Originally Posted by Windf0rce
Why am I not surprised? Imagine you are a gaming company aiming to make money (of course).
95% of people like PvE (cooperative play).
5% of people like PvP (competitive play).
Which of these playerbases would be worth focusing on? The answer seems way too easy.
PvP is wanted by the minority. Being a minority sucks every area of life, just accept it and move on.
kind of off topic but...
Very interesting choice of words… cooperative & competitive
I presume that you mean:
Cooperative play = humans vs AI
Competitive play = humans vs humans
However, at its core, both GW PvE & PvP are actually all about cooperative play... To play PvP you need to cooperate with team members to kill other teams (coordination leads to a better chance of winning). To play PvE, you need to cooperate with team members to kill the AI (coordination leads to better chance of objective completion). Even if you’re the quintessential casual gamer (H/H solo or soon to be 7 heroes), your play style is actually cooperative with your H/H (although you may have to micro manage more heroes in the future – so be it). As an aside, with the 7 hero structure, you may even actually be inclined to play more solo (unfortunate IMHO, but a likely option for some - especially after GW2 release).
GW is SO RICH and diverse. Ask your self these questions: How many players do you know that have completed EVERY quest in all the games? How many players do you know that have acquired (not unlocked) ALL skills in all the games? How many players do you know that have actually tried EVERY skill in all the games (PvE &/or PvP) ON THEIR OWN BAR? There are simply so many options open to anyone that wants to play GW (although admittedly there are fewer PvP options than PvE options but that's tangential to the point). IMHO, the "fullness" in the game is one main reason why it's been SO successful - since many gamers measure gaming value in $/hr (ie: did I get my moneys worth?)
You can choose to experience it solo if you want to, or you can choose to experience it with other humans. Personally, I prefer gaming with other humans (PvE or PvP) so it doesn’t feel like “solitare”.