Ok guys , just my two cents here...
Everything i will write in this post is in favor of the thread's initial purpose and only.
Last two years , i have bought a countless amount of unidentified bo+dragon+platinum staves.
Calculating roughly , i can say i've bought and id'ed like 1500 staves of these three skins in total.
From this amount , 15k have been bought from halcyon job farmers , and they were such staves in a 1:10 ratio
calculating really conservatively.
It may have been more than 1500(and yes , i have merched over 10k pairs of daggers) . I know , it's insane-and irrelevant , too , obviously.
In the meanwhile , I ran over 10k chests , but the droprate of these skins was so low , i won't even bother adding to the results.
Just for the history , only one decent staff from the chestruns was a 20/19 dragon(one of the 5 indicated below).
Judging by overall amount of staves i bought , most were bo's and then platinums and last were dragons . So ,
based on my own research ,
rarest to drop are dragons , then platinums , and then bo's.
I will include 20/19s in the results , too , as it's really rare to find matching attributes.
Just got a little over a dozen of all three skins in total....
In a total , i got
2 * 20/20 bo staves
1* 20/20 dragon staff
0* 20/20 platinum staves
no image , obviously...
Now , let's see the 20/19 results
6* 20/19 bo staves
6* 20/19 platinum staves
missing one from the pic here , a q9 20/19 death that i sold few days ago
6* 20/19 Dragon Staves
Missing a q13 spawn 20/19 restoration , couldn't find it atm.
And i'm not counting all the spawn-channeling , spawn-communing ,smite-prot etc "20/20"s , a lot of ppl consider them as 20/20s , but i don't. I got plenty of those , especially dragons , but i don't count them.
Only mix of attributes there is in the results is divine-heal or divine-prot for obvious reasons.
I only listed staves that i got by buying unids( equals droprate) and not 20/20staves of each skin i own , of course.
So , however large my experiment pool is , can it really give any answers?
There is a definite answer.
20/20 in any of these skins is really , really rare.
20/19 happens like 5-6 times more.
So , imo there's like a 1% chance one of these staves to be 20/19,
and possibly 0.2% chance to be 20/20.
When we are talking about such small odds , which are
reapplied everytime an identification takes place , we can't talk about numbers / rarity in 100% safety.
If one skin has 0.4% chance and another 0.3% , difference is almost insignificant.
Just my two cents and let's get back to the topic people.
Such a nice thread here , let's not mess it up.