They Moved the Server and it's Horrible
Code=15 is still popping up like mad for PvP.
WTB old server, or fast fix.
WTB old server, or fast fix.
Lady Violante
Guild Wars was playing fine before the august 12 build. Now I'm getting lag spikes, 3k pings, rubberbands, and disconnected once so far. Game is pretty much unplayable atm.
Karate Jesus
Was doing more or less OK until I got booted and perma-error-40 thereafter.
Miss Puddles
Repeated Code 13 in town, restarted GW and now code 72. GG
"Guild Wars was unable to complete the operation. Please try again in a few minutes" Code=072
It's been this way for about 30 minutes.
It's been this way for about 30 minutes.

Code 072, can't log in. Freaking out because I thought something happened to my account. Fk the new server
was fine until update a little bit ago....after that got kicked and can't get back on...007 error
I've had about 6 groups unsuccessful because of code=13. Although less often than code=15, still a pain in the ass.
Probably just ironing out bugs. I mean, they did just move the whole Guild Wars server yesterday.
I'm also getting this.
So I'm in the second to last level of a dungeon and when I went into the portal, I got "Reattempting connection to the server (Code = 13)." If I keep waiting, will it eventually work? Or is it hopeless and I have to redo the dungeon?
i got this error code to when i logged off gw cause of my text not showing up and unable to move districts. i kepted trying got in after like 15 tries. >> good job anet give us a update but mess with server at same time.
No hope.
Just happened with my SoOSC group. We waited for a long time. We all resigned after about 15 minutes. We couldn't even zone back to town :P
Just happened with my SoOSC group. We waited for a long time. We all resigned after about 15 minutes. We couldn't even zone back to town :P
Sirius Bsns
No money, no honey. This is the way of Buy-To-Play. Pay-to-play is a completely different story altogether, though... *cough-WoW!-cough-cough*
Same thing happened in Aion after servers were moved.
High-five, NCSoft.
High-five, NCSoft.
Siraena Vairidean
I only seem to be getting lag spikes in areas that most people are not hording around. For example: Sorrows Furnace. PvP has worked fine, just as usual for me. Ummm... that's about it atm.
my screen looks just like that sometimes...16-30k but damn.i live in brasil things here are so screwd up that i cant really blame anet.its probably my isp.
Silicon Based
Exactly the same thing a friend of mine and myself are experiencing, guess we know now that we got "hosed". We will be creating a website to inform people what they will do to you after you spend money on GW2.
Our organization believes we have a responsibility to inform the public of dirty corporate greed, and that is what we intend to do. Good luck all, sorry this happened to so many of us, we can only move forward. |
Gee, you sound indeed like a 'rebel leader', chill down this is a game not a dictatorship that should be tumbled. You and your 'organisation' might want to consider to use your talents elsewhere where it would really make a difference.
On topic, no problems whatsoever here (Europe), whether playing on US or Euro servers, I get usual low ping.
Finland here, everything seem be even better then used to tbh
Stop The Storm
Server was perfect before transition, now im getting lag spikes, error 7's every hr or so and it took me ages to log in.
I hope that they are still ironing out bugs, but judging by the public relations from the past 6 months, i doubt we'll get any official response on whats happening.
I genuinley wish they would just get their fingers out of their asses, get Guildwars 2 out and close these servers once and for all. Put it out of its misery ffsnake!
*edit* just read the other thread, hopefully they will be ironed out then asap
I hope that they are still ironing out bugs, but judging by the public relations from the past 6 months, i doubt we'll get any official response on whats happening.
I genuinley wish they would just get their fingers out of their asses, get Guildwars 2 out and close these servers once and for all. Put it out of its misery ffsnake!
*edit* just read the other thread, hopefully they will be ironed out then asap
I do admit that servers seems a bit more wobbly after the move. Was rubberbanding a lot last night in Kamadan. Before there was just some lag, not rubberbanding.
I wait 2010/08/13 update data donwload,but after 10min. the data can't finish download data(about 3k/s)
Please not using "cheap","poor" server ,OK (Where I can play GW,Not finish dowload data,Not play GW)

Please not using "cheap","poor" server ,OK (Where I can play GW,Not finish dowload data,Not play GW)

My advice to you is get educated before you post on subjects you know nothing about.
-some quotes and other stuff, which CakeTown already successfully refuted- -statement on how he's not going to reply, statement on ignorance, and to get back on topic- |
I don't care if you're responding or not, or even if you're reading this at all, but I'm going to set it straight for all the other forum users to see. Me calling BS on your attempts to fight Anet with a website, trying to make them look bad in public, is nothing but on-topic, since it's in direct response to your original post.
On the subject of the quotes. You are deriving a supposed promise from this, implying that ArenaNET owes you something, and are claiming they now somehow broke this promise. If this would be any well-founded, you would be sueing Anet for it, but you're not. The statement 'We're going to keep the servers live as long as anyone wants to play on them' doesn't hold any legal ground. Why? Because you accepted the EULA, and therefore agreed with the opposite:
Originally Posted by Guild Wars User Agreement
(a) NC Interactive reserves the right to interrupt the Service from time to time on a regularly scheduled basis or otherwise with or without prior notice in order to perform maintenance. You agree that NC Interactive will not be liable for any interruption of the Service, delay or failure to perform resulting from any causes whatsoever. (c) NC Interactive has the right at any time for any reason or no reason to change and/or eliminate any aspect(s) of the Service as it sees fit in its sole discretion. |
In short, Anet is not wrong for doing this, because they are allowed to, and because it makes sense from a business perspective.
Corporations are not dirty and evil, but are made of real people with jobs who work hard for their money |
90% of the people in IT sector are massively overpaid for the work they are doing... most don't have the mental capacity to work the problems out before they become problems and need 3x and much time that someone with "more" brains needs... so leeching and trolling in well paid spots...
Almost all of the problems can be avoided by the people with enough experience in the field who deserve the money and don't waste time...
Most misunderstandings and bad press can be avoided by honesty and lack of false advertising on the part of the marketing department...
I knew things will only get worse with time and that i cant influence my isp or anet's isp's... and have no problem with this as this is just a game... no1 is forcing me to play...
but i wouldn't start to play if anet told me that the game i bought will not be the game that im playing after all the updates and changes and network will be constantly scaled down until the experience is unbearable...
hiding behing the EULA is gay... and cowardly... so is not taking responsibility for your mistakes...
but he corporate world is greedy and cowardly...
so gg...
same thign will happen to gw2... so dont get your hopes up...
I'm curious how long some of the people who are raging have played GW.
I can see if you bought the game yesterday, and found survers were downgraded, making the game all but unplayable (provided that is actually true, and it's not just an adjustment period where bugs are getting worked out).
On the other hand, if someone has played for several years off of a one-time fee equivalent to an offline game that has a play life of a week to a month, it would seem like the player has gotten plenty of value, and would have a hard time complaining that the servers were eventually unavailable.
At any rate, I can't imagine that there are any plans to seriously downgrade GW1 before GW2, because it would hurt GW2. I'm one of the people who has come to GW1 because of GW2, and finding an unsupported, laggy game might undermine my enthusiasm for the upcoming release, and even cause me not to buy it.
Precisely because of the kind of accusations that some are throwing (they don't support this game, they won't support 2 either), it would be incredibly foolish if they don't make sure those accusations are groundless.
Go ahead and call me a naive noob. I've played some of the underbelly of the MMoRPG world, and this sure doesn't look like what I've experienced.
I can see if you bought the game yesterday, and found survers were downgraded, making the game all but unplayable (provided that is actually true, and it's not just an adjustment period where bugs are getting worked out).
On the other hand, if someone has played for several years off of a one-time fee equivalent to an offline game that has a play life of a week to a month, it would seem like the player has gotten plenty of value, and would have a hard time complaining that the servers were eventually unavailable.
At any rate, I can't imagine that there are any plans to seriously downgrade GW1 before GW2, because it would hurt GW2. I'm one of the people who has come to GW1 because of GW2, and finding an unsupported, laggy game might undermine my enthusiasm for the upcoming release, and even cause me not to buy it.
Precisely because of the kind of accusations that some are throwing (they don't support this game, they won't support 2 either), it would be incredibly foolish if they don't make sure those accusations are groundless.
Go ahead and call me a naive noob. I've played some of the underbelly of the MMoRPG world, and this sure doesn't look like what I've experienced.
I can tell you it is the server as I was logged into Perfect Worlds servers and had good fps and ping.It said smooth as well and had no lag.I got two dces last night in GW.It is not my internet.
Shinx the Reaper
Anet going to fix it. Plus Raging and grieving is always in the newer players
This company listens to people (sometimes) but they do get things fix. Idk why but every time a player start talking how much money they spent on a game and how something small like this set them off is funny to watch.
Plus idk how wasting your time making website cause of a small lag issue isn't worth it

Uh, did you do a traceroute (or if on windows, tracert) to see how your packets are being routed through the network. Just because you can reach one place on the Internet w/o much delay doesn't mean that that will hold for others. That's way to naive of point of view...the Internet is much more complex than that.
Wish Swiftdeath
Multiple 040's while trying to do HA quest, really irritating.
Funny, I was experiencing 15k spikes and 300 average ping in the weeks leading up to the server move, but now I'm running at or below 100 for the most part.
For all it matters, I'm based around the Boston, MA area.
For all it matters, I'm based around the Boston, MA area.
Wish Swiftdeath
Funny, I was experiencing 15k spikes and 300 average ping in the weeks leading up to the server move, but now I'm running at or below 100 for the most part.
For all it matters, I'm based around the Boston, MA area. |
Thadius Invictus
I played four hours last evening/night and had average ping time for me (betwixt 250 and 400ms) I only spiked once and it went to 34k.
I did however notice a couple puzzling things.
1) I was vanquishing Bukdek Byway and the gold helmet came up and called it vanquished and there were still more than 20 Jade Brotherhood wandering around.
2) The whole evening using Discordway sometimes Assassin's Promise would not recharge my skills and gain the energy indicated even though the foe died within the required time limit upon casting.
3) Occasionally I would try to use a skill and I would get the sound and message saying I hadn't enough energy even though my energy bar indicated I had enough.
I am sure the quirks will be worked out in due time.
I did however notice a couple puzzling things.
1) I was vanquishing Bukdek Byway and the gold helmet came up and called it vanquished and there were still more than 20 Jade Brotherhood wandering around.
2) The whole evening using Discordway sometimes Assassin's Promise would not recharge my skills and gain the energy indicated even though the foe died within the required time limit upon casting.
3) Occasionally I would try to use a skill and I would get the sound and message saying I hadn't enough energy even though my energy bar indicated I had enough.
I am sure the quirks will be worked out in due time.
Jecht Scye
Lagging pretty bad in Guildwars at the moment. Just ran a speedtest, no problems on my end.
Lag was fixed today. Everything was fine.
Everything fine here. No problems.
I only had a ping problem once, 2 days after the server change I tried doing a few quests in Sorrow's Furnace and disconnected a bunch of times, and this was the only area that gave me this trouble. My ping rate actually improved a bit overall with the server move now giving me rates less than 100ms most of the time.
(Iowa City, Iowa)
(Iowa City, Iowa)
Did the last part of prophecies for my guardian title without any lag. And that while playing on US server because the european are just a bit empty.
Horrible ping spikes to 2-3k every few minutes.