Hinted Hero Update
They have already stated that the new hero won't be an Assassin or a Ranger, so no need to worry about those two professions.
dancing gnome
People are referring to the possibility of getting Miku as an assassin hero from Winds of Change. Stumme said there will be a hero reward for HotN and it won't be a ranger or an assassin. He didn't say anything about a hero from WoC (that includes whether or not there will be one).
People are referring to the possibility of getting Miku as an assassin hero from Winds of Change. Stumme said there will be a hero reward for HotN and it won't be a ranger or an assassin. He didn't say anything about a hero from WoC (that includes whether or not there will be one).
Originally Posted by John Stumme
Some things that I can tease: the upcoming Keiran/Gwen content will be doing more than just resolving their story – it will also help bridge us into the new content in Cantha that will be coming. Additionally, when it’s all said and done, players will be able to unlock a new Hero from the content – and it’s probably not what you expect.
I'm assuming that when he says "All said and done" he is including WoC as well since he is talking about that.
I believe Stumme sais somewhere on wiki that we will get a new hero during HotN, somewhere around the wedding. Can't find it atm, so I'm not able to quote if for you, but I think Dancing Gnome is correct. No prove though :3
"players will be able to unlock a new Hero from the content – and it’s probably not what you expect. "
Tom Swift
Well he also stated in another interview that the new hero would be someone we have worked with before and is facepalm obvious.
But, does that mean someone we've worked with in Factions (seeing as the new hero is part of the WoC), or someone we worked with in WiK?
But, does that mean someone we've worked with in Factions (seeing as the new hero is part of the WoC), or someone we worked with in WiK?
The hero Stumme has been talking about is for HotN. However there may also be hero rewards in WoC since Stumme also said
So WoC heroes are just (logical) supposition, but nothing specific has been mentioned of them.
By the time everything is all said and done relating to the return/wedding arc, people will have another Hero in their parties. |
We've added Heroes this way in the past, notably with M.O.X., and to a lesser extent, Zenmai and Olias got the same treatment, and it's something I'd like to carry forward with future content. |
The hero Stumme has been talking about is for HotN. However there may also be hero rewards in WoC since Stumme also said So WoC heroes are just (logical) supposition, but nothing specific has been mentioned of them. |
After all of the wedding content is completed, a new Hero will have joined the player’s party – and the rewards from the content along the way will doubtlessly help some players accomplish a bit more in their Hall of Monuments. |
So yes you were right, my mistake. Thought the new hero was being released after WoC.
Wrath of m0o
I always wanted 3 Paragon Hero's..especially this guy.
I'm still betting my money on ghostly togo like I predicted a long while ago, you will all bow to me when I'm right muhaha.
The wedding and the hero should come quickly now btw, only a few more weeks till it's next year and we also got Wintersday coming
The wedding and the hero should come quickly now btw, only a few more weeks till it's next year and we also got Wintersday coming
Wrath of m0o
Diamond of Ahdashim would be sexy..
Im really looking forward to the wedding. I doubt it will but im really hoping there is a cutscene instead of just standing around in a town. Think that will happen?
dancing gnome
Im really looking forward to the wedding. I doubt it will but im really hoping there is a cutscene instead of just standing around in a town. Think that will happen?
Hopefully that doesn't come at the cost of the dervish update being delayed until next year.
Yeah real sad though
. Would be quality to have a decent cutscene for such a nice event.

Part of the reason they don't cutscene it is there's no voice. Although it would be nice if only for the ability to skip something you've seen 10 times already.
If the hero is to be unexpected then it most certainly must be one from the Spanish White Mantle Inquisition.
come on people, isn't it obvious? Its Thackeray. You already have Gwen as a party member, they get married, and now you have to lug her husband around as well! How else are they going to be making babies?
To be quite honest, I'd rather they didn't do that when they're around me.
That's what I said, and I got called 12 years old. :/
Jade Zephyr
Am I the only one hoping for the new hero to be Santa?
ill only take santa as a hero if he dropped gifts for me each time we zoned. xD i for one hope for another mes or rt hero. but dont make it butt ugly like the rt in nahpu! xD
This is how. In GW2, we'll have to help Logan solve the mystery of an ancient record claiming Gwen died a virgin.

Zawk Tirson
Mad King Thorn. Everyday his profession changes. It's obvious, guys.
Umm, I assume you can't do these quests if you haven't finished War in Kryta. So you can't get the new hero then, either?
Umm, I assume you can't do these quests if you haven't finished War in Kryta. So you can't get the new hero then, either?
I think

Zawk Tirson
I thought Miku (from HotN) was the way that you got into the Winds of Change content. I also recall reading somewhere that the Ebon Falcons were going to be involved outside of Tyria.
A fundamental limitation of GW engine is that you cannot pull up information from a character not loaded into memory. That's a big part of the lack of auction house. When account-wide treasure hunter and wisdom were added, you had to log onto each of your characters for the account title to tally their stats and add together. Zaishen quests were originally concepted as account-wide, meaning you could only do a quest once on that account per day (and presumably with better rewards.) However they could not get the quest log to share info across the account like that. There are various account-wide datas in guild wars but the important point is that these all must be stored completely separate from character data, and character data itself by definition is not.
She may be in it - but that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to do the events in Tyria and the Far Shiverpeaks in order to go do the stuff in Cantha. Or to do the stuff in Elona that is most likely to come along sometime after the Winds of Change...
You will need to have completed WiK/HotN storyline to get the next hero. Which should be soon, around wintersday event. There is a possibility of a new hero for Cantha:WoC but I dont think it has been confirmed. The next hero will be someone related to the WiK/HotN storyline and not a Ranger or Assassin. Who or what may also be /facepalm obvious.
WiK/HotN and Cantha:WoC are seperate content. WiK/HotN is not required to start C:WoC content. However, your character will need to have completed Factions in order to begin C:WoC.
If you require sources, reread the thread.
WiK/HotN and Cantha:WoC are seperate content. WiK/HotN is not required to start C:WoC content. However, your character will need to have completed Factions in order to begin C:WoC.
If you require sources, reread the thread.
dancing gnome
I thought Miku (from HotN) was the way that you got into the Winds of Change content. I also recall reading somewhere that the Ebon Falcons were going to be involved outside of Tyria.
Miku does become friends with Keiran Thackery (the leader of the Ebon Falcons) and it's possible this will form some kind of alliance or bond which will them to Cantha to aid in whatever struggles Miku faces when she returns. She might even turn up for the wedding before that happens, we have to wait.
Good job to all the people who had guessed thackeray as a paragon hero.
Leaves the question though.... it was expected, so why say its something we dont expect....
Leaves the question though.... it was expected, so why say its something we dont expect....
dancing gnome
Good job to all the people who had guessed thackeray as a paragon hero.
Leaves the question though.... it was expected, so why say its something we dont expect.... |
We expected it to be him from the beginning (the obvious choice) but we were told it wasn't a ranger. This threw some people off of the trail.
Then we were told it was something we wouldn't expect (we expected Keiran as a ranger not to change professions into a paragon) and that it was still obvious.
By being told it was unexpected... it made us look outside to box and at things we wouldn't expect it to be (the famous ranger becoming a paragon). It wasn't expected until we were told it was unexpected (if that makes any sense to you).
Understood. Just got in from work so now i must go and grab him from the wedding. More runes to buy hehe