Originally Posted by Reverend Dr
The problem is the format. The format changes and balance issues drove away far more players than anything else.
I would love to fix the format, please tell us HA players how we can fix the format.
Dedicating dev time to changing the format in order to cater to the handful of people who still play HA is indeed one way to solve your problem, although I don't think any change that would actually help would be to your liking.
There's another way too.
If HA players first recourse is to run to anet, I don't think the problem will ever be resolved though. The mindset it takes to do that is not one that will ever bother to resolve their own issues, nor is it one that appeals very much to people who can resolve the issues for you. If some effort was made by the players, and it failed, then I can see anet looking at it, since the problem is clearly important enough to at least that small subsection of players for them to try to fix it.
You're basically running into the same wall that GvG is. You want to keep all the barriers to entry in place, but you want more players to enter. As someone else pointed out, no change to the format is bringing any serious number of people back, so you need PvE players in there if you want any players at all in there, like it or not.
Besides, you're really kidding yourself if you think people never quit. Their reasons for quitting might have been this change or that change to the format (which makes me wonder why you think changing the format would help in some way), but the reality is that if the format had stayed the same, other people would have just said 'ok this is stale now, I'm not really
that excited about my next emote'. People quit, you need new people to take their place, you keep shutting out the new people, then blame anet for the format dying. See a problem? Everytime someone has come into the thread and said something that would get
them playing HA, all the HA players chimed in with why it's a bad idea and will never happen. How serious are you about getting more players? They're right there asking to play. You're not going to automagically get a thousand r12s wanting to join in.
Completely beside the point, but I also think you're kidding yourself if you think any format change drove away more players than rank discrimination. I know back when I wanted to pug HA, it was all 'lf r3+'. I could have formed my own team, but tbh, I didn't care enough about it, that's why I was pugging in the first place. These days I literally wouldn't enter if you paid me, after having some exposure to the minds of HA players. The clash of fragile egos in this thread was particularly amusing, it's always the same, always has been.
'I'm higher ranked!'
'You got your rank with gimmick build X!'
The sheer number of people telling their version of the exact same story over the last four years should indicate to you just how many people have been driven away by rank discrimination. Remember the one percent rule. Holding onto the illusions that got you where you currently are, blaming anet, then asking them to fix your problems for you by changing the format yet again won't solve anything.
Honestly, pretend you put thousands of manhours into creating something for people to enjoy. Now pretend some of them deliberately exclude people who haven't already experienced it from doing so,
because they haven't experienced it. Say they do this in order to to make it easier for themselves to chase shiny pixels. What would your response be when they came asking you to get more people involved in it? I would outright laugh in their face. After my initial confusion, when I worked out they were serious, I wouldn't be able to help myself. On the other hand, if they had gone out of their way to show new people how awesome my work was, used their initiative and taken steps of their own to get more people involved, but still felt like there was a problem, my response would be completely the opposite, and I would be very receptive.
Keep in mind my entry into the discussion was 'asking for a ranked player is fair'. I don't blame anyone for not wanting to play with baddies. I'm just saying that it's the most obvious fix to your problem. Especially for players who don't pug at all.