Add a poll to see who wants Hero Battles back?
Fluffy Kittens
Every day more and more players are saying how they want to have Hero Battles back and how it was the only PvP area where you could show solo skills of the player. Also it was only place which you could go for a quick game or two when not much time to was just perfect place and almost everyone liked it and I'm sure that at least 90% of GW community (at least part of community who does PvP) would love to have it back.
My suggestion is add a poll when people are logging into GW where they could vote if they would want to have Hero Battles back or not. It doesn't require much coding to do that so shouldn't have any problems with it. Seriously Anet has nothing to lose by doing that.
Please, dont close this thread unless you have really good reason why wouldn't Anet do that.
Thank you.
My suggestion is add a poll when people are logging into GW where they could vote if they would want to have Hero Battles back or not. It doesn't require much coding to do that so shouldn't have any problems with it. Seriously Anet has nothing to lose by doing that.
Please, dont close this thread unless you have really good reason why wouldn't Anet do that.
Thank you.
Wish Swiftdeath
I actually prefer TA to HB and I think most players would prefer that too. However I'd be happy for HB to be brought back as well.
/signed - since there ain't a poll
/signed - since there ain't a poll
I would prefer TA coming back, rather than HB..
Why not? I could always use another stack of zkeys. How I loved you, RR.
Missing HB
/signed of course for all reasons i kept mentionning
Only format showing real skill of the player ( people who complain that they can't control heroes , etc are clearly people who didn't play HB a lot ), only format where you can go fast for a quick game ( not like in HA/GvG ) and where the win depends on yourself ( not like in RA ) + the fact there was tourneys .
However it would be a MUST to REMOVE ZQUEST linked to HB , and to make it fair for people who enjoyed TA , i would suggest to add that format in the poll you're suggesting.
Only format showing real skill of the player ( people who complain that they can't control heroes , etc are clearly people who didn't play HB a lot ), only format where you can go fast for a quick game ( not like in HA/GvG ) and where the win depends on yourself ( not like in RA ) + the fact there was tourneys .
However it would be a MUST to REMOVE ZQUEST linked to HB , and to make it fair for people who enjoyed TA , i would suggest to add that format in the poll you're suggesting.
Just get rid of the zquest as mentioned above.
I want more ways of getting reward points
Just get rid of the zquest as mentioned above.
I want more ways of getting reward points

own age myname
Even though Anet has stated many times they won't bring back HB
Even though Anet has stated many times they won't bring back HB

I enjoyed HB but don't bring back the z-quest so there are no RR day nubs
I enjoyed HB but don't bring back the z-quest so there are no RR day nubs
Shayne Hawke
Every day more and more players are saying how they want to have Hero Battles back and how it was the only PvP area where you could show solo skills of the player.
Also it was only place which you could go for a quick game or two when not much time to play |
Quote: was just perfect place and almost everyone liked it and I'm sure that at least 90% of GW community (at least part of community who does PvP) would love to have it back. |
My suggestion is add a poll when people are logging into GW where they could vote if they would want to have Hero Battles back or not. It doesn't require much coding to do that so shouldn't have any problems with it. Seriously Anet has nothing to lose by doing that. |
Please, dont close this thread unless you have really good reason why wouldn't Anet do that. |
ANet doesn't need to put forth any great argument as to why they should bring back Hero Battles. We've had that discussion a long time ago, and they came out and said, "No." If HB is about to come back, the people in support of the idea are the ones that need to be making some compelling argument for its return. Everything I've seen everyone say here about bringing it back is the same stuff that was spouted off back when the arena was shut down. ANet didn't make a move to bring it back then, so I doubt that the same story is going to convince them to do it now.
Also, I don't know if you've heard, but the Krewe is in the middle of a Dervish update right now, set to move on to a Paragon update when that's all taken care of, GvG adjustments, and other behind the scenes projects. Implementing HB isn't as simple as re-inserting the code. Codex Arena now holds the place where HB once inhabited, heroes have been removed and blocked off from all PvP areas, and it's not like balance in HB was sooOOOOooo perfect that it wouldn't require various skill and AI adjustments. There are things on their plate to be dealt with, and HB isn't likely to be one of them any time soon. TA has a better chance, though still slim, in case you're wondering.
Most of the people who want HB back are the ones who were abusing it. So my opinion is don't waste the resources. There are more important things on which to work. Remember we only have a small Live Team and most of the GW players would prefer new content to bad PvP.
The 1v1 was sorta fun, but the uber-meta hero builds and poor objectives completely killed it. It just wasn't fun at the end. For the most part, you knew how to counter a build or you didn't, and the game was over mostly before it began.
I had some fun with it too, but no thanks.
I had some fun with it too, but no thanks.
I want to try a six player RA just to see if it would work.
Sarevok Thordin
lol Red Resigns 
That's all I need to say.
That's all I need to say.
I think the argument should be more about how broken Codex is and less about bringing back HB. I agree with just about everything Shayne stated.
dont bring it back. i rather had new content then this. thought it would be nice to have cheap zkeys again i rather not deal with the lag those rr days produced.
dont bring it back. i rather had new content then this. thought it would be nice to have cheap zkeys again i rather not deal with the lag those rr days produced.
what is Red resign, heard of it many times but never got an explanation.
Shayne Hawke
what is Red resign, heard of it many times but never got an explanation.
It's an easy way to farm title points and the Z-quest, and while not exactly the reason the arena was removed, it could have acted like a nail in the coffin.
It's amusing how quickly people forget all of the negatives, and how little they actually cared for it at the time.
Nostalgia, it's a powerful thing.
Nostalgia, it's a powerful thing.
My suggestion is add a poll when people are logging into GW where they could vote if they would want to have Hero Battles back or not. It doesn't require much coding to do that so shouldn't have any problems with it. Seriously Anet has nothing to lose by doing that.
HB is >NEVER< comming back! Get over it!
why cant the admin just make threads with "HB"unable to be created.
/notsigned, for the 12chars'd time.
HB is >NEVER< comming back! Get over it!
why cant the admin just make threads with "HB"unable to be created.
/notsigned, for the 12chars'd time.
Missing HB
Also, I don't know if you've heard, but the Krewe is in the middle of a Dervish update right now, set to move on to a Paragon update when that's all taken care of, GvG adjustments, and other behind the scenes projects. Implementing HB isn't as simple as re-inserting the code. Codex Arena now holds the place where HB once inhabited, heroes have been removed and blocked off from all PvP areas, and it's not like balance in HB was sooOOOOooo perfect that it wouldn't require various skill and AI adjustments. There are things on their plate to be dealt with, and HB isn't likely to be one of them any time soon. TA has a better chance, though still slim, in case you're wondering.
Aswell , you talk about game abuse which i recognize happened in some fights , but seriously , isnt farming hero title on dead hour on 1v1 , where blue team wins most of time , game abuse? isnt syncing RA game abuse?
Last point : that dervish update , will it change things in HA/GvG? i mean , will i be able to find players there at any hour thanks to it ?
Shayne Hawke
Ok , but then i would like to know if , after 1 year , you believe codex arena is better than Hero battles ( or even better than TA ). Looking at the numbers of players on it , i don't think so.
Aswell , you talk about game abuse which i recognize happened in some fights , but seriously , isnt farming hero title on dead hour on 1v1 , where blue team wins most of time , game abuse? isnt syncing RA game abuse? |
Last point : that dervish update , will it change things in HA/GvG? i mean , will i be able to find players there at any hour thanks to it ? |
Missing HB
Dead hours is just the nature of the game. That's not really any player's fault. |
Thus, due to the inactivity in those formats , and the inability to find an opponent , or to even play at some hours ( especially GvG) , thats why people are asking for HB. At least , you will be able to find an opponent very fast , and you will be able to win ON YOUR OWN ( you mentionned RA , but we've discussed about it , no monk problems , 5 consec win needed ,leaves , etc.. )
To give you some examples of awesome waitings : in HA : waiting half an hour to form team ( ending taking blahks ..) to get an opponent 30mn after... ; you win any map at x.13 , you can be sure you wait until x.24 ; when you finally won hall , 3 consecutive 12.00 timers ;in GvG : trying to find an opponent at 10 am gmt , not having found it at 12... . If you consider leavings , dcs , etc... , thats not really fun.
That's why having some faster format ( like HB used to be ) would be much better for dead hours ....
Mia Clemons
Oh sure, lets bring Ursan and Shadow Form back, and while were at it, lets just remove Dhumm from UW and have Z-chest drop mini Polar Bears...
/notsigned for obvious reasons
/notsigned for obvious reasons
Karate Jesus
I miss HB too, but it isn't coming back. They're dedicated that that shithole of an arena that they added (Codex).
They'd rather fix Codex than bring back HB.
But, I'll /sign anyway.
They'd rather fix Codex than bring back HB.
But, I'll /sign anyway.
darcy sum'd it all up very well

Most of the people who want HB back are the ones who were abusing it. So my opinion is don't waste the resources. There are more important things on which to work. Remember we only have a small Live Team and most of the GW players would prefer new content to bad PvP. |
Lord Dagon
/signed. I want RR day back.. i want mah zkeys
Same old crap. People talking as if they know how HB worked, even though they didn't bother with it at all. It had flaws, yes, but CA is just terrible compared to HB. Many of you guys NEVER read the HB Sub-forum. I can tell just by reading your responses. The people there were constantly brainstorming ideas on how to improve HB. What can be done to solve the issues, and they were all really good. The ideas that came from the HB community (the true community, not the RR abusers) would have definitely improved HB. Anet thought they were band-aids, but they weren't. The topics on the sub-forum changed from "how to help HB" to "how to exploit it" only AFTER Anet announced HB's removal. And even then, there was a brilliant thread by Massacre that would have saved HB, but I'm sure none of you guys read it.
How about a poll where people choose between HB AND TA or CA. HB and TA can't be chosen separately since they both met the same fate. I think it's obvious which option would win.
I hate RA. I shouldn't be forced to play it when I have only a short amount of time left.
All your feelings for HB are YOUR opinion, not everyone's. Understand the fact that many other people enjoyed HB for what it was.
How about a poll where people choose between HB AND TA or CA. HB and TA can't be chosen separately since they both met the same fate. I think it's obvious which option would win.
All your feelings for HB are YOUR opinion, not everyone's. Understand the fact that many other people enjoyed HB for what it was.
I would much rather see Anet making some improvements to Codex and HA.
I would much rather see Anet making some improvements to Codex and HA.
Stoneys Rock
I'd like to see it back, I enjoyed it. Shame the heros were not the cleverest bunch. If you gave for example Tahlkora a spear and any monk spec, all of sudden the other teams mesmer keeps trying to cast ineptiude on her. It's amusing.
Anyway why can't they just stop resigning giving points/faction? No one says it has to give tournament points or title rank. Why can't it just be a minigame?
Anyway why can't they just stop resigning giving points/faction? No one says it has to give tournament points or title rank. Why can't it just be a minigame?
Pony Slaystation
1. ANet has stated several times that they have no intentions of ever brining back HB. There is no need for these threads of people trying to get it back.
2. /roll doesn't take that much skill. There was too much corruption in the player base. There is no point in putting this back into the game if people are going to continue finding easy ways to get Balthazar faction and title points.
3. There are other things that the Live Team should be focusing on before even considering bringing back Hero Battles. There are skills that still need major reworks, and people are still waiting on Guild Wars Beyond updates (They kinda left us hanging with the missing Thackery dialogue). Keep in mind that putting Hero Battles back into place would require more time used for reworking skills simply to balance Hero Battles.
1. ANet has stated several times that they have no intentions of ever brining back HB. There is no need for these threads of people trying to get it back.
2. /roll doesn't take that much skill. There was too much corruption in the player base. There is no point in putting this back into the game if people are going to continue finding easy ways to get Balthazar faction and title points.
3. There are other things that the Live Team should be focusing on before even considering bringing back Hero Battles. There are skills that still need major reworks, and people are still waiting on Guild Wars Beyond updates (They kinda left us hanging with the missing Thackery dialogue). Keep in mind that putting Hero Battles back into place would require more time used for reworking skills simply to balance Hero Battles.
Red Resigns people were referred to RRetards by me and my friends. I loved that day too. I did used to screenshot everyone who raged at me for not resigning being Red and by the end of the day I'd send a nice batch of SS to Anet with long description of how I was so offended by these people with poor attitudes. In a way I feel responsible for the fall of HB, along with others who did the same I did. Oh well... lol.
I would have preferred to have seen HB fixed rather than completely removed, there was plenty of valid suggestions as well when the removal was first announced but unfortunately they didn't matter.
HB had potential to be fun, and when it first came out it was fun until Red Resigns and the horrible meta kicked in.
If several changes are made to the format, then /signed. But I wouldn't like to see HB again as it was in its last days.
HB had potential to be fun, and when it first came out it was fun until Red Resigns and the horrible meta kicked in.
If several changes are made to the format, then /signed. But I wouldn't like to see HB again as it was in its last days.
Lord Dagon
/signed if they remove the Zquest linked to HB AND bring back TA too!!
Howabout Unrated HB only? Those of us who played it for fun can still enjoy it, and those 'RRetards' will have nothing to abuse. Since there would be no rank/rating advancement you won't see so many lame capway or other superdefensive teams that made ladder play suck so much in the first place. And if you do come across them you can just leave without penalty.
The code is already there, and while it may not be such a simple matter of re-implementing it, I doubt it's anywhere near the amount of work and time compared to Anet's other projects (balancing dervs/gons, new pve content).
The code is already there, and while it may not be such a simple matter of re-implementing it, I doubt it's anywhere near the amount of work and time compared to Anet's other projects (balancing dervs/gons, new pve content).