Announcement: The Future of GuildWarsGuru



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2009

The Netherlands

Not going to keep up with that anymore


It can't get any worse than the current admins so I'm welcoming any change made <3.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

Untimely Demise [Err了] - SOHK

If it is the DoranM I know from the GG forums, he is good people.

Ka Tet

Ka Tet

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

Pita Bread And Scud Missiles Ai[iiii]

I think deleting as little as possible is always a good idea. Whether the notion of threads being shaped from above is real or unreal, the best way to combat that notion is to let the discussion stand as it is and allow people to draw their own conclusions.
I find it very encouraging that posts which aren't curse-friendly have not been deleted. Even if it's a flame or troll post, letting it ride is the best policy, because it's the best way to show that you have nothing to hide.
Just my two cents.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2006

In my own little world, looking at yours

Only Us[NotU]


My only comment, as long as I don't have to register again, and I don't have to spend money, I will continue to visit guru. That's all I have to say about that.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2008

Australia, what you want my home address?



I'd just like to point out that Curse is well known for killing puppies, punching babies and sacrificing virgin goats in the name of corporate profits and I'll have no part in any of thi... wait, did you say beta keys?

The original WiK viral marketing thread got hidden away in the off topic section when it was clearly about GW1 content, and this thread is in Riverside? Uh huh, that makes sense...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2009

Tyria, Catacomb dweller..


I miss GW2guru, what is taking so long plz?


Site Contributor

Join Date: Dec 2004

It's most likely your ISP Arghore that is taking a while to propagate the DNS. For most it's just a few hours but it can take as long as 48 hours.

Lord Dagon

Lord Dagon

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2009

Inside the Oblivion Gate

The Imperial Guards of Istan[TIGE]


well nothing has really changed at all *knocks on wood* so it seems ok. this change may now be so bad


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

I must say that I'm skeptical. But, then again, I'm skeptical of everything.... I guess I'll give curse a chance, despite their reputation. (Of course, that's easy for me to say when Guru doesn't have my credit card number and all of the personal data I've provided is either fake or irrelevant.)

Saxxon Askanius

Saxxon Askanius

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2008

2,339 trades on Guru Auctions since 01/2008

wiki/Guild: Mundane_Fabulous_Knights

GW² isn't released, but the sharks are circling yet.
But hey, for the life of GW I will enjoy the fantastic, imperialistic performance.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

I like Curse. They got a few months ago and it's been nice.


Site Contributor

Join Date: Dec 2004

Originally Posted by End View Post
*has had posts that could easily be considered anti-curse (if the person who deleted them actually read them) deleted*
End, please, your posts were deleted for being off topic and just spam. I'll do one better and copy and paste your posts which were deleted, hardly "anti-curse".

Quote: Originally Posted by End yeah...noticed it...didnt wanna say anything...cause it goes against inde being a asian guy.... Quote: Originally Posted by End I could have been rich...but I stopped whoring myself.... Quote: Originally Posted by Kattar Because if we do we'll be accused of hating kittens.
Quote: Originally Posted by End if the boot fits.
Originally Posted by End

Originally Posted by End
lol...I always new you were an asian man...

is it you everyone except me has been getting phishy emails from?
Quote: The timing on this post was pretty convenient... Curse recently laid off all our administrators. I assume they'll be replacing them with their own...unless they want an admin-less wiki floating around their servers. Don't they know all the top contributors are loyal to the admins we know and love? The same people you just stabbed in the back? Bad move.

GG, Curse. Strangling a gaming community is a smart way to grow in popularity on the Internet. We'll just take our thriving gaming community to another site!

I love GWG and would really hate to see this site and its forums share the fate of STOwiki. It would be sad if Inde and the others were booted out into the cold, left to find a new site.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007



hi looks good u have my aproval

Originally Posted by End
if you zoom see this on the deck of the boat..


Site Contributor

Join Date: Dec 2004

Feel free to always send us a PM if you have questions or concerns, or can't find a post of your's. We'll discuss it freely, or even reverse it if we can come to a mutual decision.

Kumu Honua

Kumu Honua

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2008

Is this going to fix the "Security token" problem? Every time I try to mark the forums read it fails and throws that error (I submitted message about it but heard nothing)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Not that I'm all that loyal to the old mods, but it does seem very disconcerning to see these new mods. I like to stick to the devil(s) I already know.

Qing Guang

Qing Guang

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2008


Lucid Spirits [LIFE]


Hmmm. Well, I'm split on this.

On one hand, Curse has been my main source for WoW addons, and I've had good experiences with them.

On the other, I know that using Curse's auto-installer for said addons is like the #1 way to get one's account hacked aside from flat-out handing out one's account info, so I know Curse is not necessarily trustworthy.

Nonetheless, as obviously this will be a different use than obtaining files, I'm inclined to trust them for the moment. At this point, I'm mostly just glad this is being handled in a sane, open manner (memories from the GuildWiki sale keep popping up in contrast).




Join Date: Aug 2009

Well, that doesn't happen to be true. There was at point a malicious site on Google that looked like the Curse downloader but wasn't. That may be what that person was referring to.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inde and the gang: I sincerely hope you read all the fine print! It would be a shame to see our beloved GWG transform from a thriving community-driven project into a corporate mess whose faithful users will boycott it.

I like Curse. They got a few months ago and it's been nice.