Since I'm not allowed to give an 'official critique' on Deviant I thought I'd give a not-so-official one here instead
Looking at your gallery you have tremendous determination, perseverance and dedication to your art, from the first few drawings and tests to the pieces of art we have the pleasure to receive now. It is truly inspiring to people (such as myself) who are only just starting out with the tablets having come from more traditional mediums.
I remember this character, or someone very similar, in one of your older works and I'm glad that you've decided to allow us to see a glimpse into what she could be. Is she a sorceress or seer? A powerful witch or voodoo priestess? Is she a princess, a dancer or the main attraction of a harem? Is she a survivor with the leopard as her spirit guide or is the leopard her companion. Is she a desert guardian or the keeper of the sands? She is womanly yet strong, exotic, almost animalistic with the stripes on her face but also likes comforts and finery. We just don't know (unless you tell us hehe) and I think that is what makes this piece a success. The colours reflect this, her surroundings are deep and rich and compliment her skin tone beautifully.
The attention to detail is staggering, I.e. all the cushions have a design, the glitter that flows down the silk/chiffon drapes, the clothes - well what clothes there are anyway
, the rich silky texture of the material behind her and even the fur on the leopard.
The couple little tibits I can see that you may or may not have noticed is concentrated to one area. One is the relationship of weight to subjects. For example her right arm (the one that she's leaning on) is leaning on the cushion(s). Now in real life that cushion would be a little crumpled if not 'squashed' by the weight of her body. Even if she's leaning on an object behind it with the cushion propped up against it, where her arm is coming across, the point of contact with the cushion would have been distorted a little.
The other tiny bit is the void of purple behind the same arm. I can't tell if it is the drapes from behind her back or her body is against another piece of material. If the latter then again there should be some distortions in the material where the weight of her comes in contact. I hope those make sense
All in all I think you've done an amazing job. Keep up the good work
Think I'll sssh now