Announcement: The Future of GuildWarsGuru
It can't get any worse than the current admins so I'm welcoming any change made <3.
Originally Posted by headlesshobbs

Did anyone seen what vbulliten did to boards who converted to the new format? Looks like we have the same fate to look forward to.
You're referring to VBulletin 4.0. With 176 critical errors right now, a necessary skin redesign and having to pay $$$ to upgrade to it regardless of your license, that's not going to be happening.
If it is the DoranM I know from the GG forums, he is good people.
Ka Tet
I think deleting as little as possible is always a good idea. Whether the notion of threads being shaped from above is real or unreal, the best way to combat that notion is to let the discussion stand as it is and allow people to draw their own conclusions.
I find it very encouraging that posts which aren't curse-friendly have not been deleted. Even if it's a flame or troll post, letting it ride is the best policy, because it's the best way to show that you have nothing to hide.
Just my two cents.
I find it very encouraging that posts which aren't curse-friendly have not been deleted. Even if it's a flame or troll post, letting it ride is the best policy, because it's the best way to show that you have nothing to hide.
Just my two cents.
My only comment, as long as I don't have to register again, and I don't have to spend money, I will continue to visit guru. That's all I have to say about that.
I'd just like to point out that Curse is well known for killing puppies, punching babies and sacrificing virgin goats in the name of corporate profits and I'll have no part in any of thi... wait, did you say beta keys?
The original WiK viral marketing thread got hidden away in the off topic section when it was clearly about GW1 content, and this thread is in Riverside? Uh huh, that makes sense...
The original WiK viral marketing thread got hidden away in the off topic section when it was clearly about GW1 content, and this thread is in Riverside? Uh huh, that makes sense...
bitchbar player
I miss GW2guru, what is taking so long plz?

It's most likely your ISP Arghore that is taking a while to propagate the DNS. For most it's just a few hours but it can take as long as 48 hours.
Lord Dagon
well nothing has really changed at all *knocks on wood* so it seems ok. this change may now be so bad

I must say that I'm skeptical. But, then again, I'm skeptical of everything.... I guess I'll give curse a chance, despite their reputation. (Of course, that's easy for me to say when Guru doesn't have my credit card number and all of the personal data I've provided is either fake or irrelevant.)
Originally Posted by tha walkin dude

I find it very encouraging that posts which aren't curse-friendly have not been deleted. Even if it's a flame or troll post, letting it ride is the best policy, because it's the best way to show that you have nothing to hide.
*has had posts that could easily be considered anti-curse (if the person who deleted them actually read them) deleted*
Saxxon Askanius
GW² isn't released, but the sharks are circling yet. 
But hey, for the life of GW I will enjoy the fantastic, imperialistic performance.

But hey, for the life of GW I will enjoy the fantastic, imperialistic performance.

Ka Tet
I like Curse. They got a few months ago and it's been nice.
Originally Posted by End

Quote: Originally Posted by End yeah...noticed it...didnt wanna say anything...cause it goes against inde being a asian guy.... Quote: Originally Posted by End I could have been rich...but I stopped whoring myself.... Quote: Originally Posted by Kattar Because if we do we'll be accused of hating kittens.
Quote: Originally Posted by End if the boot fits.
Originally Posted by End