Now one thing I think everyone can agree on is that pvp players are not being recognized properly

Every single aspect of PvP is currently rewarded. If you master RA, you can display it. If you climb the ranks of heroism, you can show it off. If you were a hero-wrangling tactical master, you can enshrine it. If you proved yourself on the battlefields of guild versus guild, you can display it. If you fought the eternal war between the Luxons and Kurzicks, you can present both. If you threw a whole boatload of snowballs, that too. And all that faction you accumulate can be used for another monument, or finance the acquisition of almost every other item in the hall.
If this isn't enough, there's a simple reaons: that's all there is.
There isn't that much PvP content in this game. There are only six formats, plus a few cycling holiday events. Compare that to four campaign storylines, 65 missions, over 130 vanquishable zones, elite missions, dungeons, thousands of quests, hundreds of elite-toting bosses, three maps, eight reputation tracks, and pretty much everything from a story perspective that actually makes Tyria, well, Tyria.
Sorry to be rude, but in the context of the game as a whole, as well as the transition to the next generation, PvP just isn't that special.
It's all well and good to complain about not being given special treatment, but reexamine the monument for a second. We're talking about a system where you don't need Legendary Guardian or Legendary Vanquisher either, nor requires you to master every elite mission, or run every dungeon. Heck, there isn't even support for people who have completely every quest in the game, nor does it mandate that you must have slain the Lich to gain enough titles.
There's a simple reason for this: 50/50 does not represent mastering every single niche aspect of the game. It represents a diverse experience in many aspects, but never requires every single one be explored. You don't have to gain LDoA (thank Dwayna), nor gain Guardian, or complete the Hero monument, or get Kurzick if you prefer Luxon, or Luxon if you prefer Kurzick, or acquire every kind of tormented weapon, or construct every armor set in existence. It represents a reasonable amount of time spent exploring numerous aspects of a wildly diverse game.
Thus, there isn't much to the PvP aspect of the Hall, because there isn't much PvP content in Guild Wars. Period.
The only thing that can be said in regards to PvPers getting "properly rewarded" is this: it would be nice for PvP characters to have access to the hall, so that they can enshrine unlocked weaponry and armor there. In addition, the hall of valor's transformation which is linked to max title track progress could also use fame, whichever is higher.
You want more? Sorry, there isn't any more. PvP is a small aspect of the game in terms of pound-for-pound content, so it doesn't get much representation in the hall that allows the stories and accomplishments of Guild Wars 1 characters to carry across time to the next generation.