They Moved the Server and it's Horrible
Mintha Syl
Not a single problem for me. Western Europe
own age myname
I've been playing just fine...
Umm... You think Anet is trying to screw you over? Perhaps they should have kept the servers down for 48 or 72 hours to work out all the kinks before letting us back in? Would you have preferred that, or would you have posted that Anet screwed you out of 2 extra days of gameplay?
Your "organization" should go protest something meaningful if you are compelled to change the world. Anet is doing the best they can. Moving the servers was not a small task. Just settle down... things will get back to normal.
BTW: Brilliant idea doing the massive attack on Lions Arch at a time when your ping was crazy bad.
Your "organization" should go protest something meaningful if you are compelled to change the world. Anet is doing the best they can. Moving the servers was not a small task. Just settle down... things will get back to normal.
BTW: Brilliant idea doing the massive attack on Lions Arch at a time when your ping was crazy bad.
It's kind of weird, yesterday I was playing just fine, even a much lower latency than normal ("Normal" for me is between 150-200ms) until about 3pm yesterday, I can't do anything outside a town/outpost, I'm rubberbanding and twitching like a crack baby with every skill I activate.
Anything before 3pm Central yesterday for me was fine, I got on later, and today and find I can't do anything but stand around.
I dropped my graphics to minimum and set 30 FPS to try and help it, but alas that did nothing, I figured it wouldn't but might as well try.
The pics show all my skills flashing, and a "decent" ping. The problem is I am still rubberbanding and lagging like crazy, with or without a high spike.

Edit: These 2 pics were taken around 8:30 Central time, in the midwest. (Wisconsin)
Anything before 3pm Central yesterday for me was fine, I got on later, and today and find I can't do anything but stand around.
I dropped my graphics to minimum and set 30 FPS to try and help it, but alas that did nothing, I figured it wouldn't but might as well try.
The pics show all my skills flashing, and a "decent" ping. The problem is I am still rubberbanding and lagging like crazy, with or without a high spike.

Edit: These 2 pics were taken around 8:30 Central time, in the midwest. (Wisconsin)
My connection is fine post update except for some weird behavior in Pongmei Valley. I use it to chest run periodically and entering from either Maatu Keep/Tenglewood Copse gives me red dot or a flat out disconnect. This is the only place I seem to have a problem.
Davros Uitar
Just did Elusive Golemancer HM twice - the first one was a struggle with lots of rubber banding and some ping spikes up to 15000. OK - that happens - haven't suffered that in a while. The second one was a farce. My partner has a great time trying to run the crystal - can't drop the thing rubber bands all over the place and dies a lot. We get to the fire darts and my guys go 3/4 the way with the protector golem and rubber band while my partner thinks he is at the end but he never actually left the shrine in the previous room. He loses connection and gets booted to Rata Summ. I res and try and run the gauntlet with 6 heroes (his 3 now following me) and it is my turn to sit in the middle with liights flashing and die. Back at the res shrine I have no control, so I shut doen application and restart. Now I reload into the instance but is just me and now only 3 heroes. Gogo Powerstone and I plunge on thinking that the bad ass golem in HM is going to be a right bitch. Oddly enough we managed that with only 1 rubber band and a single death - and then proceed to level 3 and win.
Talked to a guildie and he had simialr issues with a silent surf VQ. I am West Australia and he is Belgium - I agree that the lag was bad just now.
Talked to a guildie and he had simialr issues with a silent surf VQ. I am West Australia and he is Belgium - I agree that the lag was bad just now.
My pings seem slightly lower now than before the move.
To Chicken To Die
I am loving it
Not bad for a Laptop with a wireless internet connection
Edit changed image to non black showing I am in here for a few min
Not bad for a Laptop with a wireless internet connection
Edit changed image to non black showing I am in here for a few min
Low Ping:

High Ping:

This was taken today, on EU server from Ireland.
I think you guys just need to stop downloading porn while your playing, do it later

High Ping:

This was taken today, on EU server from Ireland.
I think you guys just need to stop downloading porn while your playing, do it later

I am loving it
Not bad for a Laptop with a wireless internet connection Edit changed image to non black showing I am in here for a few min |
If there wasn't a change in the IP, I don't know, I'm not a Euro player, you shouldn't see any difference than what you had before the change. Seems like it is hitting U.S. players hard.
In my experience, "Lag attacks" are never game-wide. Usually, it's just a few people having trouble.
Possibly, a single server has trouble. After all, of the lag claiming screenshots, only two show the server IP and the IP is same for both.
I would first advise relogging in, trying to get a different server, and seeing if the problem persists. If yes, then I'd contact support and tell them the troublesome server's IP.
Possibly, a single server has trouble. After all, of the lag claiming screenshots, only two show the server IP and the IP is same for both.
I would first advise relogging in, trying to get a different server, and seeing if the problem persists. If yes, then I'd contact support and tell them the troublesome server's IP.
To Chicken To Die
Is the server IP in your pic 206.XXX for Euro players? Was it something else before the change or did it stay the same? U.S. IP's started in 216.XXX, now they start in 64.XXX.
If there wasn't a change in the IP, I don't know, I'm not a Euro player, you shouldn't see any difference than what you had before the change. Seems like it is hitting U.S. players hard. |
I think you guys just need to stop downloading porn while your playing, do it later
![]() |
My while not downloading porn ping: the downloading porn one is higher (last ping) but seems to be more stable as noted by the average ping....
WHY stay on American Servers when you can go to euro wich seem to be better? I always play on euro servers except when I make a PuG or do PvP.
Yes I could go PvE instead or log out, but that's rather beside the point.
average ping 200, I didn't have any trouble before the server move, I don't have any problem now. Same thing.
Hmmmm well it seems porn isnt the route cause, great, time to carry on with what seems to be the neverending queue of downloads

To Chicken To Die
Hmm small spike to little over 300 when I maximized my screen but I can't say this ping can bother my playing (only those that don't connect in my team) here is one from a few min in RA
I`ve had fine pings before and I have fine pings after.
Same problem last night. It seemed to get worse the later it went. So worse that i just switched to another game because i had 2-3 seconds lag spikes every 20 or so seconds, which makes the game unplayable. Never had that kind of bad lag spikes before. I hope Anet can fix it. I live in Quebec city.
Lord Dagon
i was doing fine till about 8pm yesterday. Almost done with one of those wik quests and BAM! my first ever d/c
. I stopped for about 2hrs came back and i could move around fine and fight so it must have been resolved. But yes idk why but i now seem to be getting a higher FPS and my avreage ping always seems to be green
(ive seen green ping once while play GW ;P)
So i'm happy about the server updates. Seems like they focused alot of the power to centeral in america to oversees. Well im happy with it

So i'm happy about the server updates. Seems like they focused alot of the power to centeral in america to oversees. Well im happy with it

There were some hiccups before the down time but it's been smooth for me in the midwest. A guild mate had real problems last night and lagged out, but isn't new to having Internet problems. I say let everything settle down, it was a big move and they are working on the problem, let's have patience.
Meanwhile my other character in town had green ping. After a few minutes of complete unplayability, the ping went back to normal. Central US, and never had anything like this happen before.
Ahh strike what I said before too about no problems. lol. Signed on, was just standing in GH, 12k ping, 007'd. XD
Iuris, in all the screenshots with really high pings, is nobody making any connections yet? Come on, guys, it's only a part of the otherwise finely functioning system...
This post is directed to Rebel.
I've always had problem with lag spikes (occasionaly, like once a month) - each game I've ever played had lag spikes.
I didn't have any lag spikes yet after the downtime, and everything seems fine. Stop whining that we're being 'hosed down' or the servers got 'downgraded', I mean GW1 has run for 5years and the playerbase is obviously lower then it was 5years ago; why would Anet pay for servers that are useless?
But I believe all this downgrading, hosing down, lagspikes and God knows what is in your head, between your ears, you're making it up; for most people nothing has changed, everything is as it should be, and honestly, why would they tell you why they moved the servers? I honestly don't think it matters anyways, they just moved the servers, some people are having problems, and they're sorting it all out, and I trust them to fix it. The end.
And even if they DID downgrade the servers, they didn't 'hose us'. It's bullshit to pay for something thats not needed. If downgraded servers should be able to handle the current playerbase the way it always did; I and many others are happy with it.
(Excuse me, I don't have much knowledge about the 'servers' thing, I don't know anything about servers)
Rebel(whatever you're called), you are no internet police, you can't make the internet a better place, your actions are pointless(the Infinity Ward thing is totally unrelated with this), and.. well you're just hallucinating. Company greed? Well the purpose of a company is making money, charity does not excist.
pz bro
I've always had problem with lag spikes (occasionaly, like once a month) - each game I've ever played had lag spikes.
I didn't have any lag spikes yet after the downtime, and everything seems fine. Stop whining that we're being 'hosed down' or the servers got 'downgraded', I mean GW1 has run for 5years and the playerbase is obviously lower then it was 5years ago; why would Anet pay for servers that are useless?
But I believe all this downgrading, hosing down, lagspikes and God knows what is in your head, between your ears, you're making it up; for most people nothing has changed, everything is as it should be, and honestly, why would they tell you why they moved the servers? I honestly don't think it matters anyways, they just moved the servers, some people are having problems, and they're sorting it all out, and I trust them to fix it. The end.
And even if they DID downgrade the servers, they didn't 'hose us'. It's bullshit to pay for something thats not needed. If downgraded servers should be able to handle the current playerbase the way it always did; I and many others are happy with it.
(Excuse me, I don't have much knowledge about the 'servers' thing, I don't know anything about servers)
Rebel(whatever you're called), you are no internet police, you can't make the internet a better place, your actions are pointless(the Infinity Ward thing is totally unrelated with this), and.. well you're just hallucinating. Company greed? Well the purpose of a company is making money, charity does not excist.
pz bro
Quote:, in all the screenshots with really high pings, is nobody making any connections yet? Come on, guys, it's only a part of the otherwise finely functioning system...
After a few minutes of complete unplayability, the ping went back to normal. Central US, and never had anything like this happen before.
CakeTown, what you described in this post is the exact problem I had on that specific IP.
Deathaxe Raizer
Getting horrible ping. Went from a usual ping of 20-30 to a ping of 200-300. Gg.
Central coast California here. No real issues. A bit of lag yesterday, but it went away pretty quick.
But really OP, have you ever worked on computers? Ever worked through the night to have a business' system ready by the time the employees came through the door in the morning? Probably not. Give Anet a few days to straighten things out before you have a hissy and threaten not to buy GW2. Geez.
Believe it or not, it's in Anet's best interested to get things up and working as quickly and smoothly as possible.
But really OP, have you ever worked on computers? Ever worked through the night to have a business' system ready by the time the employees came through the door in the morning? Probably not. Give Anet a few days to straighten things out before you have a hissy and threaten not to buy GW2. Geez.
Believe it or not, it's in Anet's best interested to get things up and working as quickly and smoothly as possible.
Mintha Syl
Is the server IP in your pic 206.XXX for Euro players? Was it something else before the change or did it stay the same? U.S. IP's started in 216.XXX, now they start in 64.XXX.
If there wasn't a change in the IP, I don't know, I'm not a Euro player, you shouldn't see any difference than what you had before the change. Seems like it is hitting U.S. players hard. |
Same problem here. I was able to VQ several areas yesterday and when I logged on this morning, high ping spikes, rubberbanding, and eventually just dc 007. And yes, it does seem to be the 64.x.x.x server in question and I am located in the Western USA (Ut).
S00per Dave
I dc'ed once, logged back in and experienced about 5 minutes of +10k ping. After enduring that, the ping settled to where I'd expect it to go and then proceeded to farm Charr north of the wall the rest of the night w/o any problems.
Upper Midwest US
Upper Midwest US
i have nice low ping, no problems here. 
Canada here btw.

Canada here btw.
Few hours ago when i was in AB queue on european districts i had 100-150 ping, on American 15k+ and 007 every few minutes.
Krakow, Poland
Krakow, Poland
Only lagged yesterday got a few spikes but now it seems fine..
Dont know about the big fuzz about lagging.
Dont know about the big fuzz about lagging.
East coast USA here and doing fine, seeing pretty much the same pings as before. It's usually around 120 but averages around 500 because of occasional 5-20k lag spikes.
I'm guessing the datacenter move changed the traceroutes for people in certain locations such as the west coast and stumbled into a deadbeat ISP somewhere.
I'm guessing the datacenter move changed the traceroutes for people in certain locations such as the west coast and stumbled into a deadbeat ISP somewhere.
East coast USA here and doing fine, seeing pretty much the same pings as before. It's usually around 120 but averages around 500 because of occasional 5-20k lag spikes.
I'm guessing the datacenter move changed the traceroutes for people in certain locations such as the west coast and stumbled into a deadbeat ISP somewhere. |
I'll be dammed.
CakeTown, what you described in this post is the exact problem I had on that specific IP. |
I still trust Anet to fix the problems soon enough, though I'm not having any of these problems.
Deviant Angel
Holy crap! The green dot actually exists! I thought it was a myth... 
I live on the east coast and I rarely ever saw my ping drop below 350ms until today. Right now I'm seeing numbers as low as 70ms and averaging about 150ms. I saw a few 300s but it drops down to about 80ms pretty past. If those are my new lag spikes, awesome! The random 2500+ spikes I got in the past weren't fun at all.
As for those of you having issues since the move, it may not even be a problem on Anet's side. Your connection goes through several routers before reaching the final destination and they can go bad. Just one bad hop and you you can experience higher pings, lag spikes, and inability to connect at all.
The servers are in another location and your connection is taking a different path to reach them now. Take off your foil hats and give it a few days!
Maybe someone from Anet could post to let us know that the move is complete and everything is working as it should on their side? It may allow some people to remove their foil hats and stop screaming about the falling sky. Then again, those are usually the people that assume every word from CR is 100% bull. Oh well... worth a try!

I live on the east coast and I rarely ever saw my ping drop below 350ms until today. Right now I'm seeing numbers as low as 70ms and averaging about 150ms. I saw a few 300s but it drops down to about 80ms pretty past. If those are my new lag spikes, awesome! The random 2500+ spikes I got in the past weren't fun at all.
As for those of you having issues since the move, it may not even be a problem on Anet's side. Your connection goes through several routers before reaching the final destination and they can go bad. Just one bad hop and you you can experience higher pings, lag spikes, and inability to connect at all.
The servers are in another location and your connection is taking a different path to reach them now. Take off your foil hats and give it a few days!
Maybe someone from Anet could post to let us know that the move is complete and everything is working as it should on their side? It may allow some people to remove their foil hats and stop screaming about the falling sky. Then again, those are usually the people that assume every word from CR is 100% bull. Oh well... worth a try!