No, most casual players like me did not purchase this game with making friend in a virtual world in mind.....

we are just casual players that double-click on GW icon and enjoy the fight in this game, after an hour , we close the game.
Sirius Bsns
what u meant was that we should make friend in this game and play with them as a team instead and progress together and earn fame together etc?
No, most casual players like me did not purchase this game with making friend in a virtual world in mind..... ![]() we are just casual players that double-click on GW icon and enjoy the fight in this game, after an hour , we close the game. |
Award fame for the map played, not consecutive wins (HoH win is worth 24 fame even if you skip there from UW, etc..)
Implement zkeys for every win. You will get hoards of pvers farming HA instead of sorrows furnance.
Sankt Hallvard
Apparently Tetris is the more suitable game option for you, and not Guild Wars. You seem the more arcade-oriented, or fast-n-easy fun gamer that likes everything fast and easy.
Missing HB
Sirius Bsns
Missing HB
Until this behavior is utterly discouraged to the utmost, HA will continue in Crisis. Hell, PvP and even PvE [to an extent; see: UW Stones], is in Crisis Mode right now, and I don't believe anything can be done about this. The only possible solution in mind is for GW2 to just hurry up and get here already because we're all fed up with the content and status of GW1, especially PvP in general!
TBH, rank-discrimination. Even recently with the current stream of NOPs inside matches and lack of players inside the outpost, I visited HA ID1, and take a wild guess as to what I read in local chat?
R#/#+++ LFG! Verily, I say unto you: blame yourselves. And I don't mean this as a flame of any sort, either. I'm being realistic, here. Until this behavior is utterly discouraged to the utmost, HA will continue in Crisis. Hell, PvP and even PvE [to an extent; see: UW Stones], is in Crisis Mode right now, and I don't believe anything can be done about this. The only possible solution in mind is for GW2 to just hurry up and get here already because we're all fed up with the content and status of GW1, especially PvP in general! |
Reverend Dr
Sirius Bsns, why are you constantly bringing up bs that has been debunked ages ago? I'm getting the idea you're just trolling.
Sirius Bsns
Pretty much my thoughts on the subject. It feels like people are whining because their friends from the golden age of Guild Wars (2 years ago) left but they've stuck around. "I want someone to play with." You've got three options. - Either bring back the old players (Which it won't happen, GW is dying fast, people are bored to death with what's left over. Those that ARE left over are the ones complaining about it being desolate.) - Bring in new players (It could happen, but like other's have said, rank discrimination is a turn off for newbies.) - Bring in PvE'ers by introducing new rewards (People don't want this to happen because they don't want ZKeys to drop in price + they don't want PvE'ers just playing for rewards.) Just my take. |
Essence Snow
Skye Marin
Think the best solution has two parts:
Improve Accessibility: Some ideas have already been mentioned: Add Team Templates where people can join up and fill a role. If they don't have the skills unlocked, that's okay, as long as they are following the template. Better training for all gametypes, full tutorials, AI battles, and a checklist reward (like a HoM statue) for passing the test. Beyond giving people the knowledge to win, do everything you can to reduce group forming time, down time between matches, and frustration all around. Random should not be an option; rather, someone wanting to play whatever should be able to find a place in a Team Template and run with it. Frequent skill changes, buffs to anti-spike skills (Complicate, Panic, etc...) and better class design (ie: changing up how Paragons work to prevent Zergway) would also help remove frustration. If there are more bodies playing, then half of those new players have a good chance of beating the other half. Some of those successes will permanently add new blood, which is good. Improve Rewards: I dislike the idea of free Z-keys every win, not because of devaluation, but because of the possibility of red-resign. Z-keys can be for every win past a certain point, and I'd be fine with that. Other rewards would be PvP-exclusive weapons, minis, consumables, summoning stones, hell... even armor and dyes. What if a PvE skill improved in strength with a little progression in PvP titles? Have a little fun with it. Make "held halls" one HoM achievement with some extra rewards on top. How about this one: a Rare Scroll that guarantees unique weapon drops for one player in your party for the next boss. Unfortunately, there likely is not enough man power on the live team or enough interest to implement these changes. HA could have been a lot different if these were added, say, instead of the 6v6 change, but what's done is done. I can live without it. |
Essence Snow
is that possible?
![]() any plans or idea to go about making that a reality? |
However, in HoH for each consecutive win you get more fame, so: 1 hold - 24 fame 2 holds - 28 fame 3 holds - 32 fame 4 holds - 36 fame 5+ holds - 40 fame |
Would defeat the whole purpose of eliminating consecutive wins...
and stacking more rewards that people can get in PvE or Buy from seasoned HA-ers not going to bring more people in. |
Missing HB
Terrible idea : considering inactivity , r7+ teams wouldn't win anything + consider useless full runs
All the ideas from 144-154: I dont want you to destroy HA just because you want that bambi, Thank you.
Rewarding Zkeys for everywin, zkeys will eventually be worth less than 1k which will mean its not worth farming for the begginners. I rather make every monster in UW drop ectos at 100% rate than for this shit to happen. Why? I rather kill pve than pvp. Oh wait you guys just want to destroy pvp, get what you want and go back to pve. Rewarding fame based on map, wow seriously?! so many ppl skip to HoH from UW, rewarding 24fame for that is just plain stupid. If everyone and their grandma has a tiger, there will be no point in getting it. A tiger will be the equivalent of a rank1 zrank if you were to implement it. Does any1 care about a zrank1?? And to the person suggesting making it harder for higher ranked players to get fame, you do realize that the higher ranked a person is, the more fame they need to reach to the next title correct? I'm just gonna leave it at this and hope u can figure out why your idea is bad. TL:dR: 144-154 are posted by PVErs who are only self interested. All they want is farming zkeys and getting a shiny emote and doesnt care for the well being of HA. |
All the ideas from 144-154: I dont want you to destroy HA just because you want that bambi, Thank you.
Rewarding Zkeys for everywin, zkeys will eventually be worth less than 1k which will mean its not worth farming for the begginners. I rather make every monster in UW drop ectos at 100% rate than for this shit to happen. Why? I rather kill pve than pvp. Oh wait you guys just want to destroy pvp, get what you want and go back to pve. Rewarding fame based on map, wow seriously?! so many ppl skip to HoH from UW, rewarding 24fame for that is just plain stupid. If everyone and their grandma has a tiger, there will be no point in getting it. A tiger will be the equivalent of a rank1 zrank if you were to implement it. Does any1 care about a zrank1?? And to the person suggesting making it harder for higher ranked players to get fame, you do realize that the higher ranked a person is, the more fame they need to reach to the next title correct? I'm just gonna leave it at this and hope u can figure out why your idea is bad. TL:dR: 144-154 are posted by PVErs who are only self interested. All they want is farming zkeys and getting a shiny emote and doesnt care for the well being of HA. |
THIS is the type of arrogance that makes PvP miserable.
Hate to break it to you, but PvP and PvE are both worthless if you want to get technical. Don't act like PvP is some sort of sacred institution that should only be played by worthy hardcore PvP'ers that base their gaming lives on gaining the same rewards that you uphold to be the most 1337 out there for the same sacred reasons that you do. Then I see people turning around and whining about not having anyone to play with because their old buddies left and no one else plays for the reasons they play. Several people have said it before: if you want more people to play with, those people can come from three places and three places only. Old Players - Your friends aren't coming back. Changing minuscule game mechanics isn't going to make the game more interesting. If you're sitting there thinking to yourself "Gah, it'd be great if the game was the way it was 2 years ago..." you're probably stuck believing that this can happen. Hitting your head against a brick wall will get you no further than the brick wall. New Players - Get rid of rank discrimination and play with new players. Zero problems with this, but people refuse to play with newbies because they don't want to take the time to teach. PvE'ers - Yes, most of them will probably only play if there's something in it for them that they want. They have different goals for the game than you do. Why do you care? You'll have people to play with that aren't newbies to the game, and they get what they want. Win-Win. If you consider them not good enough to play with you, then maybe your issue needs more than a game-fix. Now pick which place you want your future playmates to come from. Or here's an idea: Draw straws to pick four or five unlucky players that will teach newbies with low ranks so the rest of you can have your way without any hassle! No one is out to "destroy HA" for PvE gains. It's just silly to watch people running in circles after their tails when the answer is obviously right there in front of them, they just won't accept that they have to let go of the populated game that they used to play. PvP is suffering the same fate that PvE is right now (In other words, the entire game). Lack of players. It's pretty hard to get a group for anything these days. Stay with what friends you have left, or make new ones. There's no other fix for this other than changing how people think, and that's something that no one can do. My main advice: Play something else if it really bothers you that much. /leavethread |
TL:dR: 144-154 are posted by PVErs who are only self interested. All they want is farming zkeys and getting a shiny emote and doesnt care for the well being of HA. |
So basically you want to keep HA unavailable as it's possible. And you mistake our thinking - we aren't PvErs, we try to think like PvErs, which is a significant difference. In order to make this format alive again we essentialy need a wave of new players and where we can find them is the PvE.
I agree with you that so much reward can be broken and all these ideas like zkey/1k per win are dumb. Instead of it we need to implement something more complex, for example my hero token idea. Good players would be able to farm let's say 30-40 tokens per day, while new or not-so-good gamers maximum 10. It's quite ballanced I think and 5 tokens per key is not going to destroy the entire economy. Also I lost my interest in getting emotes months ago. I don't play for rank, I play for fun and definitelly want to see HA in better condition and much more alive. That's the point. |