote for. Bottom line this game didn't need emotes for what you can already boast about.
Eragon Zarroc
Gabriel of Ravn
To Chicken To Die
People who Pve only don't like pvpers flashing their emotes in pve towns. Either restrict pvp emotes in pvp areas only or give GWAMMs an emote to keep matters fair. I vote giving GWAMM an emote which is directly linked to the profession. For example, a war with kobd6 can emote Balthazar (similar to the thing in Tahanaki temple mission when you drop Archemorus (spell?) spear). You get the idea. Other profession GWAMM can summon their respective gods temporarily.
And wich gods you wanne give to Ele? sin? rit? derv? para?
Your missing half of the gods.
I had to lol about the first sentence.
Worried you can't flash anymore? :/ And wich gods you wanne give to Ele? sin? rit? derv? para? Your missing half of the gods. |
Professions need not necessarily be linked to gods . Relaxing this assumption leads to:
1. Dhuum for derv (even more reason to reward dervs who are least played)
2. Kormir/Archemorus for para
3. Saint Viktor/Togo for rit
4. Vizu/Shiro for sin
5. Can't fit anything specific for eles, but Dwayna/Lyssa are close enough.
Professions need not necessarily be linked to gods . Relaxing this assumption leads to:
1. Dhuum for derv (even more reason to reward dervs who are least played) 2. Kormir/Archemorus for para 3. Saint Viktor/Togo for rit 4. Vizu/Shiro for sin 5. Can't fit anything specific for eles, but Dwayna/Lyssa are close enough. |
But since eles have many god's because of what they can be, they would be given many emotes xD Or maybe Lyssa yeah, because eles have energy storage.
Sirius Bsns
Sooooo... basically ya'll just want Anet to waste their time and resources to add a few extra inches to your e-peen? With some more glowy showy "everybody lookie me!" sparklies? It's not worth the waste, tbh... especially not this late in the game.
The Scorpion Knight
I emote would be nice, the title isn't that hard to achieve as people are thinking. I haven't gotten it yet but I'm almost at 26 titles, and if you're efficient and don't suck it doesn't take long at all to get this far.
Sooooo... basically ya'll just want Anet to waste their time and resources to add a few extra inches to your e-peen? With some more glowy showy "everybody lookie me!" sparklies? It's not worth the waste, tbh... especially not this late in the game.
Obviously, I feel the glowing thing is a dumb idea, but the emote is needed.
This is not needed, and what do you think tonics for?
This is a great idea. I agree, only in towns / outposts. To anyone that hates the distraction / disco effect then just also implement a setting "switch off gwamm effects" so you don't have to see it, then you are left in peace.
I also think there should be an end chest that allows you to choose something from a vast range of in-game stuff. I accept not some of the rare minipets. Perhaps just limit it to weapons. Of course this suggestion will also probably get shot down but "who cares". (Oh why should a mere gwamm be allowed to have the bone dragon staff that my elite shadow form build spent two hundred hours farming for?
Maybe also allow a customised title, I might be "I'm a failure in real life" or "God of Nothing". No real problem here, just use same rules for character names or guild names and, of course, anything construed as vulgar could get reported. More than one strike and you get busted back to standard issue "gwamm". I hear the angry mob now "ban the gwamm!"
You spend so long working towards this meta-title that I really feel they should have done more to reward you when you finally reach it. I would also have had a Pantheon of Heroes section. Where every Gwamm's name was displayed in gold, engraved letters on smooth, black marble. Just a little outpost on the Battle Isles where people could go and visit if they wanted. . For those that hate the idea, just don't visit it, no loss to you then.
Now that we have John Stumme at the helm anything is possible. I'm very impressed so far.
Instead of being shot down over 'nam how about - wait for it - shot down over gwamm - classic
I also think there should be an end chest that allows you to choose something from a vast range of in-game stuff. I accept not some of the rare minipets. Perhaps just limit it to weapons. Of course this suggestion will also probably get shot down but "who cares". (Oh why should a mere gwamm be allowed to have the bone dragon staff that my elite shadow form build spent two hundred hours farming for?

Maybe also allow a customised title, I might be "I'm a failure in real life" or "God of Nothing". No real problem here, just use same rules for character names or guild names and, of course, anything construed as vulgar could get reported. More than one strike and you get busted back to standard issue "gwamm". I hear the angry mob now "ban the gwamm!"
You spend so long working towards this meta-title that I really feel they should have done more to reward you when you finally reach it. I would also have had a Pantheon of Heroes section. Where every Gwamm's name was displayed in gold, engraved letters on smooth, black marble. Just a little outpost on the Battle Isles where people could go and visit if they wanted. . For those that hate the idea, just don't visit it, no loss to you then.
Now that we have John Stumme at the helm anything is possible. I'm very impressed so far.
Instead of being shot down over 'nam how about - wait for it - shot down over gwamm - classic

Bright Star Shine
I like the idea. I don't care if it gets implemented, but I do like it.
Also, "Having GWAMM = not having a life" is total BS and you know it. I've had GWAMM for almost 2y, and combining studies (physics) with RL (friends, family, gf) and GW is easy as pie.
Also the "turn it off" button is the biggest BS I've heard here so far. Then I want a "turn PvP emotes off" button, not because they annoy me, cause they don't, but just to be a dick, like you're all being right now.
I don't care enough for it to start a lengthy discussion, but I do want to say: if you desperately want it, make a texmod for it. It's totally legal, and you'll look exactly the way you do.
Also, "Having GWAMM = not having a life" is total BS and you know it. I've had GWAMM for almost 2y, and combining studies (physics) with RL (friends, family, gf) and GW is easy as pie.
Also the "turn it off" button is the biggest BS I've heard here so far. Then I want a "turn PvP emotes off" button, not because they annoy me, cause they don't, but just to be a dick, like you're all being right now.
I don't care enough for it to start a lengthy discussion, but I do want to say: if you desperately want it, make a texmod for it. It's totally legal, and you'll look exactly the way you do.