Originally Posted by drkn
This. No news from ANet, no (semi-)official news from TK, so at least KJ shares his informations in more or less lawful way. Thumbs up. And if ANet/TK don't post prelims/headsups/whatnot, more leaks please.
Leaks aren't going to be shared - here or elsewhere. I know it's felt bad lately, with the almost complete lack of information about skill updates, but one of the purposes of this thread is to remind people that skills
will eventually be updated and the TK/Anet
are actually working on balance.
I know they've felt distant from the PvP community, and I know they've seemed to completely disregard those of us who don't care about costumes. However, there is a small part of the Live Team that still cares about PvP and/or the balance of the game, and they are actually trying to get stuff done.
Originally Posted by Mesmers Are Bad
lol. The Regina comment was purely for ironic value, as you seem to think it's your responsibility to disseminate information when the villainous community managers don't, I thought that was clear but I guess it wasn't. Regardless, I know that you're a smart person so I find it hard to believe that you fail to understand how disruptive and asinine it is to mention "rumors" that you have on good authority from people that may or may not have signed nda's.
If ANet wanted us to have information on the update they would've given us some. So again, thanks for PvXwiki and all the other stuff you do but please don't try to play CM, it's demoralizing enough without your meddling.
First of all, I don't seek information from anyone who has signed an NDA. It may have originated from someone who has, I honestly don't know, but I don't ask people to break the law.
Second of all, the CMs are not evil. From what I understand, being a CM is pretty difficult because you're completely dependent upon what the company/parent-company will allow you to say. They do the best they can, and share with us what they're allowed to.
And finally, I'm going to assume that you're just trolling from this point on. The last thing this thread has seemed is "demoralizing". People here have been polite, excited, frustrated, and had a larger range of reactions, but I've rarely seen anyone "demoralized".
I, for one, feel hopeful when I hear things like this. Anet is actually addressing balance issues in the game. For an older game, that's pretty awesome.