Update - Thursday, September 9, 2010 Automated Tournaments
Bug Fixes
Game Update - 9/9/10
Karate Jesus
Crystal Of Winter
A whole month for that?
Polgara Val
I have to say that is really rather amusing
To there credit though they have been a tad busy with those little GW2 demos.

wow. this sucks. if it took them a "month" do just this i hate to see how long it takes to actually do something for the game. like say halloween? xD
Useless update is useless. Thanks for deleting battles from observe, now I'm bored. :/
Polgara Val
Hey, at least they fixed a bug IN ADDITION to the ENORMOUS change to the map rotation.
btw ... has the map rotation actually changed THIS time?
btw ... has the map rotation actually changed THIS time?
I was even a bit happy and excited when I realized something had changed, thought I'd be able to go back to the game and test some new builds with my Dervish... Or maybe experience new content!
Then I saw the update notes.
Then I saw the update notes.
I've pretty much lost all hope, Guild Wars is one of my least favorite games to play now. Good community for the most part, good game but the downside is it all ends. Do they expect me to just farm my rear off and still enjoy the game!
Have fun...
Have fun...
Black Metal
while the Live Team does not help with GW2, they did help with the two conventions
and so the Anet did monthly maintenance QQ fest begins
Karate Jesus
Such a joke =\
I dont understand a nick of programming, but I cant see it being that difficult to modify a couple of skills. Sit down for a day and come up between the 2 or 3 people 40 changes. Make them, submit them to the test krewe, and see how it goes. I mean most of the coding is already in there for other skills, the only skill update I can think of that might have taken alot of extra time might have been RoJ for the awesome animation, or the buff to earthshaker (although that was just the giant stomp quiver added to that skill).
Bug Fixes * Fixed a bug that prevented Holy Wrath, when recast, from resetting the number of times attack damage can be dealt back to the source. |
*Opens Guild Wars*
"Ooh..loading bar!"
*Opens Wiki, clicks top right link*
*Closes Guild Wars*
"Ooh..loading bar!"
*Opens Wiki, clicks top right link*
*Closes Guild Wars*
Karate Jesus
*Opens Guild Wars*
"Ooh..loading bar!" *Opens Wiki, clicks top right link* *Sighs* *Closes Guild Wars* |
I guess familiarity breeds contempt or whatever the fcking cliche is. I'm just bored with GW's lack of "newness", but it was bound to happen eventually.
Deviant Angel
*Opens Guild Wars*
"Ooh..loading bar!" *Opens Wiki, clicks top right link* *Sighs* *Closes Guild Wars* |
Check wiki on Thursday evening.
Roll eyes.
Click X in corner and go back to what you were doing.
Ohhh... my sims are on fire again! That never gets old.

Lord Dagon
meh so disappointing.. i vote we get new gw team/test krewe people that acctually work on stuff not just go and buy the prostitues for the gW 2 team.
Karate Jesus
meh so disappointing.. i vote we get new gw team/test krewe people that acctually work on stuff not just go and buy the prostitues for the gW 2 team.
(Btw, for those less versed in picking up hints, this is sarcasm
Vlad S
Yo ok ppl have to relax.
There had been many discussions on when they will do the update and the truth of the matter is that it'll happen when it happens.
I'm excited to see the new dervish and possibly something more, but in the end no matter how much you complain or request for them to hurry up, it won't come any faster.
It'll be out when it's ready. Just continue on with your life and before you know it the update will be here.
There had been many discussions on when they will do the update and the truth of the matter is that it'll happen when it happens.
I'm excited to see the new dervish and possibly something more, but in the end no matter how much you complain or request for them to hurry up, it won't come any faster.
It'll be out when it's ready. Just continue on with your life and before you know it the update will be here.
Why can't they move a few people over to GW1 again? I mean just 4 people. 4 measly people would double the current GW1 team while reducing the group working on GW2 by a whopping 4%. I can understand having a lot more people working on GW2 than on maintaining GW1, but the current ratio of GW2 workers to GW1 workers is kind of rediculous. Maybe if they would give us a bigger GW1 team, we could go back to having actual updates each month.
Why can't they move a few people over to GW1 again? I mean just 4 people. 4 measly people would double the current GW1 team while reducing the group working on GW2 by a whopping 4%. I can understand having a lot more people working on GW2 than on maintaining GW1, but the current ratio of GW2 workers to GW1 workers is kind of rediculous. Maybe if they would give us a bigger GW1 team, we could go back to having actual updates each month.
Premium Unleaded
I thought they were looking to automate the AT map rotations like they did with the weekend events?
reaper with no name
They haven't even done the GvG changes they promised, have they? Considering they said the dervish update might be done at the same time, it's probable that they haven't even started on that yet (or at the very least, that we won't see it for 1-2 months after the GvG changes).
Originally Posted by Premium Unleaded
I thought they were looking to automate the AT map rotations like they did with the weekend events?
Only thing not automated is the bug fix.
Seriously. This has happened countless times in the past. Why does this thread even exist?
Sirius Bsns

Pretty much, m'kay...
Nightmare Of Death
Hopefully this time the Map Rotation changes
Yey one more useless update

Corporeal Ghost
I'm not 100% sure this is true. I think the mechanics are in place for a non-solvable format, or at very least a cyclical one, even with zero change from ANet. But they need to find the balance point first. PvE is pretty boned on this front without a continuous stream of content or randomized enemies (skills or party composition), though.
The good news, they actually did make the rotation work the first time this time.
Talk about lowered expectations.
Talk about lowered expectations.
It is automated afaik
Only thing not automated is the bug fix. Seriously. This has happened countless times in the past. Why does this thread even exist? |
i wish there was a little honesty though of a time frame so i could have something to look forward to. john said the HoM stuff was happening "VERY SOON"(his caps for emphasis, not mine) and that was almost a month ago lol.
Missing HB
What you people need to understand is that nothing was done for months ( for past 2 years ) so how could something happen now ?
In Pve many people complaining , but anyway ,there are enough uw sc/doasc farmer addicts that don't care at all , but care only on ectos . That's quite same for pvp : some people do ask to get heroes back , but anyway , there are some people that will still play HA ( bbway /wota way/ PD and stuff , how easy is it..), JQ/FA ( got my roj monk lets go ..).
Point is , the numbers of people complaining is too small compared to number of people who just don't care and play game on farming , thus that's why imo there won't be much content coming
In Pve many people complaining , but anyway ,there are enough uw sc/doasc farmer addicts that don't care at all , but care only on ectos . That's quite same for pvp : some people do ask to get heroes back , but anyway , there are some people that will still play HA ( bbway /wota way/ PD and stuff , how easy is it..), JQ/FA ( got my roj monk lets go ..).
Point is , the numbers of people complaining is too small compared to number of people who just don't care and play game on farming , thus that's why imo there won't be much content coming
Gill Halendt
Well, hopefully they're merging the Dervish and the supposedly next Paragon updates, otherwise I can't see the latter ever happening...